
Topic: Thorium Wars First Impressions

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Self-explanatory. I'm waiting for reviews, plus, I'm grounded for a while, so I can't get the game.

Brawl: 4468-0656-5286 (Jesse)


Lol well wait. I think a lot of people are going to wait for a review for this game, being the first 1000 points there's a lot of money that can be thrown away.

I will note that I went on the shop and it's 112 blocks, which seems suspiciously small for a gaming touting a 1000 price point.



I got the game. Haven't been able to play it yet, have to finish my homework. But the title screen for it is nice xD



I'd personally get it but 1000 is steep. I have 1600 points and I don't feel like freely spending on DSiWare anymore. I want to save at least 200 for Solitare, 200 for one Nnooo notebook, and 500 for bomberman (I think that's what it costs) so that's 900 points right there.



It won't be easy for this game (or any other) to justify 1,000 points on DSiWare. With a price point like that, it's comparable to World of Goo's comparatively steep 1,500 point ticket.

So will this be World of Goo DSi? Or Plattchen?




I have owned the game and played it and i can tell you all this It has pretty cool graphics for a downloadable game. If it were me i would have priced it at atleast 800 but heres what all your getting:
You get to unlock 8 different mechs to use in space air and sea all of them with advantages and disadvantages.
The game itself doesn't really explain how to play i guess they just give you the free for all treatment. I have played so far through 2 Missions and i like it don't love it but i like it the flying portion is very well made and feels like your really flying you have all of the following to look at as well

1.You have a Sound track of all the games music 8 songs.
2.a Video Gallery that shows actual full video during gameplay.
3.A Vehicle Gallery for all the Mechs you are allowed to control in the game.
And 4. a Enemy Gallery for all your enemies and Bosses you will face.
All and all if i had to rate it mmmm 7/10 good game but a little over priced but still fun for something on a DSiWare Shop.

[Edited by Tails]

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


Damnit I want this in Europe!



So, one good 7/10 review. Ok... any more players out there for Thorium Wars care to give us their first impressions? Or is no one downloading it? LOL. I certainly won't, not unless I see a really great review! $10 is the price of clearanced ds games at Target and the pawn shop... and I'd rather have THAT than THIS so far.

Come on, convince us it's great...


Friend Code: 4511-0578-9918 Fan of: Zelda, Mario, Pac-Man, Metroid, Capt Toad, the list goes on. Love all systems: GBA, GBA SE, NES, Gameboy, 3DS, N64, Super Nintendo, etc, Atari, etc.


I got it. I think it deserves a 8.5/10
Great Graphics, fun controls. The flying reminds me a bit of Starfox for the DS

I would like to have seen multiplayer though. Should have been 800.



I have the game ! , but when i was downloading the game there was an error xD , but I finally downloaded .
I have just played the first two levels but the game has nice graphics and the vehicles looks great . You can play using the pad and butons or touchs controls , i prefer the pad and buttons.

The first mission is in the sky and you play with a "skyfighter" , it took me a few minutes to get used to the controls but once i´ve learned how to play it is easy to control. As Tails86 saiys , the flying portion is very well made . But i have my first complaint on the second mission, the controls of the "cerberus tank" tends to be awkward .

My first impression it is that the game is ok but not impressive .
Armand score : 7/10

i apologize for my poor english xD.

[Edited by Armand]



I actually really like this game the third mission is where you control a gunboat. It is sweet (btw on the second mission I dont recommend the tank. Take the hovercraft instead) I would rate it 8.5/10

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@whoknew Im on the third mission and I havn't seen many of the scenes in the commercial. So im going to say a reasonable amount

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3DS: 2664-2106-1671
I have A LOT of games, if you want to play something, just email me jangonov&#...

WhoKnew wrote:

Me too! How many missions?

At least 6. If anyone completes this game, or can otherwise confirm how many missions there are, let me know! I'm doing the review of this and it'll be nice to know how far along I am, and whether or not I can conceivably finish the game before writing it up.




There are 12 levels in the game.



So, does anyone say it's terrible? I'm considering picking this up, as I have no fast-paced DSiWare games. But a lot of puzzle games.

Is it worth the 10 dollars? How about production values? Considering the company seems to produce a lot of shovelware, does the game look and feel good?



I'm genuinely not sure how I'll end up ranking this...I need more time to play it and see if it addresses my concerns. But it's definitely not terrible.




Well i got the game. I've played three levels so far and here is my first impression review.

Thorium Wars has amazing graphics (especially for being dsiware). The controls are real easy to master (by the way, you can change the controls in "options" menu during a mission). All the vehicles are pretty fun. There are two major cons though (so far). First off, on the levels I played they all had these pesky little anoying flying droids that would just keep coming at you, which can be extremely annoying when you are trying to destroy some "energy core". The droids were never a real threat, but when you find out you died all because some pesky little droid fired this almost nearly harmless shot at you, it can be nerve recking. I also hated how long each mission was. So far, all of my missions have averaged 30 minutes which is pretty long if you ask me. Other than that, its all great (the price could've been a little lower though). At the same time you'd also have to like this kind of game to really get into it, so its not for everyone. Overall 7.75/10


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