
Topic: Jazz Jackrabbit 2

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Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection is now free on PC via for the next 58 hours. I really enjoyed these games as a kid, and the download also includes the Secret Files and Holiday Hare episodes. The level editor, Jazz Creation Station, is also included.

You'll need to create an account to be eligible for the giveaway and the game is completely DRM free.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


@Silly_G I just got GOG to try this game out. Looks really fun.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Kermit1 : While the first game is arguably stronger, I think I've enjoyed Jazz 2 more overall, mainly thanks to local multiplayer support (as I used to play the game with my cousins while sharing a keyboard) and the level editor. It supports LAN and online multiplayer as well.

It's obviously been inspired by Sonic, but I feel like Jazz has done a much better job of the fast-paced 2D platformer concept, and it's virtually devoid of the cheap deaths that plague many (if not most) Sonic games, which I find most off-putting.

There was a third game in development (a 3D platformer) in the late 90s, intended for a 2000 release, but it was ultimately scrapped due to Jazz 2's underwhelming sales, which is such a shame as I felt that the IP had enormous potential.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Wow that takes me back. Totally forgot about that game.



Thanks for sharing, I was interested in giving these games a go when I saw they were released on GOG.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Silly_G I love finding out about games like this, not forgotten per say just not as well remembered as other games.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Kermit1 : Definitely underrated, and the first game especially had impressive production values.

I had already bought these games via GOG a little while ago, but a freebie like this is too good not to share, which reminds me that I should complete the original game sometime, as I don't think I had ever completed all 10 (!) or so episodes.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I played a fair bit of both 1 and 2 when I was younger. Multiplayer in 2 was a blast. I believe the last time I played Jazz was in 2013. I have a distinctive memory of playing the first game on my old Symbian phone even though it never got an official mobile port.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


Anyone grabbing this, have fun! I own it already as well as the first Jazz game. I love using GOG, being able to play classics I never experienced being a Mac kid. Recently played Monster Bash because of this. Jazz Jackrabbit is a great series, it's like Sonic meets a platform shooter, and it's fast paced and fun IMHO.

I've been using GOG for years and love it, especially since games don't have DRM. I've installed and played games without Internet, even without an ISP during the time I moved years ago. Just take a backup and install and play as if you bought it physically.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!

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