
Topic: GabeGreens: The Matchmaker

Posts 1 to 20 of 97


Welcome, I will be making matches between NL. If you would like to participate, give me your likes, you dislikes, and your favorite facepalm picture.

Once I find another user who is absolutely perfect for you, I will match you up to go on a virtual date which I will write down the events. Please give me your feedback, thank you.



How much does it cost?



Hahahaha this is great. I like people who are outgoing and aren't afraid to be themselves. I really only care about personality to tell you the truth. I like girls who are intelligent but can be fun(ny) as well. I don't like girls who are self-centered. Oh, and I also like nintendo lol. Sorry Gabe, I don't have a fav facepalm pic :-/



Likes: the Ace Attorney series, painting, and 'your mom' jokes
Dislikes: Wonder Pets, taking out the garbage, and not sleeping
Favorite Facepalm Image:
oh Worf, i feel your pain so very often...

... i feel bad for not having chosen a Picard image now. thus, one of my favorite Picard macros as well:
he's so awesome

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


I want a guy who loves video games, and that will play them often with me. Very clean and polite but not a stuck up neat freak. Someone who likes to have fun, and has a brain (I don't want some dumb). And I want a guy that loves to cook. I don't like guys who are always into themselves and guys who are lazy. I don't like people that talk too much either. I don't have a favorite facepalm pic though.

EDIT: Did you want me to organize it into likes and dislike or is this ok?

Edited on by SuperPeach



Very Nice, very nice. I believe i have found TBD's perfect match.
Congratulations! You are now going on a date with...........Xkhaoz!

Well you first pick up X at his school, and you take him to a chuck e cheese. You then get extremely annoyed due to the loud kids and leave him there, where he is kidnapped by lz. the end

What a happy ending!

Edited on by ASDFGHJKL



Not. Funny. Gabe. Not. At. All.


Likes: Nintendo, Football (of the soccer variety), Sci-Fi, The Outdoors, Music, Burgers, Beer, and more.

Dislikes: Celebrity culture, organized religion, sprouts, fake tan, facepalm pictures, and much much more.

Favourite facepalm: Untitled



SuperPeach: Your match is MoFaJo

You both wrote your likes/dislikes in a paragraph and have no favorite facepalm pic.

You go on a date to an arcade in Japan and begin playing Mario Bros. together. He is beginning to beat you by quite a bit, but then, you notice he kills himself intencionally. You are so touched that he let you win, that you begin to approach him. But a that happens, you notice that his breath smell terribly due to the onion rings he ate, so you faint. You then sit for a comma through 24 years and wake up in a hospital. You see the face of MoFaJo waiting for you with flowers. You get up and slap him. The End.



Likes: Nintendo, country music, summer vacation, BBQ, King of the Hill, the south, Mountain Dew.
Dislikes: School, mashed potatoes, rap, yellow jackets, Monday.
Don't have a favorite facepalm picture.

Jesus is the only way.
It's OK to have an opinion. This ain't the Soviet Union you know.
Youtube Channel

Switch Friend Code: SW-2350-3570-9923 | Nintendo Network ID: cheetahman91


I like everything Machu likes! match me with him or you die

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you


Likes: video games, food, cartoons, money
dislikes: Gabe, lz, a lot of other people, school,
Favorite facepalm: Untitled


SZM's perfect match is: ..................KanrakusPizza

You go on a date to a Pizza parlor called Mama Luigi
You end up waiting so long, you eat your date. 12 hours later, you get married on a boat.



GabeGreens%3A+Ace+Attorney wrote:

You both wrote your likes/dislikes in a paragraph and have no favorite facepalm pic.

Damn! I knew I should have bolded my Likes/Dislikes, but thought it was too obvious.

I like Fairies, Rupees, lolcats, and cake btw. edit: woe is me ;'(

Edited on by Machu



Nooo Gabe. I can't go on a date with him I might eat him
I like Fairies, Rupees, lolcats and cat
dislike:Celebrity culture, organized religion, sprouts, fake tan, facepalm pictures, and much much more

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you



Nooo Gabe. I can't go on a date with him I might eat him
I like Fairies, Rupees, lolcats and cat
dislike:Celebrity culture, organized religion, sprouts, fake tan, facepalm pictures, and much much more

You DID eat him



theblackdragon wrote:

Likes: the Ace Attorney series, 'your mom' jokes
Dislikes: taking out the garbage, and not sleeping

It's funny how similar your own likes and dislikes change when you spend too much time curled up in someone else's mind.


Likes: Gender ambiguity, chicken tacos, blood, RPGs, toast, Canadians, airships, ninja monkeys, sexy, French maids, fast cars, miniskirts, cuddling, baseball, showering, and bedtime
Dislikes: Your dad, nasty smells, being told I don't have enough money for something, sports other than baseball, feet, uncool old people, your face, being understood

Facepalm pic possibly later~

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.


I LOVE Prosody :3

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky

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