
Topic: NintendoLife Artists Thread

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I used Weisz instead of Weiß since I did storytelling for English lesson and the ß letter looks like letter B for kids.
Also, Weisz is being used for female last name as the owner of Weisz museum is Regina with Goddess statue for her collection that unfortunately got stolen by Felix Sandiego

About Felix Sandiego, the color of being Tuxedo cat is actually based on my cat.
But my cat is a female Tuxedo cat and I made Felix as male Tuxedo cat.
I chose Sandiego as his last name was based on Carmen Sandiego name.
Carmen Sandiego was a world class thief from 2000's franchise that got rebooted version on Netflix.
By giving Felix last name Sandiego, he embodied the world class thief trait.
Since I gave him last name Sandiego, he said "Adios" after said thank you for his black market customer for purchasing his stolen museum stuffs. A little bit Spanish accent.

I wish I can use Wolfgang's hero moment but I have to make my storytelling duration brief as I have to ask my students about the character's name and the storyline after storytelling.

Fun facts from my last question on the worksheet that the students answered, I made a question asking their opinion about the characters from Wolfgang The Police Wolfgang with only 5 characters that have dialogues: Wolfgang, Maurice, Marco, Felix and Regina.
The question format is like this:

I like / don't like ________ because _________

They have to circle either like or don't like then choose 1 character from 5 names available and explain the reason they like or don't like the character they choose.
After I checked their answers, I found something interesting from the way my students choose the characters.

Grade 1A mostly like Wolfgang, a few students didn't like Felix as a thief.

Grade 1B mostly like Marco as the boss.

Grade 2 mostly like Wolfgang and some of them didn't like Felix, but there was one student like Felix because of his cool spy outfits looking.

Grade 3A mostly like Maurice for being funny and silly.

Grade 3B mostly like Wolfgang, but one student didn't like Regina for being nothing in the show (LOL 🤣)

I will upload again my storytelling diorama of Wolfgang The Police Wolfgang when I back to school. You can see what it looks like the diorama I made based on the scenes.



It is a good idea to get feedback from the students. I am looking forward to see the diorama.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


My hand drawing of Wolfgang from the scene of chasing the Felix.

I literally played Beat of The Rising Sun Super Eurobeat song from Initial D for that scene.
Well, the chasing scene is perfect with Super Eurobeat song like in Initial D.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



My hand drawing of Felix Sandiego in spy outfits from my storytelling Wolfgang The Police Wolf.

One of my student prefer Felix over than the police animals because he likes the Felix's outfits.



@Zuljaras the resin looks a 100 times better in this one!

I particularly like the parts of the rock that look like little white clouds of sand/bubbles under the water (for example, the one behind the log), gives it a pretty nifty sense of movement.

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I will upload the diorama of my storytelling Wolfgang The Police Wolf based on the scenes. It will be paper based diorama since I made the background from A3 art paper, the characters from laminated printed papers, with a few paper craft for the 3D properties.
Btw, have you checked my Wolfgang The Police Wolf ?
I made something interesting here.



Okay, if the storytelling activity still brought to next academic year, for my 6th storytelling project with models, I will prepare this story:
1. Another my original story based on my short story I made when I was at university.
2. The main character will be female.
3. All the characters will be human, no anthropomorphic animals.
4. The storyline will be very hilarious.
5. No Easter eggs from my previous storytelling.

I will start the project now.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



@Anti-Matter: I don’t reply or comment on every post, but I do check out everything posted in this thread.

Everybody has been improving recently.

Edited on by Eel


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Zuljaras wrote:

This is my new kraken diorama! Still not amazing but good enough!

This is so freaking cool! I love it.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


Just curious.
Are peoples here really ignoring me for whatever I posted?
But when other user post something, they got attention, they got conversation.
I also made something interesting, are my stuffs really not interesting for you even I have been working so hard to make them ?



@Anti-Matter Answering as someone who checks every single post on this thread but barely posts own art or gives feedback. I'd guess the biggest reason is that people have different interests. People who frequent this site are already into video games and adjacent things so drawing such things are more likely to attract comments. Variety is also important.

I've personally liked your recent drawings more now that they aren't all boxing related since I'm not into boxing myself. I'm glad people like you keep this thread alive. I like coming back to see what everyone has been working on.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


@Zuljaras love it. Looks amazing.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


@Zuljaras I love these kinds of models! The ones where it’s transparent it makes it look so good! You really did do the kraken justice and I hope you do more like this in the future.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


Please continue posting your projects and pictures, even when I am not saying anything, I look at them and enjoy them very much.

Awesome stuff. I love how the water looks from the side.

Edited on by Jhena


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer

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