
Topic: Switch Physical Boxed Games List & Release Dates (US & CA)

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tanookisuit wrote:

The list is missing Dragon Quest Builders 2 which was announced and as far as I know is a physical title.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it has been announced for the west yet. I hope so.



88 Heroes: 98 Heroes Edition 10/10 Amazon
Batman Enemy Within 10/31 Amazon
Lumo 10/31 Amazon
Batman: The Telltale Series 11/15 GameStop



Also add Superbeat Xonic (10/3), Portal Knights (3/27/18), Kirby(untitled, 2018)
amazon list the res evil collection with a 11/30 date at $40 too
...and it's Lost Sphear (not sphere) if someone copy/pastes that to search
...and was there ever proof there is a Namco Museum physical release to come?

My Personal Video Game / Accessory List


Well I know it is a tad bit early. But since September is a week-ish away, figured we'd have the physical releases down pat for that month. Sooooo, here's September Onibus of NA retail releases. Quite a few releasing in September!


Also, added bonus, tracked down a good-ish version of Gunvolt's boxart as well.


[Edited by Paraka]



@Paraka NBA 2k18 was delayed by the way, no new date has been announced yet.



@link3710 - I have been hearing mixed announcements about WHEN it is officially released and took the earliest rumor (Sept 29th) as a decider. Regardless, it will probably be in Oct so just pretend it's early to the party.



Up to date with all the current physical games and release dates. I even added the shovelware from UIG Entertainment to the list. I have one question: how do we feel about the NBA 2k18 Switch boxart and the large warning at the top? Mind you this is outdated because Kyrie moved to the Celtics, but this is the official boxart they released before the move.

I hate it


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


That box art looks awful with that box... It had no need to be that big or visually bland.

In other news my wallet is now dreading November 14th.



@link3710 Yeah man November 14th is stacked. So is October 23/24th. I really don't understand why they couldn't just put a sticker on the box? They really think Switch owners are kids/parents huh?


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


A sticker or putting that warning in the same size at the backside of the box would have been more than enough.

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


I created an account on this website for the sole reason of thanking you for creating this thread!!! I had a two week battle with some narrow-minded jerks over at Wikipedia who outright REFUSED the inclusion of any method for indicating which games have a physical release, and which ones are "download only".

This thread is my only means for tracking Switch cartridges, and I really appreciate your efforts in keeping this list accurate and up to date...




...ok - besides giving mad props for creating (and maintaining) this awesome thread, I also have a question.

Whatever happened to the physical release of Minecraft (NOT the "story mode") version, but the true Minecraft - Switch Version? It was on this list for awhile and I have resisted purchasing from eShop because I would much rather have the cartridge. Anybody know what the story is with this one? Was the physical release officially canceled???



@TalonMan I read that thread in the chat post-happening, it was a good show on your part. As for Minecraft, here's what (I think) is going on. The currently released version of the game, Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, will no longer be sold online in a few months. Instead, It'll be replaced by the similar game by the name of just Minecraft. That game will be cross-platform compatible. As it is technically a separate game (and a huge rewrite codewise supposedly), and not a patch on top of the existing game, they aren't going to release a physical version until after that is released. Whether they still will or not is unknown, but if they do, it won't be under the name Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, but just Minecraft.

tldr; Yes cause it'll be obsolete soon anyways, but a different version of Minecraft is still possibly in the works for a physical release.

EDIT: In other news: No gaming websites have covered this that I've seen but according to Amazon Snipperclips is getting a physical release! I'm glad I held off.

[Edited by link3710]



Any information about Earthlock: Festival of Magic Switch version in Physical retail ?
I heard the Japanese version will be released on Winter 2017...



@link3710 Thanks for the thanks. As for Minecraft, the recently announced New 3DS version is getting a physical release next year, and that one isn't even playable on OG 3DS/2DS. So I'm confident it will get a Switch release as well, it's just going to take a while.


Nintendo Network ID: McGruber


@strysio It has a physical version in Japan (Japanese box art, Japanese/English text in game), and a physical "Asia" version, (English box art, English text in game). The Asia version is a lot pricier than the Japan version.



Ok - so, anybody know what the deal is with Sine Mora EX? I've had the game pre-ordered for months from Amazon, it was supposed to release today, and now Amazon has it marked as "Temporary out of stock" and has sent me an email to tell me my shipment has been delayed... wtf??


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