
Topic: The Green Ranger has sadly died

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Sad news that the original Green Power Ranger has died on Sunday (20th November).

I LIKED MMPR, I really did and still do!

I don't care how cheesy it was/is, I would watch it and play it, draw pictures, write my own stories and make my own Morphers and Communicators but once Tommy starred in it as Green Ranger, I L-O-V-E-D it!

There had been nothing quite like it before.

Tommy Oliver was a bad-ass, with his green suit, gold Dragon-Shield and holstered Dragon-Dagger.
I remember specifically reading the shows' intro credits to see if Jason David Frank's name would appear so I could know if he'd be in the episode.

Tommy's Dragon-Zord has ALWAYS been my favourite Zord to this day, even after he gained four more stronger and newer powers.

I am GLAD I got to meet my childhood hero; When I used to look at my official Sticker Albums and magazines in my bedroom, I never thought I'd EVER get to see even one Ranger, never mind my favourite one.

Thankfully, I did in May 2018 in Nottingham.

He was/is a hero to many of us in our late-30s/early-40s.

There'll never be a Ranger as legendary as Tommy.

And much respect to JDF who NEVER got embarrassed to be part of the franchise that was/is seen as a kids show.
He knew what it meant to the fans.




Dude was a part of my childhood.

He showed up to (I think) almost every morphicon.

dysgraphia awareness human


That's absolutely devastating to hear. I watched a metric truck ton of Power Rangers as a kid (probably one of the TV shows that molded who I am today the most) and whenever JDF donned a new suit to come back as a stalwart, wise master to the other characters, it felt like such a massive occasion to me. He'll always be Green/White Ranger to me and I can't believe he's gone so soon.

Edited on by Fizza

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
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God this is shocking news.

Loved him as the Green Ranger then later as the White Ranger and will never forget going to the theatre to watch the MMPR film back in 1995. A big part of the franchise and many lives has departed.

Switch Friend Code: SW-7976-6692-0199


I watched the show before, tho I have a hard time remembering it, He will be missed, and I’m sure he brought happiness to all sorts of people, and children.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


Wait WHAT? Jason David Frank took his own life? This is horrible news. He had so many fans and people behind him, I am at a loss for words right now. As a kid I had all the toys, and had all the episodes recorded to VHS, MMPR was basicly my childhood.

Deeply saddened by this


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