
Topic: game crashes two sec after loading save game

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HI all
been playing NMS on Switch and it started crashing about a month was really bad but then got better so I thought I was in the clear. Now the game crashes two seconds after I load my save game...I don't have a chance to resave the game...that is it...I have made sure everything was the save game for corrupted files...I made a bug report with the developer when my game initially started crashing all the time..heard nothing back...
Anyone got any suggestions for help? I cant play the game... gutted



That sounds weird, I've played the game a lot on both Switch and PC, have never experienced any crashes. I know there was a new update a couple of weeks ago, but the Switch version has worked fine for me after that too.

Is the game or its updates (if you have a physical version) located on the Switch's internal memory or on an external memory card? If it's the latter, you could try to move the data from the card to the internal memory, in case the card has some corruption.

Do you have a Nintendo online account? If you do, your saves will be in the cloud, so you can try to delete and reinstall the game data if it would help, have you tried that?

Edited on by Polvasti



I do have an nintendo online account..i will try those suggestion...thanks anything is worth a shot at this point!
i played the game (got it at xmas) without any crashes at all until a month ago and then it would crash anytime I went to my main base...then it got better..and it would crash about every other time I played the game but I was always able to carry on until now



So is your current save located in your main base? The Switch version originally had a restriction that your base couldn't be too big/complex, I guess because of performance issues. IIRC they lifted that restriction a while ago, and in the game settings there's an option to allow for more complex bases. So I guess it could be your base that's causing the problem... If the crash only happens after you try and load your game, maybe you can check the settings and see if that setting is turned off to allow for more complex bases. It's called "base complexity limit" or something like that.

Edited on by Polvasti



@Polvasti it does mostly crash on my base...the complexity limit was set to enable...I changed it and tried loading my game and the same thing happened crashed...thanks for the suggestion though!



@LinUK I have no idea what "NMS" is. I like games, but I don't know every game abbreviation.

But based on your initial post, that sounds like it could be a corrupted game save, which unfortunately, as far as I know, has no fix. If it is a corrupted game save, your only option is to start a new game (which sucks, I know). Game devs can help when there's a bug in the program, but I've never seen a game dev/support that can see & address someone's corrupted game save for a console game - unless someone want's to enlighten me.

EDIT: I see your previous thread was about No Mans Sky.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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@WoomyNNYes sorry NMS is no man's sky
there is an option on the switch that checks your save game file for corrupted data. I have run that and it says that there is nothing wrong with the file. The issue I believe reading a lot about it online is that the memory is not sufficient on the switch in certain parts of the game to run properly. A lot of people have similar issue to me. unfortunately the game only allows you to save over the previous save as well. As someone has had a job testing computer games (admittedly a long time ago !) I know what game developers can deal with it and what they don't. I wish that the developers would fix this, as I really enjoy playing the game but starting over again would not be fun.



I agree the save system in this game is pretty stupid. I guess they decided not to have manual saves at all to emphasise the "survival" mood of the game and stop people from save-scumming their way through dangerous situations... But at least there should be an option to go back to an earlier save point, not just the most recent one, especially since the game autosaves every time you've bought or sold something with the various vendors. So if you, for example, accidentally sell something you didn't mean to, there's no way to go back to an earlier save and reverse the trade; whatever you sold is gone forever.

And, apparently, if you autosave in a situation that causes the game to crash, you can't fix that by choosing an earlier save point either.

Edited on by Polvasti



If your problems started a month ago, that would coincide with the most recent big update, "Interceptor", which came out on April 6th. So maybe something in that update is causing the crash? Unfortunately I don't think Switch allows you to delete specific updates, but if you have the physical version of the game and your save is in the Nintendo online cloud, I guess you could delete all the game data except saves, then start the game again but refuse any updates and see if you can open your save?



thanks another thing to try


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