
Topic: How do you decide which game to buy/try and play?

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Trailers, Demos, reviews and metacritic. I find word of mouth the best as I find the players know more what their talking about than the game journalists reviewing them.



99% of the time I get a game, it's something that has caught my eye while browsing the eshop. I then check the screen shots and preview videos to see exactly what kind of game it is and how it plays. If it still looks good after that I take one last step and watch a youtube video of someone actually playing it for real (not just doing preview/review highlights) to see if it's something I can vibe with. If it passes that final check for me, I get it. If I have too many games at once that I want or am currently playing, it goes on the wishlist for me to pick up later.



I have a really complicated process for figuring out what games I pick up. The first thing I do is figure out which system would best fit. If it's a first-party game, it's obvious. For third-party games, I usually save platformers, Metroidvanias, retro-esque games, indy games, or legacy franchises for Nintendo platforms. The only way that I don't pick up some of them is if they aren't natively designed for Switch. Trek to Yomi and The Pathless look great, but I don't trust them to run well on Switch. I think action games, shooters, and very current stuff work best for Sony/Microsoft consoles. It depends on where it started. Anything that emerged in the 7th Console Generation tends to fit at home on Xbox, while stuff from the 8th is PlayStation. I also tend to get any sort of former first-party legacy franchises on their respective native platforms. Crash and Spyro on PlayStation always.

After that, I do look at reviews, and that determines when I'll purchase it. If it's great, I'll pick it up asap. If not, I do tend to wait, especially when it comes to packed months.

I'm also tending to buy older games lately. I have some gaps in my collection that I really want to fill, especially sooner rather than later. I've been buying a lot of digital games that aren't available physically on my PS4 lately so I can get that list down. And then I'm trying (keywork being trying) to save up for a PS5.

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



I can't really explain. Like I just have a gut feeling this particular game is gonna take a long time to beat, seeing as how I'm not a speedrunner like 99% of everyone else.

[Edited by rough-machine01]



Usually, Iā€™d Google searched, list of certain game systemā€™s genre, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of games based off that genre with a good rating. For example, ā€œlist of Nintendo DS RPGsā€, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of Nintendo DS RPGs that has a good rating.

Nintendo 3DSā€™s friend code:

Nintendo Switchā€™s friend code:


Whenever it comes to a game, unless Iā€™m that sure I will, enjoy it, like a platformer with a nice artstyle and such, those I know I will probably like regardless, but for everything else, I look into it, Iā€™m talking about reviews of every kind, Reddit forums game FAQ forums, gameplay, pro con reviews, whatever I can find (of course I do this without spoiling myself) because if Iā€™m going to get a game, I want to make sure I like it, and the few games I didnā€™t do this with, I didnā€™t really like to much.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outsideā€¦you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

Iā€™m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


FishyS wrote:

I occasionally buy full-price games day one I desperately want (e.g. Mario) or if they start super cheap, but mostly I wishlist. I have a long wishlist I am always adding to and I check sales on my wishlist regularly. Anytime there is a 30%+ sale (or if a game has gotten permanently cheaper), I decide whether to buy the game, wait for a better sale, or remove the game from my wishlist. How I add to the list:
1. Anything from Directs that looks good.

2. Anything NintendoLife reviews or highlights which looks good, including from best-of articles etc.

3. I check the on-Switch 'what's new' news article weekly which lists the 50 new games of the week. Since this is too long, I skim it. Any game which happens to catch my eye because of name/screen shot, I will go into the eShop and look at the included clips and description. If it still interests me I will see if NintendoLife ever mentioned it and look at metacritic which usually has no reviews. Then I will search random websites and YouTube for gameplay or user reviews, including steam versions. If I still find nothing I will wishlist it and search again later.

4. Periodically look at the list of new demos and try any which seem even slightly interesting.

5. If I see someone talking about a game in the comments or forums on NintendoLife and they give enough information about the game to interest me, I'll research it more.

6. There are a couple YouTube channels I watch which have hidden gems videos and such.

Note that I buy a zillion cheap and some non-cheap games and have 350 more games on my wishlist. šŸ˜ There are a lot of good games out there. Also my process sometimes fails and I just buy a cheap game with no reviews (or only a suspect steam review) and it turns out to be awful. I wish all games actually had reviews.

350 games on a wishlist? Does the Switch even handle it?

I develop the SwitchBuddy app.


LinkxPeach wrote:

Usually, Iā€™d Google searched, list of certain game systemā€™s genre, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of games based off that genre with a good rating. For example, ā€œlist of Nintendo DS RPGsā€, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of Nintendo DS RPGs that has a good rating.

