
Also Known As
Exidia Zenki (Japanese Title)
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date


  • US 1st Feb 2010, 800 points
  • EU 29th Jan 2010, 800 points
  • JP 7th Apr 2010


  • Review Legends of Exidia (DSiWare)

    DSiWare's first RPG doesn't set the bar too high, but it's still quite enjoyable

    It's a bit odd that we haven't seen any DSiWare RPGs until now. You'd think that with the service's portable nature and the genre’s wealth of retail releases, it would be a perfect fit. Apparently developers think otherwise! Gameloft is known for their frequent...

Screenshots 10

Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot
Legends of Exidia Screenshot

Legends of Exidia News


  • First Impressions Legends of Exidia

    We get to grips with Gameloft's miniature epic

    Earlier this week Nintendo Life was cordially invited to Gameloft's London office for a hands-on of their latest adventure for DSiWare, Legends of Exidia, which has now been released in the European shop. Gameloft is developing something of a reputation as the most ambitious developers in the download...

About The Game

The peace of Exidia is being threatened. An army of demos, the Morgost, has risen again and they have invaded Olinor, the kingdom of the princess Sofia, guardian of the power of Spell.

The Morgost have already captured the Orb of Spell and Sofia suspects they are looking for the Orb of Sword. Their intention is the darkest one possible: the resurrection of the almighty Daraka.

The final hope for the world is to prevent the Morgost army from reaching the Orb of Sword, hidden in Minasdril.

Louis, listening only to his heart, decides to leave his villiage to help Sofia drive back this threat. But the path to victory will be long, and his mission will lead him across all of the lands of Exidia, infested by innumerable forms of evil.

From quest to quest and with every passing encounter, he'll get closer to discovering the source of this demonic plague.