
Topic: GoldenEye 007 (Wii) Match-ups

Posts 1 to 20 of 10,277


Post your friend codes and time zones here, agents.

Friend codes up to post #255, as compiled by grenworthshero:

Jon Wahlgren --------5012 4106 5700
Tech101 -----------------0772 3740 5185
Gameday ----------------3353 9872 7228
ballkirby1 ----------------1498 3680 3433
irken004 -----------------4575 7799 5777
SilverBlacktail ----------1178 1770 7871
Oregano -----------------5150 0048 9425
nescro --------------------5265 9403 2591
grenworthshero --------5265 9403 2591
composerzane ---------1903 1484 4201
Aviator ---------------------4468 2220 2883
gaminguy -----------------5144 3943 2409
RantingThespian -------2314 6759 9160
Tasuki ---------------------4578 4912 4599
CoffeeWithGames ------2043 7355 3797
ThomasBW84 -----------3067 0736 4651
2D ---------------------------3933 1198 0911
Wesus ---------------------3659 1451 2434
TheLastBaron -----------0091 0717 1871
Super Peach -------------0143 6545 0982
SUPERZELDAMAN ----0199 2875 8086

[Edited by JonWahlgren]


Nintendo Network ID: johnnypanda | Twitter:


Don't know my friend code yet. Will update when I get home tonight. I will add everyone here.

Time zone: east coast
Friend code: 0772-3740-5185
Edit: OK I've updated my code going to try this out please add me and once again ill add everyone I can starting now!

[Edited by Spoony_Tech]

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


Ok this is kinda a dumb question but I am not at home currently but where do you find your friend code? I have never played Online with the Wii before but I will now with GoldenEye.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


From the game's main menu:

Multiplayer > Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection > Party Invite

Party Invite is where you find your code, add a friend, see who of your friends are online, and invite people to games.


Nintendo Network ID: johnnypanda | Twitter:


Ok Thanks Jon. I will check it out tonight and post it sometime today or tomorrow. Sorry for such a dumb question again lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


kool game sucks when people have crappy connections but thats with any game. i havent written down my friend code yet but im on there as "Gameday" as well hope to see ya guys.

Stay Gaming My Friends ~
Nintendo Switch: 2899-5745-8667
Xbox - Gameday J
PSN - Gameday_J
3DS: Gameday
Steam: Gameday_J

3DS Friend Code: 0705-5371-1465 | Nintendo Network ID: Gameday_J | Twitter:


Eastern Time. I'll add every by tomarrow.

The Artist Formerly Known as ballkirby1
Nintendo Life Fantasy Football Team: The Propaniacs


Dang, this thread is sparse! I'll add my friend code in tonight

3DS Friend Code: 2277-7231-5687
Now Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf


I just got the game today, I'll add my code here once I go online.


I want this game sooooooo badly Darn you other games, 3DS, and lack of money!!!!!!!


US West Coast for me. I hope everyone is enjoying this as much as I am. Here's my code in case anyone wants to challenge me. >:3

1178 1770 7871

EDIT: Added everyone. See you all on the battlefield!

[Edited by SilverBaretta]

I'm pretty sure I think I'm funnier than I really am.
10 Years of Kingdom Hearts
3DS Friend Code: 0301-9785-9580
[url=]Watch me and my friends play games! Now with better visual qualit...


GG SilverBlacktail! Sorry I had to duck out after one round, bedtime crept up on me.


Nintendo Network ID: johnnypanda | Twitter:


Good game to you too, Jon! No problem about the one game, we are in different Time Zones after all!

I'm pretty sure I think I'm funnier than I really am.
10 Years of Kingdom Hearts
3DS Friend Code: 0301-9785-9580
[url=]Watch me and my friends play games! Now with better visual qualit...


Hey guys, got the game early!

FC: 5150-0048-9425
Time Zone: GMT

My connections seems to have been dodgy a bit today... but I might have just had bad luck. Reach and Trackmania have been working fine.

EDIT: I've added everyone(I think)...and my dodgy connection is probably because I'm playing with all American people because there was no matches when I tried regional before.

[Edited by Oregano]

Please sign the petition to get Nintendo to integrate Social Features directly in the Switch OS/Hardware:


Added Oregano to my list.

I'm pretty sure I think I'm funnier than I really am.
10 Years of Kingdom Hearts
3DS Friend Code: 0301-9785-9580
[url=]Watch me and my friends play games! Now with better visual qualit...


I'll be online in about an hour. I'll add everyone else to my list before I go into a match.


SBtail sorry about that, I was in a party with someone... I didn't mean to ignore ya. I had to come off now anyway but I'll be able to play tomorrow!

Please sign the petition to get Nintendo to integrate Social Features directly in the Switch OS/Hardware:


I added everyone here. My FC is up more on this thread.

[Edited by TheBaconator]

The Artist Formerly Known as ballkirby1
Nintendo Life Fantasy Football Team: The Propaniacs

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