
Topic: Ideas for the site

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I was just thinking about a bunch of stuff that would be great for the user profile pages (friends list, game collection, etc). Adding all that stuff would take a while, but I just thought of a way to knock all of it out at once. Why not just have a "journal" page on your account? Kind of like a really long signature that you can view on a user's profile.



I had never heard of console reviews before silly IGN reviewing the 3DS.



On the Around The Web box - it would be good if:
a) They linked directly to the article, not a Game Revolution middle-man portal. Doubly so when the GameRev portal then links to Game Kicker, another portal. With so many ads and pop-ups that it should really be called Gamer Kicker for repeatedly crashing my Firefox.
b) 90% of them weren't badly written 'Top 10' / '10 Things About' lists with subjects so inane they border on parody (Top 10 Awful Looking Villains? They started using random phrase generators to decide the subjects?)

Give us links to actual interesting things going on around the web and it'll be cool. I understand the benefit of automation behind using portals, it's not like you guys aren't already busy enough without having to update the thing manually, but. Why not stick articles and reviews from Movemodo and Kinectaku there instead? I know I'd be more likely to visit them more often if I could see what was going on there from NL, and those static ads on the home page aren't so hot. The Kinectaku one looks like an advert selling Kinect hardware and games at a glance, lol


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


A welcome thread for new members to post a greeting would be a nice addition, I joined a week ago and noticed there was nowhere for me to introduce myself.
(I'm a new member on the site btw xD)

Pokemon Black Friend Code: 0862-2475-4980


Lately, I've noticed that after initially posting a message, the "Edited on . . . " message appears at the bottom of my post. What's more, this edited date and time are the same as the "Posted . . . " date and time. I've only noticed it occasionally, but I just thought I'd share.



@Shinesprite Not really an "idea for the site", but thanks anyway.

@All Thanks for your thoughts on the Around the Web box. Keep 'em coming!


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


I don't know if this is allready possible, but maybe it's an idea to let people PM eachother?
If this is allready possible can someone please tell me how to do it? =P
Maybe it's also a good idea to make an option to search for members. Doesn't seem to work right now... =)

And maybe make an option to make a profile where you can talk a little about yourself.
Then you can search up people and look at their profile, and maybe even leave a comment? =P

[Edited by Nani-ka]

Triforce - "Whatever you love, always pursue it. It's worth it in the end."
3DS FC: 4081 - 5480 - 6467


shinesprite wrote:

Lately, I've noticed that after initially posting a message, the "Edited on . . . " message appears at the bottom of my post. What's more, this edited date and time are the same as the "Posted . . . " date and time. I've only noticed it occasionally, but I just thought I'd share.

What? The edit time is whenever the post is edited... What're you saying? D:

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


@zez: I've had it happen before at random as well. the comment i was posting would show up as 'edited on...' right when i first posted it, and i'd never actually used the 'edit' link at all — i'd just posted it, y'know? :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


These Around the Web topics are getting more hilariously inane by the day. "Top 10 things I don't want in Skyward Sword" (like one guy's promoted forum rant is of any interest or relevance to anyone), "Top 10 games that need sequels", the vast majority of the list being themselves sequels to existing franchises (no seriously, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot and Earthbound are in there. Know what they all have in common? Sequels), and "Top 5 Trivial Ways I'd Use A Portal Gun in Real Life" (because the writer using his imagination to find 5 useful/interesting ways to use the Portal gun would be boring, so better to take five well-established in-game scenarios and change the word "test chamber" to "fridge")


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


When you delete someones comment, It should show who wrote the comment that got deleted, and at what time.

Monster Hunter for the win!!!!! Check out my music album at


Portista wrote:

When you delete someones comment, It should show who wrote the comment that got deleted, and at what time.

right, because calling attention to things is the exact reason we delete comments in the first place. no chance.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


Portista wrote:

When you delete someones comment, It should show who wrote the comment that got deleted, and at what time.

But then the comment wouldn't be deleted, it'd just be edited
And then everyone would be constantly asking what the offending comment was... somewhat removing the point of its deletion.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Raylax wrote:

These Around the Web topics are getting more hilariously inane by the day. "Top 10 things I don't want in Skyward Sword" (like one guy's promoted forum rant is of any interest or relevance to anyone), "Top 10 games that need sequels", the vast majority of the list being themselves sequels to existing franchises (no seriously, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot and Earthbound are in there. Know what they all have in common? Sequels), and "Top 5 Trivial Ways I'd Use A Portal Gun in Real Life" (because the writer using his imagination to find 5 useful/interesting ways to use the Portal gun would be boring, so better to take five well-established in-game scenarios and change the word "test chamber" to "fridge")

Well we don't write them, so not much we can do about that, really!


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


James Newton wrote:

Raylax wrote:

These Around the Web topics are getting more hilariously inane by the day. "Top 10 things I don't want in Skyward Sword" (like one guy's promoted forum rant is of any interest or relevance to anyone), "Top 10 games that need sequels", the vast majority of the list being themselves sequels to existing franchises (no seriously, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot and Earthbound are in there. Know what they all have in common? Sequels), and "Top 5 Trivial Ways I'd Use A Portal Gun in Real Life" (because the writer using his imagination to find 5 useful/interesting ways to use the Portal gun would be boring, so better to take five well-established in-game scenarios and change the word "test chamber" to "fridge")

Well we don't write them, so not much we can do about that, really!

I know And despite my repeated poking fun at it, I do seem to keep clicking the stories, so I guess the thing is working. Curses!


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


You know the Forums drop down menu near the top of the main page? Well, I think those links in that drop down menu should take us to the actual Forum section like General discussion and 3DS and all that, instead of taking us to the Forums page, where we'll still have to click General Discussion, etc. anyway.

If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929 | 3DS Friend Code: 2423-1923-3519 | Nintendo Network ID: TeeJay92


Tj92 wrote:

You know the Forums drop down menu near the top of the main page? Well, I think those links in that drop down menu should take us to the actual Forum section like General discussion and 3DS and all that, instead of taking us to the Forums page, where we'll still have to click General Discussion, etc. anyway.

They link to anchors on the forum list - General Discussion links to the General Discussion forum group (which is "News" and "Announcements"). It's just a confusion at having 'General Discussion' the forum group, and 'General Discussion' the off-topic forum.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


I believe the site needs abit of a makeover. It seems abit dated these days when you look at Kinectaku and movemodo.
Also on the 3DS coming soon list we should have a release date bit like on the wii and ds coming soon list.



Raylax wrote:

Tj92 wrote:

You know the Forums drop down menu near the top of the main page? Well, I think those links in that drop down menu should take us to the actual Forum section like General discussion and 3DS and all that, instead of taking us to the Forums page, where we'll still have to click General Discussion, etc. anyway.

They link to anchors on the forum list - General Discussion links to the General Discussion forum group (which is "News" and "Announcements"). It's just a confusion at having 'General Discussion' the forum group, and 'General Discussion' the off-topic forum.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929 | 3DS Friend Code: 2423-1923-3519 | Nintendo Network ID: TeeJay92


andyutd97 wrote:

I believe the site needs abit of a makeover. It seems abit dated these days when you look at Kinectaku and movemodo.
Also on the 3DS coming soon list we should have a release date bit like on the wii and ds coming soon list.

i think the site looks perfect, and it loads up fast on a wii.

i think NL needs a private messaging system.

Lots of censorship here...
3DS: 1676-4603-1823
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