
Topic: Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer

Posts 1,801 to 1,820 of 2,689


The problem isn't who is Reggie. The problem is where did I park my car?

Why is Jean-Claude Van Damme so awesome?

LOL Fridays Win a GBA plus Games this week!


He who helps himself is he who himself is helped.

Why is ice cold?

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Because that's the way life works.

When is tomorrow?

Do you truly look at things positively? For example, do you look at the glass like it's always full? (Half water, half air.) Or when someone "lets the cat out of the bag," do you think it's because the person felt sorry for the cat stuck in the bag? There is a positive side to almost everythin...


Approximately in the near future after today which is not the past.

What animal does batman try to imitate?

Wii U online games: Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Need 4 Speed: Most Wanted U

3DS online games: Kid Icarus Uprising, Tetris Axis

3DS Friend Code: 4554-0287-3926 | Nintendo Network ID: Jeremyx7


A donkey, 'cause he is one bad a$$

Why do monkeys love bananas?

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Obviously for the high potassium content.
How much would my WiiU go for at Crazy Red's?

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


Midnight3DS wrote:

A donkey, 'cause he is one bad a$$

Why do monkeys love bananas?

hahaha, I love your reply! Seriously, one of the best replies on this thread. xD

Wii U online games: Mario Kart 8, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Need 4 Speed: Most Wanted U

3DS online games: Kid Icarus Uprising, Tetris Axis

3DS Friend Code: 4554-0287-3926 | Nintendo Network ID: Jeremyx7


Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? Yo!

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


Some things are better left unsaid.

Is space the final frontier?

Edited on by Midnight3DS

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Nah, its actually the bottomless hole at the end of my garden. We've had so many researchers go down there, none of them have come back...

What does NSMBU stand for?

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


Nachos Sabotage Macaroni's Babysitters Umbrellas.

Is it true that a man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know?

Edited on by Crazybrain1

Do you truly look at things positively? For example, do you look at the glass like it's always full? (Half water, half air.) Or when someone "lets the cat out of the bag," do you think it's because the person felt sorry for the cat stuck in the bag? There is a positive side to almost everythin...


Who knows.

Do you have the kung fu action grip?

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs



Please can you fetch me a cup of water?



Sure. Just need your name, address, credit card #, social security # , and all internet passwords.

If a tree falls on your head in a forest, will it leave a bump?

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Sure, where do you live? I need to know so I can accurately aim my infinitely stretching arms at you.

Why did I need to learn trigonometry at school? I'll never need that poop.

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


Aw. Come on! Don't you wanna learn the Tri Attack? Or the Triple Finish? Or the Tri Beam?
Whatever, your loss.
Sonic never breathes in space but needs air underwater. How is this possible?

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4

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