- Also Known As
- HoopWorld: Basket Brawl
- Number of Players
- 2
- Genre
- Release Date
- 19th Jul 2010, 1,000 points
- 13th Aug 2010, 1,000 points
- Tags
Fouled by the W-word
Streamline Studios' HoopWorld has been a long time coming. Originally announced as an Xbox Live Arcade title back in 2005 and looking like an odd Power Stone/sports hybrid, it's finally seen release on WiiWare in slightly scaled-back form as a 3-on-3 arcade basketball game. There's a hokey backstory to do with primal energy or...
Screenshots 10
HoopWorld News
Nintendo Download 24th February 2011 (Europe)
All is FLUX
The critically-acclaimed BIT.TRIP series reaches its sixth instalment today with CommanderVideo's final appearance: BIT.TRIP FLUX. Let's see what else is available this week. WiiWare: BIT.TRIP FLUX (Aksys Games, 800pts) – The conclusion to the BIT.TRIP saga, this takes its cues from series-starter BIT.TRIP BEAT with some brand new...
Nintendo Download 13th August (Europe)
Cowboys, card games, racing and more
As we already reported earlier this week, the Virtual Console is keeping up its streak of weeks with a new game a bit longer, with today's new retro release easily being the most interesting new title this week. All five of this week's games have already been released elsewhere, so you don't have to wait for any...
News Dress Up and Throw Down in These Hoopworld Clothes
Hoodies, t-shirts and sneakers for sale
Hoopworld has been shooting from downtown for a few weeks now, plenty long enough for fans of the game to have decided if they would or wouldn't spend $65 on some branded basketball shoes. If you're in the camp who would pay for them, today is your lucky day, as Virtual Toys and Streamline Studios have...
Nintendo Download 19th July 2010 (North America)
The kittenpocalypse begins!
Let's just not talk about the Virtual Console this week. Instead, let's talk about furry things, like legends and kitties and selling things to unsuspecting animals. WiiWare: AquaSpace (Nintendo, 600 Points) – This fish tank...thing hit Europe recently under the name Zenquaria: Virtual Aquarium. The most notable...
News Alley-Oop! Hoopworld Slams WiiWare's Backboard on 19th July
That's our basketball knowledge exhausted
Virtual Toys has been absent from the world of WiiWare for quite a while, but it's ready to return on Monday with Hoopworld, 1000 Point, 3-on-3 basketball game with tons of fighting. Promising plenty of arcade action, an online leaderboard, offline two-player modes and plenty of the sport's trademark...
About The Game
Long ago, a lost civilization called the Elders, who worshipped the magical power of Nature, built a network of sacred temples around the world. Millennia have since passed, and the temples now lie in ruins. But their energy still resonates from the land, attracting adventurers from distant lands.
Drawn by the unknown force, friends have begun to rebuild the ruins into ball courts, knowing only that they must relive the time-honored test of the spirit of the Elders: the game now known as basketball. HoopWorld is a three-on-three basketball game with an arcade twist. Unique characters and beautiful natural locations set the stage, while fighting and random power-ups keep the game fast and rough. Choose your favorite team and basketbrawl across the globe to become the undisputed world champions. Play on your own or with a friend and see if you can beat the leaders of the HoopWorld global ranking.
Comments 3
Yes, basketball. ESRB: "This is a 3-on-3 basketball game in which players control teams of aliens, robots, samba girls, punk rockers, or burly men in contests on the court. But unlike basketball on the hardcourts or even pick-up ball, this version of hoops allows players to punch, kick, shove, and stun each other at will. Characters react to damage by falling down, crying out, or swaying as "dizzy stars" float above their heads; sometimes lights and explosion sounds accompany the hits. Samba girl characters are depicted in low-cut tops that expose deep cleavage, most evident on the team-selection menus screens."
Its announced to winter 2009... late
North America's official release date is set for July 19, 2010.
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