
Topic: For the last time, Nintendo will not release a 4k console this year, and not anytime soon.

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I am really tired of seeing these posts on a Switch pro. You guys realize that releasing a 4k console that is portable is pretty much impossible? and why would nintendo release a 4k version of the switch when the system can barely pull off 60fps at 1080p? it would be a shot in the foot for those who already have a switch. Yes they will at some point release a 4k console, but not when the switch hasn't even reached the midpoint in its life. The four year anniversary is coming up and Doug bowser himself said that the console is nearly at its midpoint. It is normal for nintendo to release their "next gen" console a few years after sony and microsoft. The switch is the best selling nintendo console ever since it released. So please stop with these "OmG sWiTcH PrO rElEaSe?" now if im wrong about everything i just said, than this post will go great on r/agedlikemilk


My Nintendo: TheNumbr24


That's fine by me, Nintendo doesn't have to compete with either MS or Sony in the 4k gaming space. Maybe in three or four years that might change as 8k televisions become more affordable. But for now, Nintendo and the Switch are set up beautifully. They'll continue to dominate the handheld gaming sector for years.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,320 games (as of October 24th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Nintendo definitely will hop on that train eventually, but probably not until the next Nintendo console after Switch. The Switch is just too successful right now for them to really care about competing more directly with the other systems, and next-gen has barely just begun. There's literally only one true next-gen exclusive game right now and it's a remake of a 2009 PS3 game

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]


Switch Friend Code: SW-4512-3820-2140 | My Nintendo: French Fry


Let's get this straight NintenDoomed love to write these clickbait because they are afraid of change. You don't work or decide for Nintendo and all indications clearly tells something is coming in March 26-otherwise why are there game releases for Big Game showing that date and it's not for game releases.



@SwitchForce I am not afraid of change, I am just trying to emphasise that it is extremely unlikely that nintendo would release a 4k nintendo switch pro, when it takes a years time just to get games like doom eternal to run on the system. why would they go from barely running their own games in 1080p at 60fps to a system on par with the ps5? it makes absolutely no sense at all. also how the heck would they make the system portable, the part of the switch that is the ENTIRE selling point.


My Nintendo: TheNumbr24


@TheNumbr24 I didn't think most people thought even a pro would be native 4k. Most people I read or see assume it will aim for 1080p 60fps (a reasonable goal) and then upscale by dlss. The one s had a upscaler included in it and I don't see why it wouldn't make sense for a revision to have an upscaler versus people like dizzy going the mclassic cable route. Sorry all the "pro" (probably won't be called that) got you all in a tizzy.



You thought there were too many 4K threads, so you made another one.

3/5...too obvious, but still sorta funny




Glad other people pointed it out. If the ShieldTV is able to output upscaled 4K via DLSS on the same kind of chipset, its nothing that's impossible for Nintendo to put into the Switch revision.

That said, I expect them to save it for the next full model, not for a revision.

That said, if they do include a DLSS chip? All the already 1080p games they have will now be outputting at 4K. So 4K Smash, Mario Kart, etc. The 900p ones will be close enough to 4K as well, while 720p games will at least be at 1440p.

So yes, it's possible, but it doesn't mean every game on the system would run at 4K, nor does it mean native 4K.



@sixrings ive been seeing a whole lot of 4k switch pro "leaks" so thats what im going off of. almost everything ive seen about a switch pro people were saying it would do 4k.


My Nintendo: TheNumbr24


I don't expect a Switch revision to be 4K-capable honestly

I feel like at most we might see the screen on the console be upgraded to output at 1080p, and maybe some ergonomic revisions to the Joy-Con, but they're totally going to save stuff like 4K, even through DLSS upscaling, for whatever console comes after Switch. They were late to the party with HD gaming, and they'll probably wait that same amount of time to do 4K. They may have that partnership with NVIDIA which probably gives them access to those newer SoCs that they put in stuff like the newer Shield TVs which to my knowledge have DLSS-embedded chips, but I doubt they're actually going to dive right into that field with the Switch doing more than fine as is

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]


Switch Friend Code: SW-4512-3820-2140 | My Nintendo: French Fry


That be said then the xbox1/psx can't be true 4K either. If you go by all metrics only a PC Gaming RIG/Laptop are the TRUE 4K machine only. So those trying to put down a Switch with Docking 4K should think a little harder which is the real 4K gaming machine and it's not the xbox/psx consoles domain.



Def. dont see them going 4K any time soon but I do think a more powerful Switch is needed sooner rather than later. Some games just look so blurry and muddy even in handheld and a good number look pretty rough on the TV as well, at least for me. I think a 2021 release for the hypothetical "switch Pro" is a little far fetched but I for one cant wait until we get a more robust model.



The most important is gameplay first, not graphics.



A new Switch revision for this year is likely judging by the 3DS path:

3DS (March 2011) -> 2DS (October 2013) -> New 3DS (February 2015) -> New 2DS (July 2017)

So with Switch I think it'll be:

Switch (March 2017) -> Switch Lite (September 2019) -> New Switch (around Spring 2021, March is starting to look unlikely with January nearly over and Nintendo announces revisions around 2 months in advance) -> New Switch Lite (2023)

Where the New Switch is a slightly more powerful base Switch where the extra power is in the system itself, not the dock. Then the New Switch Lite is a Switch Lite (i.e. no dock, no HD rumble, no Joy-Cons) that has the power of an undocked New Switch.

But 4K, no chance. Don't think any of that will happen until at least the Switch's successor in around 2023, maybe even later if Nintendo decides to ditch the hybrid model in favour of another experimental console like the Wii or DS.

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


Switch is going to be the strongest selling hardware this year. Anyone who has reasoned they need to replace this as soon as possible is just idiotic. Quit over thinking video games.

The Lite was an insurance policy for The Pokemon Company. They have built one of the best loved IP on handhelds, and the Switch was a massive risk for them.

The March release date of Switch was facilitated by the Wii U being dead. They had nothing to disrupt. The Switch being so popular points to a more traditional release date (late in the year) of any type of new console.

(There, that should have jinxed it enough for Nintendo to release something O.<)

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


I would be happy if it just sped up load times



It's idotic for people to think they think for Nintendo that is even more absurd here. Just think a little a few years following March 2017 they released Switch v2. And yet here we have people thinking they think for Nintendo. No wonder Nintendo is far exceeding anything they innovated now. I myself would rather have a Switch 2021 now then later. People wanting it later can keep their v1 or v2 device and let the rest of us get v3. People makes choices and if you don't like v3 then stay with your v1 or v2 no one is stopping you here. But Tech moves on and so does the rest of us. If those are saying this should Sony and MS not make XBoxX and PSX as well and stay with PS4 only if they go by that mindset. And I can guarantee that they won't admit or say that as well.



@SwitchForce considering how well the switch has been selling I doubt Nintendo would be keen to split the current user base.
If they release an updated Switch this year how many people would rush out to buy it? - especially if they have only just purchased a standard Switch or a Lite.
If they rush it, there is a chance that the next gen would do a wii-U and flop - especially given they wouldn't have any killer software for it outside of maybe BotW2.

With no Power, comes no Responsibility!

My Nintendo: Badger


What if it's a new console that is compatible with Switch games (and can boost them!). It would be perfect because folk can argue over it being a new console or an iteration! Hee hee.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611

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