
Topic: My switch wont even let me add my debit card

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Im trying to add my debit card to my switch and no matter what it wont work, not on adding purchases or just adding to my account. i tried the website and my debit card works fine on other things, it hasnt expired all that. Does anyone know what is wrong and no buying the game i want which is omori, physically is not an option as its too pricy for me.



@pikablu86 I think some cards, like debit cards, don't meet security protocol for Switch eshop, or weren't approved by nintendo. Ever since 2019 or 2020, nintendo had to make some big security upgrades. And commonly, I think I saw EU region people in here discovering that all of the sudden their debit card or some credit cards no longer were accepted on Switch's eshop. I think that is what you're running into.

A common workaround is using Paypal. I think you'll have to set up paypal on your nintendo account on nintendo's website. After that's set up, though, it's done. I've been using paypal for my Switch eshop as an extra level of security since 2018.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


well im from the us same as my card and the region on my switch is, i cant exactly use paypal either as its not my debit card, its my parents, and i dont know if they would want to attempt to go through the pain, i have my own job and id use my cashapp thing but rn i dont have enough money to buy the game i want



update: i convinced my parents to let me setup the pay pal thing, im gonna try now



@pikablu86 I'm in the US, too. Even though, I cited EU, it was a worldwide problem, and I think paypal may be your only solution, if you don't have another card you can use.

You could try calling your bank to see if it's a security clearance thing that needs approval. That may be a longshot and a pain in the butt. That's the only other thing I've seen people mention.

Nintendo support has a phone line and chat messenger, but it appears to be closed early for Thanksgiving.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


pikablu86 wrote:

update: i convinced my parents to let me setup the pay pal thing, im gonna try now

Ah, good luck!

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


so i ran into a new problem with it, i linked it and added all my info and it worked, upon trying to buy it though it just gave a new error with the code UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, from what it looked like, it was an issue with paypal but my parents said everything on this their end seems fine, i also confirmed my paypal account so i cant figure out the issue



is it possible nintendo isnt accepting anything being added because of thanksgiving? so the servers having any issues are just not being checked



okay so i actually realized my mistake, i never hit the button to send the paypal verification email and i just verified it, im gonna try now



@pikablu86 I mean, if it's your parents card, you can enter it into eshop directly, and then just delete their card info after the purchase. Before I setup paypal, I always deleted my card info from eshop after making a purchase.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Well that's the issue, I can't use just my card to buy it or rven add it and yes I do have enough money and it's a visa, I tried paypal but got the same error, what I think it is, is the servers being used a ton currently cause of the black Friday sale



@pikablu86 Rejection of certain cards has been so common in the past 2-3 years, and I think it's typically debit cards, not because people don't have the money, but because Switch security upgrade in 2020-ish seems to restrict or exclude certain card types. Oh yeah, other than paypal, another workaround is using eshop voucher/gift cards to make purchases. Granted eshop cards may not be ideal, since they can only be bought as $10, $20, $50, etc..

Anyway, glad something worked out for ya!👍

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


And we all wonder why all those smart people talk about Banking Online is secure and fast????? Makes you think doesn't it. Not talking about fraud or stolen cards but they said easier faster and safer??? Which part of this is better????


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