
Topic: Ideas for the site

Posts 21 to 40 of 2,662


how is doing * _ and stuff hard?


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


If I could add one thing to the site it would be a PM system.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D


You could try putting the official bbcode site on your favorites bar, and just look at that every time you need help.
Here's a link

As for a recommendation, how about something in the chatroom that shows the names of the users inside it? (users that have a webpage open to it)

"I'm a heartbreaker...
My name... Charles." -The Greatest Man In Driftveil City


Robo-goose wrote:

As for a recommendation, how about something in the chatroom that shows the names of the users inside it? (users that have a webpage open to it)

No, that would ruin the fun of lurking.

[15:36] Corbs: Vita rules - 3DS drools!

zezloggery | i haz youtube | PSN ID: zezhyrule

[23:11] Phoen...


A tickle-me James doll for every user and ranks here as well

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


zezhroom wrote:

No, that would ruin the fun of lurking.

That's the point. No, more, lurking.
(Of course, the administrators and moderators would still be able to watch without others knowing they are there. One of their jobs IS [I believe] to make sure the forums and chat are under control)

[Edited by Robo-goose]

"I'm a heartbreaker...
My name... Charles." -The Greatest Man In Driftveil City


I have a new suggestion, how about an elevator-music button for the chatroom? It could play 50's show tunes when pressed.

"I'm a heartbreaker...
My name... Charles." -The Greatest Man In Driftveil City


Robo-goose wrote:

I have a new suggestion, how about an elevator-music button for the chatroom? It could play 50's show tunes when pressed.

It's taken forever and there still isn't personal messaging, reader reviews.. or anything for that matter.

Asking for music in the background would be like asking NASA to colonize a new planet.. tomorrow.



AlexSays wrote:

Robo-goose wrote:

I have a new suggestion, how about an elevator-music button for the chatroom? It could play 50's show tunes when pressed.

It's taken forever and there still isn't personal messaging, reader reviews.. or anything for that matter.

Asking for music in the background would be like asking NASA to colonize a new planet.. tomorrow.

It's more like asking NASA to take over the world, cure poverty, destroy Russia with a laser, mutate a normal man into a superhero, build the Enterprise, fly it to Jupiter and create a new life form to live on the planet and make it back home for a 2:30 nap... Okay, that's a pretty big exaggeration, but you know what I mean.

That "coming soon" sign on the :games collection" part of the user profiles has been up for 2 years. And user reviews were supposed to be up by the end of summer of 2009. I know I sound really whiny, but the site has only gotten 1 major improvement for as long as I can remember which is Chat and that's still in Beta. I think I'll just nag the admins to death until they update the site.

Heisenberg says "relax!"
The user formerly known as briunj04
PSN=mabbit04/Summoner name(LoL)=briunj04


Oh you don't have to tell me brother

The site is nearly identical as to how it was when it launched.



briunj04 wrote:

That "coming soon" sign on the :games collection" part of the user profiles has been up for 2 years. And user reviews were supposed to be up by the end of summer of 2009. I know I sound really whiny, but the site has only gotten 1 major improvement for as long as I can remember which is Chat and that's still in Beta. I think I'll just nag the admins to death until they update the site.

Enjoy the afterlife then, dude.

For me personally it's disheartening to hear you say there's been no improvement to the site since we launched - sure, in terms of technical features we haven't launched much, but the quality and frequency of content is far better than it ever has been, which is important too, y'know?


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


Anthony has been working on Kinectaku and Movemodo a lot, but he's promised a facelift and some new features for Nintendo Life soon. Give the guy a break. He's basically designing and updating all three sites by himself.

Plain old gamer :)


James Newton wrote:

briunj04 wrote:

That "coming soon" sign on the :games collection" part of the user profiles has been up for 2 years. And user reviews were supposed to be up by the end of summer of 2009. I know I sound really whiny, but the site has only gotten 1 major improvement for as long as I can remember which is Chat and that's still in Beta. I think I'll just nag the admins to death until they update the site.

Enjoy the afterlife then, dude.

For me personally it's disheartening to hear you say there's been no improvement to the site since we launched - sure, in terms of technical features we haven't launched much, but the quality and frequency of content is far better than it ever has been, which is important too, y'know?

No, I'm talking about improvements in terms of new features. There's a lot more articles every day than there used to be and the coverage on wiiware and dsiware is top notch. I just don't think that the site can really be called complete until new stuff is implemented

Heisenberg says "relax!"
The user formerly known as briunj04
PSN=mabbit04/Summoner name(LoL)=briunj04


I'm happier with content-complete rather than feature-complete, personally. But then I would say that 'cos I write most of it


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


I look at the things in Kinactaku (haven't been on Movemodo enough to comment) and see some pretty nice features. There lots of things that have been asked for for a long time which have been implemented. I certainly miss the smiley dudes from this site though (), but you can tell that someone has been hard at work on these sites. In time, they will come, but they take a long time to test and test and test make a couple changes, then test some more lol
You have to make sure everything works for each browser and there is simply just a lot of work, blah blah...Once the features have been successful on those sites, it should be easier to bring them over. However, I don't know how similar the two forums are, so cannot say for sure. I know very little about web development.

Oh, and that being said, I rather enjoy the simplicity of it all and love the amount of content being pumped out by the staff as well as on the forums.

[Edited by Ravage]

Sean Aaron ~ "The secret is out: I'm really an American cat-girl."
Q: How many physicists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two, one to hold the light bulb, the other to rotate the universe.


James, Corbs, Ant (if he ever sees this). I know you guys are busy as hell man. Keep doing what you are doing. I think you guys have done a great job with this site.



Vaynard wrote:

James, Corbs, Ant (if he ever sees this). I know you guys are busy as hell man. Keep doing what you are doing. I think you guys have done a great job with this site.

Suck up


Let's have a suggestion box so that the admins can fuel their virtual fireplace

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


i like poll threads. like with the thread which color 3ds do you want, you get a nice pretty graph with people's answers instead of dozens of pages of people saying black.

I also think it's cool that when you post a comment on an article you see the flag of the user's home country. I think it would be cool to have that flag under the avatars in forums as well.

that's just little stuff though, I really like how the site looks.

[Edited by Squiggle55]

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein


lz2010 wrote:

Vaynard wrote:

James, Corbs, Ant (if he ever sees this). I know you guys are busy as hell man. Keep doing what you are doing. I think you guys have done a great job with this site.

Suck up


Let's have a suggestion box so that the admins can fuel their virtual fireplace

Well I was hoping that with those praises i would wake up in the morning to see James and Corbs had gifted me lots of Wiiware and VC games. Thanks for blowing my cover lz



Could you set up an area for polls? Polls for just about anything.
Example: Do you agree with our reviews?

  • Every single one!
  • Most of 'em
  • Half of the time
  • Not reallys
  • Never

You know? I mean, what if there are some people who don't like something your doing but are scared to show it, or something you've been wondering but didn't know how to ask. IDK, just an idea.

"Remember: when life rocks you, RAWK BACK!" ~Rawk Hawk
FNS: Y B L R R R B >

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