
Topic: The PlayStation Fan Thread

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Mine would be something like:
1) Switch
2) Xbox 360
3) Xbox One
4) 3DS
5) Wii U
6) GCN
7) GBA
8) DS
9) Wii
10) GBC

Xbox One is a weird one, used to be a complete garbage heap but has grown into quite the impressive platform. Shame its 1st party output is so limited such that "big announcements" nowadays means "we bought some studios" or "here's new games for Xbox Game Pass" though.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@NEStalgia I'm not a Sony fanboy at all... I'm a video game fanboy which include everyone by essence.

I'm a big fan of arcade games too... MVS, PGM, CPS, Cave, Atomiswave etc...


Edited on by Cobalt



@Ralizah People talked about 3DS og shoulder buttons. Mine never actually had a problem, fortunately. Dreary battery life, but no button issues.

Neat thing about Switch durability is the way the machine drops, it sacrifices the joycons first. The rails are powder coated steel, shockingly, not anodized aluminum (it's cheaper so it's not that shocking, but it's heavier.). So in a catastrophic impact you sacrifice the Joycon rail to save the Switch....that's perfect. The only drop mine's had, I lost a corner of the latch inside the joycon, so it doesn't firmly lock in place anymore, but no part even got scratched. I bought a replacement set of joycons, but honestly I've been using the original, it works and stays on well enough. (I had to replace them anyway thought due to stick drift.) Dualshocks are the only controllers I haven't had drift on, though that's because of the trash deadzones Sony uses so you don't notice drift. I see a lot of online complaints about drift on DS as well though.

OG NES is best NES. </truth>

Mario World, I still love it. The music is weird but lovably unique, the platforming was so tight, it just raised a lot of bars in what a platformer should be. Going back to it now after, say, DKC:TF, yeah, it's lacking. But there was no platformer even close to its caliber and production value at the time, and very very very few since. What made it timeless though was the hidden exits. Having to search around corners for hidden things simply hadn't been done in a platformer before and extended replay into hundreds of hours for some. It may have been forgettable if not for that. Plus Yoshi. Any game with Yoshi is the best game ever.

Though, I will say I'm in the minority camp that can't decide if SMB3 or SMW was the better one. I truly love OG SMB3 as well, in some ways, more, in some ways less. They're a tie to me.

You didn't miss much on PS3. It was just....awful. It had the better version of FFXIII vs 360..soo......yay? It had its anime games of course. R&C Future, Sly 4.....TLoU and Uncharted 1-3. LBP1&2. The rest was forgettable and anything third party ran like garbage. I started the gen with a PS3, proud to finally get in on PS after wanting it for FF and KH all those years I was on PC. It didn't take long of sub-20fps framerates for me to run screaming to a 360 for anything multiplat. Poor PS3 got so little use.

There was also that positively amazing exclusive of Haze, the "Halo killer". Anyone remember that one?

Fans and corporate will go on about how well it sold (eventually as a cheap BD player), and how in the end of the gen due to exclusives it caught up to or outsold 360, but to me it's Sony's N64. A machine that sold ok and has some fond memories to it overall, but ultimately, objectively was mediocre at best, derailed the momentum of PS, broke it's identity, and sent it on a sideways course well into future generations. PS3 is the reason PS4 isn't back compatible, why it scrimped on hardware at the gen start leading to the mid-gen refresh, and why Now was shoved down everyone's throats (and why we have so many full price re-releases of old games we maybe already bought.) PS5 could correct it, but I'm still unconvinced it will - the debacle proved people will pay again. PS4 is still great, and still on my top 10, but I think had it not been for all the little issues, much of them PS3 related, XBox wouldn't have surpassed it so handily on my list. Plus they were coasting on the WiiU and XBone's failure for too long, got lazy, and stopped trying to win hearts while Nintendo and MS licked their wounds and got back in the ring, so they didn't notice that their own cracks were starting to show more. I just hope they get out of "arrogant mode" before they turn PS5 into another PS3. Them going into radio silence for most of 2019 isn't reassuring.