So basically you first pick a genre and then try to find the best games from that genre?

I personally find genres to be quite limiting because for example RPGs can be hugely different from each other and such.

I develop the SwitchBuddy app.


HenryKibble wrote:

I can't really explain. Like I just have a gut feeling this particular game is gonna take a long time to beat, seeing as how I'm not a speedrunner like 99% of everyone else.

So your main criteria is how long is the game going to last?

I develop the SwitchBuddy app.


nemecek_f wrote:

LinkxPeach wrote:

Usually, Iā€™d Google searched, list of certain game systemā€™s genre, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of games based off that genre with a good rating. For example, ā€œlist of Nintendo DS RPGsā€, and go to Metacritic to check out a list of Nintendo DS RPGs that has a good rating.

So basically you first pick a genre and then try to find the best games from that genre?

I personally find genres to be quite limiting because for example RPGs can be hugely different from each other and such.

Yes, basically I looking for some good games to play based off that genre. Or, I used the Wikipediaā€™s game system list of games to add on my wishlist.

Nintendo 3DSā€™s friend code:

Nintendo Switchā€™s friend code:


nemecek_f wrote:

350 games on a wishlist? Does the Switch even handle it?

Yeah, I only scroll through it once a week since it is kinda laggy and non-sortable. The wishlist limit used to be 200 games but they increased it; not actually sure what the current limit is.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Since Iā€™m 40 and no longer have the patience nor time like I did in my teens and 20s, I just pretty much find games that are legendary or appeal to all my check boxes.



FishyS wrote:

nemecek_f wrote:

350 games on a wishlist? Does the Switch even handle it?

Yeah, I only scroll through it once a week since it is kinda laggy and non-sortable. The wishlist limit used to be 200 games but they increased it; not actually sure what the current limit is.

You can imagine the convo between Switch eShop devs...

"Most of the users have around 10 games on their wishlist but we need to raise the limit"

"Why? Isn't 200 more than enough?!"

"Well, there is this one user with 200 games in their wishlist šŸ¤·"

"Make it 2000 then!"

I develop the SwitchBuddy app.


0. Look at YouTube - that's your best friend to see gameplay peak interest.
1. Physical cart - Digital if no other choice.
2. On sales - unless a LE/CE/SE then buy preorder
3. Watch on YouTube to see gameplay for fun factor or replay value
4. ignore Trolls and ClickBaits bashing reviews
5. Brand Loyalty is overblown here-see Game QC and Replay value is long term
6. Get Physical for ReSale recoup.

[Edited by SwitchForce]



I look at the description, the price, and the art style

Let's go play Legally Distinct Pocket Creatures and drink uranium juice!
President of the Chit-Chat thread, as Eagly has unfortunately deleted his account :(

3DS Friend Code: 2252-0354-0887


My process for getting new games is:
1. Look into game: I look at some, but not all, of the game on YouTube to get a feel for what the game is like. (This sometimes backfires as some games I get interested in are short and they make me realize that I've seen all the game has to offer, why buy it?)
2. I look for availability: if it's an older game I'll probably have to buy it through Ebay and Run the risk of paying 90 bucks for the game I want (seriously though, TTYD copies on ebay will cost you 80$ at minimum for the game disc alone). If its a newer game then i consider if I'll buy it digitally or physically.

If i can find the game I want in the right format then I usually go to step 3 or 4.

3. Look at backlog: a rule I have for this step is if I own a game in a series/ genre that haven't beat yet, IE: super mario, I won't buy another game in that series/genre. An example is that I'm planning on getting skyward sword for my wii u since I beat minish cap on gba.

4. Create list of potential games I could buy : I buy games before every summer and winter holiday break and coming up with a list of what I want helps me not make brash decisions of what games to get when deals expire or games become unavailable the day I plan on buying it.

And finally 5. Cut/ remove games from list: this part usually involves me watching reviews and retrospectives for weeks. Then using that info, I either remove games from my list or I put them onto another list for next summer/ winter break.

Then I buy the games...

And try not to feel buyer's remorse.

The tanookduke strikes again!


I check out gameplay trailers or if a game has an interesting gimmick or story Iā€™ll also bite.



Depends on my personal tastes, my loyalty to certain series and developers, how much the game catches my eye if it lies outside of them, the price of the game, if someone I'm a fan of (especially a composer) is involved, and if I get the opportunity to try the game out first. Getting a gaming laptop and learning about Steam Next Fests and other pre-launch demos has shaped quite a few purchases I've made this year.



Most of the time I get a game based on whether I think it looks like something I'd enjoy. It seems kinda risky, but it's very rare that I find a game to be bad.


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