
Topic: (NA) Monster Hunter Tri online friends

Posts 61 to 80 of 4,036


Chrono+Cross wrote:

My ID is Grim. And Irken you need to get that thing ASAP.

EDIT: Also I'm on 2 star difficulty. I can't finish the fishing 1 star difficulty, quest yet. (It's so irritating!)

I'll be getting Wii Speak soon, probably this weekend or something. I haven't played much today, only beat the first actual quest (mushroom hunting? really?)


Haha trust me Irken that's fun! compared to the fishing bull crap. But as far as i am this game rocks! There's so much to it and don't worry in no time you'll be fighting some pretty cool monsters.

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


Chrono+Cross wrote:

Haha trust me Irken that's fun! compared to the fishing bull crap. But as far as i am this game rocks! There's so much to it and don't worry in no time you'll be fighting some pretty cool monsters.

That's good to know! I need to get some better looking armor too, my guy is pretty bare looking right now.


I'm still one star questing too. II have been focusing on weapon upgrades and trying out each style. Collecting stuff is addicting as hell.

I will probably get Wii SPeak this weekend too. I don't plan on going on-line until then anyway. I just really don't want to have to pay thirty bucks for it. : /

back to hunt

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


@Jayarr: Get that Endless ocean 2 game for 30$ with Wii Speak. I got mine at Best Buy.

@turtlelink: Why? Do you not have this yet?

Well... I'm tire So I probably wont play online tonight. I got as far as talking to some of the people at the dock and putting my lamp in my house. Hadn't played long.
I wish I could get a tattoo AND a beard in here.

Night all.

3ds fc: 1247-0003-1095
MK Fc: 2793- 3370-8506
Wii Fc: 7382-7314-0404-2194
Fiance Wendy's MK FC:(Same system) 4854-9224-0913
Uno FC: 1849-3080-8612
Overturn FC: 3266-3672-0977
Animal Crossing CF FC: 3094-5964-6068 Name: LTGamer, town: Wiitopia.

"NO SOU...


irken004 wrote:

Chrono+Cross wrote:

Haha trust me Irken that's fun! compared to the fishing bull crap. But as far as i am this game rocks! There's so much to it and don't worry in no time you'll be fighting some pretty cool monsters.

That's good to know! I need to get some better looking armor too, my guy is pretty bare looking right now.

If I recall correctly you'll be getting armor in less than an hour.
Oh and what weapon are you using? I'm using the Sword and Shield because the Iron Sword is too clunky for me to use and I get owned by the easiest enemies. Also if you want to know I'm going to try this baby out online tomorrow if you want to play.

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


Chrono+Cross wrote:

irken004 wrote:

Chrono+Cross wrote:

Haha trust me Irken that's fun! compared to the fishing bull crap. But as far as i am this game rocks! There's so much to it and don't worry in no time you'll be fighting some pretty cool monsters.

That's good to know! I need to get some better looking armor too, my guy is pretty bare looking right now.

If I recall correctly you'll be getting armor in less than an hour.
Oh and what weapon are you using? I'm using the Sword and Shield because the Iron Sword is too clunky for me to use and I get owned by the easiest enemies. Also if you want to know I'm going to try this baby out online tomorrow if you want to play.

Currently I have a Bone Sword, but I bought a medium bowgun that I'll be upgrading.
I probably won't be online untill Friday or Saturday, in an attempt to upgrade my weapons/armor


My only spare USB keyboard is the wired Playstation 2 keyboard. IRONY IMPENDING.

EDIT: Also, jealous much. Don't have it just yet.

Edited on by pixelbuffer




Meh. The wii speak does not appeal to me really. Besides, I`d rather save my money for SMG2.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, would you kindly?


Alright man, I'll be doing the same and I'll see you on!

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


Well, my ID is Joey (its my actual name, lol)...probably won't be online with it much yet though. No Wii Speak either, and have the thing, yeah...(I have a USB keyboard though, that DOES work in this game does it?)

Edited on by Joeynator3000

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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I`m not sure bell, I`ll add you though. Haven`t been able to play much. I`m on the mushroom quest and I can`t leave the village. How do I leave?

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, would you kindly?


I dunno, I think its one of the bridge things you go to...I think it was the left one.

Oh yeah, I missed reading it when I was going through it, but how do you cook raw meat?

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Bring out the BBQ spit. I never use it, though. I`m a vegan(herbs lol).

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, would you kindly?


Oh, so you take the spit out first...I took the meat out and it was placed on the ground and I couldn't pick it back up. XD

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Bell I sent you a friend request. My name is in the sig.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, would you kindly?


How do you check for friend requests and all that, also...I'm doing the fishing quest (that Goldenfish stuff) and only caught 1 and its been like...25 minutes. XD

I have this...bee snake (?) larva thing that says that it rives those crazy, but I dunno how to turn it into a lure....Help! XD

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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BellGoRiiing: You can make a really effective Goldenfish Bait by combining Snakebee Larva with a Firefly


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


....Crap, where do you find those then...because...erm...XD
I discarded the one that was given to me by that kid, forgot all about that. XD

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Keep it PG-13-ish.


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