
Topic: American vs. British accents

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I've always thought that accents were a cool thing to study, particularily British ones. I'm from the midwest of the US, so I pretty much have no accent. What accent do you have and what do you think of other accents?

Edited on by Jani-Koblaney

Never Gonna Give Mew Up!

3DS Friend Code: 1075-1253-2852 | Nintendo Network ID: NJanders


Im british and it annoys me when americans try to be british!



Genuinely offended that there is no Australian accent option.


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I find it highly doubtful that you have no accent. My wife and most her family were born and raised in Chicago, IL and having visited Chicago and hearing people speak casually, I can clearly hear the midwest accents.

I am from CA and when I went away for college, I discovered upon meeting fellow Californians, depending on whether they were Northern or Southern California, there would be slight differences in casual speech patterns with usage of "hella" "mofo" "f*ckin a" being a few dead giveaways of where you were from.

What do I think of accents...they're a weird social anomaly.

What is the meaning of life? That's so easy, the answer is TETRIS.


I really liked the game on teh Nintendo Gamecube - Spartan Total Warrior.

The accents were briliant! The Romans soldiers had Cockney London accents and the Generals had upper class British Accents - The Greeks had americn accents I think - but each nationality or factionin the game had their own accents which really added to the voice acting - also - In the Last STory - the VOice acting is pretty good and theaccents play a huge part in this.

I also love playing Samurai Warriors on my 3DS and the Voice overs on there (in Japanese) with English subtitles really add to the atmosphere of the game. . . .



GamerDude wrote:

Im british and it annoys me when americans try to be british!

'Ello, Govnah! What's all this, then? More lads from across across the pond acting British? Bloody hell. Nearly spit my tea across me flat, I did.

Edited on by The_Fox

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


I love accents. They fascinate me to no end. In the English language I'm a big fan of the southern USA and Cockney accents.

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English accents seem to be the most popular to imitate, I guess Australian aren't bad either. I myself have an American Midwestern accent, but I could never tell that I have it.



I do say, could we all calm down. All this commotion is making me late for supper.



I vote for british accent. It's easier to understand.
As for me, I talk with an obvious "not from here" accent. That's when I do talk in english, I usually just use my own language.


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what do you mean you don't have an accent? everybody has an accent, it's just the way you speak. Well i'm from wisconsin and we have a very different accent from many other places. It might sound similar in some cases, but we pronounce some words very differently. it's real easy to tell if somebody is new to wisconsin by how they talk.



"No accent" would technically be an English accent, seeing how the language originated there and is called "English"... just sayin'...

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British ftw!

I do find some Americans quite hard to understand, I remember when I was on holiday in Florida they just mumbled like hell! Couldn't understand them at times... especially the females. o_O

And I do find it funny when some people try doing a British accent and see them fail miserably, however The_Fox did a very good job of typing up a British accent.

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Well, America's so big, that there's kind of three accents: Southern, Northeastern, and well, no accent, I guess. As for British sadly, what you say we sound like when we pretend to sound like you guys is literally our best guesses of what you guys sound like so...yeah, that's pretty sad. Australia...same goes for when we try to imitate them as well.


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Well, I guess I shouldn't say that I don't have an accent. It's just that I'm so used to the upper midwestern way of speaking

Never Gonna Give Mew Up!

3DS Friend Code: 1075-1253-2852 | Nintendo Network ID: NJanders


I live in North Carolina and have a Californian accent even though none of my family is from California. I love both British and Australian accents but if I had to choose between them, I'd choose British.

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I find Australian and Brittish accents particularly fun to listen to, though I couldn't replicate them to save my life.

I've had my share of Indian (from India, not Native American) friends though, so I can immitate a pretty decent Indian accent I think.

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VincentV wrote:

Well, America's so big, that there's kind of three accents: Southern, Northeastern, and well, no accent, I guess. As for British sadly, what you say we sound like when we pretend to sound like you guys is literally our best guesses of what you guys sound like so...yeah, that's pretty sad. Australia...same goes for when we try to imitate them as well.

not to mention the half-accents from people not from America

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