@Grumblevolcano Yeah, your trajectory is the same as mine with that. XBone, XBox Done, etc. etc. were my running jokes. I was almost doubled over on the floor for the OG XBone reveal and the follow-up E3, it was every bad stereotype of the brand all on their own stage in 2 concise hours. And Yoshida was my hero with the disc skit. Around when Switch came out I was predicting in threads that MS was going to close down or sell off the XBox division and finally be done with the money sucker. Investors wanted it. Sadella was elected by the board in part because he was open to doing just that where Ballmer wasn't. It was a joke machine I'd never own and couldn't understand why anyone would buy one over a PS4. That soft brand relaunch starting with the S and the "Scorpio" announcement was a bigger relaunch than it appeared, more than just a new hardware, the whole platform was quietly relaunched.....I think Sony didn't see that coming any more than fans did. They seemed caught off guard, the leaks of PS4 Pro unnerved people, and suddenly MS was doing the same but with an almost new gen console....Pro came out with a wimper after that, and I don't think it was meant to. Somehow the X1 stealthily became this cool platform largely by recognizing all the cracks nobody talked about in the PS4 line and paving them over, and by, ironically, making it more PC like, after it pulled away from the Windows division. I'm convinced the Windows division was so "Windows Master Race" they were actively impeding XBox from competing with them.

I do wonder where Sony goes on the 5. They trapped themselves in "ours is just a PC too!" syndrome now. They need a gimmick. They don't have one yet. PS1 had the CD audio gimmick. PS2 had the DVD video gimmick. Games used that to be different. PS3 had the "it's a total home theater media center" gimmick. It didn't help gaming but it was a unique role for the new HT era. PS4.....has a map rectangle. And a flashlight. They raced to build a "mini gaming PC", and it worked because they had no competition, but now that MS is doing the "mini gaming PC" thing better, PS5 needs a unique feature/role to make it exciting again. They don't need it to make money, right now, but they need it to keep it exciting. Maybe they have a new media format to debut with it. Until PS4 PS was always the spearhead of new media formats. That was a point of excitement right there. It won't cut it trying to be another little PC just like XBox, and with MS buying tons of studios they may or may not be able to rest only on exclusives again. For now they control the market, but new generation means everything resets again.

Either way it goes I just hope it's not a lopsided market again. The first 4 years of single platform dominance + 3DS kinda sucked.



@Cobalt Definitely surprising! I think if you polled NL, most would vote that you're a PS fanboy that also oddly loves WiiU



Wow, only $320 for this used gem on Amazon:
Used - Acceptable
Item has major cosmetic damages but is still usable. Large cosmetic imperfection(s) on top, front or sides of item. Large cosmetic imperfection(s) on bottom or back of the item. Large cosmetic imperfection(s) on the corner of the item. Large cosmetic imperfection(s) on the interior of the item. Item will come in original packaging. Packaging will be damaged.

"Completely trashed Playstation subjected to large shocks, but still usable, SAVE 20% over MSRP!!"

Edited on by NEStalgia



@NEStalgia I would argue that SMB3 did almost everything better than SMW, and years before. The platforming is tighter (SMW feels very floaty to me), tons of power-ups, the difficulty curve is smooth, the sprites aren't strange and squashed looking, etc.

Funny how you like Yoshi in Mario games. He's not too bad in SMW, but Yoshi is the bane of my existence in pretty much every 3D Mario game he appears in. ESPECIALLY Super Mario Galaxy 2, where I found the pointer-heavy Yoshi levels to be practically unplayable. The levels in Sunshine where he shows up are also among the worst in the game.

Also, considering how often Sony practically gives away the PS4 during sales, I can't imagine why anyone would buy a used one. Although, in general, I can't imagine buying used modern gen hardware.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


@Ralizah They're both equal to me. SMW levels were vastly expanded, and SMB3 levels were at times crazy cheap. But they both are burned into my brain as wonderful. I don't think anything is wrong with "floaty" or "difficulty curve" or anything, and I definitely don't understand the "squashed sprites" thing. Powerups, to me, don't define a Mario game. You have mushrooms, feathers, Yoshis, flowers, and stars. What else do you need? If powerups defined great Mario, NSMB would be the best mario ever

Ok, I agree, SMG2 Yoshi caused me to have tantrums. I still to date haven't played Sunshine. I want to but I never have. I didn't have a GCN, bought GCN games for Wii, but never got Sunshine despite using real GCN controllers. I keep hoping for a remake but it never happens....

