
Topic: Care to share your 'Permadeath' Memories/Moments?

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With Fire Emblem being the most clear example, there are certain games where you can easily have feelings for the characters you interact with. You want them to succeed, you want them to survive and win, you overall want everything to go well for them. That's not always the case though, is it? For those unaware, Permadeath is a situation in games where if your ally dies, they're dead FOR GOOD and DO NOT come back. Have you ever had a time where an ally you truly cared for died due to a stupid move on your part? Maybe an incredibly unlucky crit doomed your strongest partner? Come, tell and take all of the weight off your mind.

With Fire Emblem: Awakening being released everywhere now and with the series being well-known for 'Permadeath', I figured we have a confessional of sorts where we can tell of our fatal faults. So please, do share; we won't laugh. I promise.

[Edited by DreamyViridi]

Once a LuigiMan, now a Dreamy representation of the Goddess of Nature.
Retired Palutena Gem Provider.
Mario Maker Levels

Switch Friend Code: SW-6593-3528-8788 | 3DS Friend Code: 0688-5405-0932 | Nintendo Network ID: LuigiMan200


I always loose my Pegasus riders really early on in fire emblem games, like in sacred stones but that was due to me not knowing that they were weak to archers :/ but anyway I haven't lost anyone yet, but probably will soon

Proud Samus main for ssb4!
Hyped for Capt. Toad, Yoshis woolly world, Mario maker and splatoon in the first half of 2015
Wii U, 3DS and PS4 owner

3DS Friend Code: 2595-1379-1446 | Nintendo Network ID: Datasun_7


Even though this thread will mostly be about Fire Emblem, I can't help but talk about Nuzlocke runs in Pokemon. Basically, Nuzlocke is a custom ruleset where 1) You can only catch the first Pokemon you see in a new areas, and 2) If your Pokemon faints, it dies and must be released or permanently boxed (basically permadeath)

So I had been training my Numel into a Camerupt in my Emerald Nuzlocke, and after 2 hours of training, I decided to take on the 5th gym. And in the second trainer battle inside, a freaking Wigglytuff one hit kills my Camerupt with a critical-hit Double Edge... So much time wasted...

[Edited by SubBronze]

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


You've copied this idea from ONM havn't you



@Hysterical - Ah, you got me. I saw an article about how one of the editors at ONM lost Donnel, I saw the comments saying their experiences. That inspired me to make this.

@Bulby - I've heard of Nuzlocke runs, sure they can count for this thread.

Once a LuigiMan, now a Dreamy representation of the Goddess of Nature.
Retired Palutena Gem Provider.
Mario Maker Levels

Switch Friend Code: SW-6593-3528-8788 | 3DS Friend Code: 0688-5405-0932 | Nintendo Network ID: LuigiMan200


Well I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening on hard/classic right now and I tend to lose a few now and then. I don't reset if I'm far into a battle, so it leads to some casualties. Currently on Chapter 10.

Death Log:
Chapter 3 - Kellam: Didn't even get to know him. Oh well!
Chapter 4 - Miriel: Unfortunate loss, but I'm enough mage for all of us - I hope. >.>
Chapter 5 - Maribelle: Couldn't save both of them. At least Ricken survived.

I think after I play the game through I'll do a run on easy but with absolutely no restarting - with any mistake costing me dearly. :3

[Edited by Geonjaha]


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


Geonjaha wrote:

Well I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening on hard/classic right now and I tend to lose a few now and then. I don't reset unless I actually lose altogether, so it's lead to some tragic situations. Currently on Chapter 7.

Death Log:
Chapter 3 - Kellam: Didn't even get to know him. Oh well!
Chapter 4 - Miriel: Unfortunate loss, but I'm enough mage for all of us - I hope. >.>
Chapter 5 - Maribelle: Couldn't save both of them. At least Ricken survived.

Dang, you lost Kellam? He's so good! (Currently on Chapter 6)

TurtleLink's backloggery
Brawl FC: 4425-1340-4519
The Sister Complex Kingpin of Steel!


I lost Turtle in Chapter 1... I was... just so hungry. ;__;

[Edited by BadKitty]

[13:12] LordJumpMad stick his thong out at eme
[17:24] LordJumpMad: I will never male you happy >:[
[21:11] LordJumpMad: You insluted my words >:[
[16:32] turtlelink: gdi emmy. You'...

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