
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

Posts 21 to 40 of 96,845


LordJumpMad wrote:

Electricmastro wrote:

LordJumpMad wrote:

Who wants to talk to LordJumpMad~
Ask me anything and I will answer you!

Ok, first of all, why do you call yourself what you call yourself?

Jolly good guess. But you are only half right. I'm a Mad Prince, King, Lord, and Grandmaster of Madness! It's a family title that gets passed down from me to myself every few years.~

You must have interesting family reunions.

The Hero of Ideals: A Legend, by True_Hero
I believe that once one has spotted a UFO it becomes an IFO(Identif...

3DS Friend Code: 2105-8724-1357 | Nintendo Network ID: Ideal_Hero


Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?
The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. -Winston Churchill

Nintendo Network ID: True_Hero


@Electricmastro sort of.... i'm in seventh grade and play basketball and football....
big boy chubs is a nickname made up by an old friend

tumblr's better...

-Kurt Cobain
X&Y safari: Fire; Charmeleon; Ninetales; Growlithe

3DS Friend Code: 4441-9172-6626 | Nintendo Network ID: BigBoyChubs



Dear NintendoLife,

Today I experienced that awkward moment when I came to the realization that i've assumed that @theblackdragon was a male for over a year, but is really, in fact, a female.

  • Dan

[Edited by Electricmastro]

Backloggery. Now playing: 3D Dot Game Heroes, Donkey Kong, EarthBound Beginnings, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.

3DS Friend Code: 0216-1196-2417 | Nintendo Network ID: Electricmastro


Electricmastro wrote:


Dear NintendoLife,

Today I experienced that awkward moment where I came to the realization that i've assumed that @theblackdragon was a male for over a year, but is really, in fact, a female.

  • Dan

Holy S*** wtf theblackdragon is a woman

tumblr's better...

-Kurt Cobain
X&Y safari: Fire; Charmeleon; Ninetales; Growlithe

3DS Friend Code: 4441-9172-6626 | Nintendo Network ID: BigBoyChubs


@Electricmastro: to echo what the others have already explained, yeah, 'buigi' is 'big-luigi' — when i start calling someone a nickname, i generally don't stop using it, not even if their username winds up changed over time. For example, Knux will always be 'weegee', as he had a Luigi-based username during the height of the 'mama weegee' meme, BadKitty will always be 'emmy' since she was originally Emeralds110 or something like that, Prof_Clayton will always be 'cluigi' since he was originally ClaytonLuigi, etc. and so forth. :3

also, don't beat yourself up over the gender thing, it's just the nature of the internet's inherent quasi-anonymity. there are no girls on the internets, after all :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


LordJumpMad wrote:

Electricmastro wrote:

LordJumpMad wrote:

Who wants to talk to LordJumpMad~
Ask me anything and I will answer you!

Ok, first of all, why do you call yourself what you call yourself?

Jolly good guess. But you are only half right. I'm a Mad Prince, King, Lord, and Grandmaster of Madness! It's a family title that gets passed down from me to myself every few years.~'re NOT the Lord of jumping mad rabbits then?

[Edited by Electricmastro]

Backloggery. Now playing: 3D Dot Game Heroes, Donkey Kong, EarthBound Beginnings, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.

3DS Friend Code: 0216-1196-2417 | Nintendo Network ID: Electricmastro


One day... I'd like to be able to eat dinner with out you stealing it you troll! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

[Edited by BadKitty]

[13:12] LordJumpMad stick his thong out at eme
[17:24] LordJumpMad: I will never male you happy >:[
[21:11] LordJumpMad: You insluted my words >:[
[16:32] turtlelink: gdi emmy. You'...

3DS Friend Code: 3952-7082-7558 | Twitter:


I like this thread
This thread is great
This thread is sooo great
Back to the internet
Trolls beware
this is a magical thread
guarded by me
i will ask you a riddle
and you may join this thread
my first riddle
what gets wetter
as it dries.....
you will never guess
what is right

why hasn't anyone written about meeee!

tumblr's better...

-Kurt Cobain
X&Y safari: Fire; Charmeleon; Ninetales; Growlithe

3DS Friend Code: 4441-9172-6626 | Nintendo Network ID: BigBoyChubs


Ideal_Hero wrote:

@theblackdragon - Do you keep your sacred collection of gentlemanly top hats in a closet at the edge of time or on a hat rack at the intersection of East and West?

I'll bet it's the intersection of North and South. Or better yet, Northwest and Southeast.

Twitter | ko-fi | YouTube | Backloggery

Add me on Nintendo Switch! SW-5806-7479-1875

Switch Friend Code: SW-5806-7479-1875 | 3DS Friend Code: 3394-4319-1146 | My Nintendo: FlutterBug | Nintendo Network ID: Fluttershy_Gioku | Twitter:


LordJumpMad wrote:

Who wants to talk to LordJumpMad~
Ask me anything and I will answer you!

What is the best number of the rainbow?

"I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!" ―Cave Johnson
Join the Chit-Chat Crew! :P

3DS Friend Code: 2938-6384-0441 | Nintendo Network ID: Pikminsi


Let's all discuss about revving up those fryers, cause i'm sure hungry to talk, Help, MY LEG

I made Sheldon & Mr. Randoms back on Flipnote Hatena, now i'm a kangaroo mod that has a funko pop collection!

I'm not keen politics since that stuff is spooky, I'd rather watch SpongeBob over Fox News anyways!

Fortnite Creator Code: SheldonRandoms

Switch Friend Code: SW-2240-6609-5332 | 3DS Friend Code: 5429-9754-3617 | Nintendo Network ID: SheldonRandoms


Gioku wrote:

And here is your first Troll-post:
You're welcome.

The toll-post and the troll-post?

Backloggery. Now playing: 3D Dot Game Heroes, Donkey Kong, EarthBound Beginnings, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+.

3DS Friend Code: 0216-1196-2417 | Nintendo Network ID: Electricmastro


CaptainCharlie wrote:

LordJumpMad wrote:

Who wants to talk to LordJumpMad~
Ask me anything and I will answer you!

What is the best number of the rainbow?

Nothing is more colorful then 24~

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

3DS Friend Code: 4167-4592-9402 | Twitter:


LordJumpMad wrote:

CaptainCharlie wrote:

LordJumpMad wrote:

Who wants to talk to LordJumpMad~
Ask me anything and I will answer you!

What is the best number of the rainbow?

Nothing is more colorful then 24~

You know what's more colorful then 24? 25~!

[Edited by BadKitty]

[13:12] LordJumpMad stick his thong out at eme
[17:24] LordJumpMad: I will never male you happy >:[
[21:11] LordJumpMad: You insluted my words >:[
[16:32] turtlelink: gdi emmy. You'...

3DS Friend Code: 3952-7082-7558 | Twitter:


@Jumpy - Are you dyslexic? Because the correct answer should have been 42 (as always).

Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?
The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is. -Winston Churchill

Nintendo Network ID: True_Hero

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