Why can't Sony give away a PS4 Pro right now? I'm still looking for a cost effective replacement for the beeping beeper! I'm too close to caving at full price....or going hard the other way and using it through the beeping and seeing how far it goes until it explodes.

I've bought 4 used PS's over the years....#4 is so far the only one that ever gave me any trouble, the beeping beeper. It's not as awful as it sounds.......but that one sounds disastrous. EVERYTHING IS DAMAGED but hey it still works......we'll let it go for 80% of full price.....just for you!



@NEStalgia 2D Mario doesn't require a TON of transformations, but it needs more than the fire flower from the original, some dinky cape that's hard to control, and... wasn't there something that made you inflate like a balloon? Ugh.

I'd say just nab a copy of Sunshine and play it on your Wii, if you still have one. It's a beautiful game (the water effects in that game were quite advanced for the time, if I recall correctly). It's also pretty strange, what with the tropical theme, voice acting (!), and whatnot, but that's all a part of its charm. I really got on well with the FLUDD, but there's also these lovely levels where it's stripped from you and you have to test your mettle against platforming challenges with nothing but gravity and your mastery of the mechanics to guide you. It's probably my second favorite of the 3D Mario games, after Galaxy, of course.

Sony has had sales on Pros a few times over the course of the year, if I'm not mistaken. You mostly play on your Xbox anyway, right? Might as well wait for a good sale rather than pay more for someone's second-hand goods.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


Found FFXV Royal Edition for £7 today. Absolute bargain. They'd better not release another retail edition...

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


@Ralizah the cape was basically just the new tail. But it allowed more flexibility in verticality. And yeah it had the inflation. But remember unlike the powerups in 3 there were tons of stage gimmicks that replaced the need for different powerups that were only used in 4 levels. Plus items, like the keys for keyholes, springboards, special types of blocks, puzzles with 1 way breakable blocks, and of course the dotted line exclamation blocks. It was very varied in level design rather than more stock levels but more powerups. But i do love that pure video game level design in 3, too.

I wonder how often they do go on sale and how low? Yeah most of the library is moved to x1 now, plus the switch stuff,, otoh kh3 is just a beeping month away!



@Dezzy I'd try it for that price. I believe they're done with the DLC, at least, didn't they cancel everything? You never know, but I hope this is it for FFXV.



I like World more. The more open level design and the addition of the spin jump really diversifies Mario's kit. Plus, reaching and maintaining top speed with Mario is a ton more natural than 3.

SMB3 is still fantastic, but World is my second favorite Mario game for a reason.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

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Switch Friend Code: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Code: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter:


Just paid for Shadow of the Colossus on the web based PS Store. Go to my PS4, downloads the 6.20 update. I tell it to install....and it crashed. Cant do anything. Threw up an error code.

Turns out my PS4, in a somewhat at this point unsurprising level of software incompetence, downloaded the update file...and then couldn't find it, so every time I turn the thing on, the OS knows it wants to update, but cant find the file it downloaded.

So safe mode, redownload, blah blah blah. Just another day in the life of my PS4.

Never mind. It installed, told me to restart, ERROR CODE!

Callou calley what a joyous day. Screw this console.

Edited on by Haruki_NLI

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

NLI Discord:



@Knuckles-Fajita And just like that you've acquired my console and computer luck!

Yours can join my beeping ps4 in the trash!



@NEStalgia said : "Definitely surprising! I think if you polled NL, most would vote that you're a PS fanboy that also oddly loves WiiU "

Apparently, people don't understand the difference between "present time" and "all time".
If we talk THIS generation, I personally think that the Wii U had the best librairy of exclusives.
Then Sony after 2 years/ 2.5 years started to put games and games and games on the table + a lot of quality 3rd party games came to complete the stuff...
At the same time, the Switch landed on store shelves and then, until today, I'm not satisfied of the offer AT ALL.

There are three key points that I can't forgive :

The dryness of the librairy in term of exclusive SWITCH titles, I'm sorry but Go Vaccation, Labo, 1 2 Switch, Star Allies, Snipperclips, Aces etc... are not at an acceptable level of quality.

The laziness of Nintendo to port Wii U games rather than making new exclusives. In the ENTIRE history of gaming, NEVER a new system had that flow of ports from the previous generation.

_Mariokart 8
_Lego City
_Rayman Legends
_Bayonetta 2
_Hyrule Warriors
_Donkey Kong CTF
_Fast Racing
_One Piece U R
_Captain Toad TT
_Resident Evil Revelations
_Warrior Orochi 3
_New Super Mario Bros U/Luigi U
And I even dont add the PS2/PS3/XBOX360/DS/3DS ports either...

The price of everyhing related to the Switch :

_Dock at 99.99€
_Ports of Wii U games at FULL PRICE
_Pokéball at 55€
_Online that you have to pay when the previous one was FREE and BETTER.

So yeah, I really have a problem with the actual policy because Nintendo is doing basically the antithesis of what they normally do...

As a symbol, Kimishima was placed at the head after Iwata's death, A "BANKSTER" to replace a developer...

Edited on by Cobalt



"The dryness of the librairy in term of exclusive SWITCH titles, I'm sorry but Go Vaccation, Labo, 1 2 Switch, Star Allies, Snipperclips, Aces etc... are not at an acceptable level of quality."

Excuse me, but i really LIKE GoVacation, 1-2-Switch and other games. 🤔
You measured every single games that NON 1080p Full Action games = Blah.
Those games are Acceptable for me in term of quality.

"Then Sony after 2 years/ 2.5 years started to put games and games and games on the table + a lot of quality 3rd party games came to complete the stuff..."

I'm sorry but i CANNOT get a LOT of Decent PS4 games for kids. I get only these from PS4 :
1. The Sims 4 (Also with Cat & Dog Bundle)
2. Portal Knights (Gold Throne Edition)
3. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix

The other 3rd party games for kids were just Blah or Also on Nintendo Switch (That's means = No buy the PS4 version).
You said there are a lot of quality 3rd party, i said "I don't think so. "
Nintendo Switch is about quality 3rd party / indies, NOT PS4.

Oh, later on year 2019, i will remove my 3 PS4 games due to availability on Nintendo Switch in physical release as well (World of Final Fantasy, FF X/X-2, FF XII the Zodiac Age).



Cobalt wrote:

I'm not satisfied of the offer AT ALL.

Remember this ladies and gentlemen. "I'm not satisfied".

Off topic,but i do wonder if 90 percent of you who have time to write these damn paragraphs even play games? Or better yet beat anything at all.

Edited on by MsJubilee

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm currently playing Watch Dogs 2 & Manhunt

Switch Friend Code: SW-5827-3728-4676 | 3DS Friend Code: 3738-0822-0742


So uh...why is this thread turning into a "PS4 library is better than Switch lol" thread?

Why do people even respond to Cobalt when clearly the dude just needs to get a reaction out of everyone with negativity. This is a PS4 fan thread so just keep it on-topic. I'm sure there are actual PS4 GAMES to talk about since it has such a VAST library, so why not talk about games?



@MsJubilee said "Remember this ladies and gentlemen. "I'm not satisfied"."

This is true... but when you quote me, please quote the beginning of the sentence too... ^^

"UNTIL TODAY, I'm not satisfied of the offer AT ALL."

Edited on by Cobalt



Varkster wrote:

I'm sure there are actual PS4 GAMES to talk about since it has such a VAST library, so why not talk about games?

Hey, that's what I've been trying to do for years..!

So... Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Anyone else playing it? I really like it so far. Quality CDPR writing and Gwent. The game is pretty difficult as well, especially those puzzle battles. I'm nearly done with the first map. I have to see if I can sync my PC Gwent account to my PS4, because I'd love to dive back in Gwent and I've gotten a fair share of cards during the beta. But I wonder if they're still eligible with the new update and all...


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