
Topic: Goony thread & QR codes

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A upcoming endless runner for the dsiware/eshop, there is not much info yet but we do know that you can make your own block design and can share it to others as a QR code so we could expect any kind of block like a mario brick block/coin block, mine craft blocks, etc....does it tickle your interest at the right price?

[Edited by Undead_terror]

Sp00ky scary skeleton back to play games and dew other fine things indead!
The Graveyard (Backloggery) l Nintendo ID: Undead_terror

Switch Friend Code: SW-8251-5734-1036 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-2878-6360 | My Nintendo: Undead_terror | Nintendo Network ID: Undead_terror | Twitter:


Looks rather interesting. I hope it turns out good!



Is this game like a variant of Q-Bert? I hope so. I love that game!

3DS Friend Code: 4511-0578-9918 (User name: Grumble) If u add me let me know so I can add you back ;) Current Favorites: NSMB 2, CrossWords Plus, Art Academy: Lessons For Everyone, Donkey Kong, Mario Golf, Balloon Pop Remix, Precipice, Digidrive, Art of Balance: Touch, Speed X3D, R...


Got the game, it is a endless runner and is like a slinky.
Here is my first block, it is based from the minecraft dirt block.

Sp00ky scary skeleton back to play games and dew other fine things indead!
The Graveyard (Backloggery) l Nintendo ID: Undead_terror

Switch Friend Code: SW-8251-5734-1036 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-2878-6360 | My Nintendo: Undead_terror | Nintendo Network ID: Undead_terror | Twitter:


COMPANION CUBE!! Although I hardly know what that is...
Anyway, when is NL going to make a review? And did you like the game?

[Edited by Crazybrain1]

Do you truly look at things positively? For example, do you look at the glass like it's always full? (Half water, half air.) Or when someone "lets the cat out of the bag," do you think it's because the person felt sorry for the cat stuck in the bag? There is a positive side to almost everythin...


Crazybrain1 wrote:

COMPANION CUBE!! Although I hardly know what that is...
Anyway, when is NL going to make a review? And did you like the game?

It's fun making blocks and it is pretty easy, the game it's self is alright, all you do is press left or right because goony is moving himself. If you fall of the edge you die, if you are hit 3 times you die although you can recover from getting coins, get coins to get a power up and oil spots slow you down.

Sp00ky scary skeleton back to play games and dew other fine things indead!
The Graveyard (Backloggery) l Nintendo ID: Undead_terror

Switch Friend Code: SW-8251-5734-1036 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-2878-6360 | My Nintendo: Undead_terror | Nintendo Network ID: Undead_terror | Twitter:


I couldn’t reed your QR codes with the European 3DS: „unsupportet QR code“
Does everyone have the same problem?

[Edited by Nintendojuenger]



Oh wow, the game sends you right into the action. There's no title screen or anything. And the game only keeps the highest score.

Seems like a time waster in its purest form.

I really like the fact that you can take screenshoots of gameplay though. That and the block creation make this a really strange but enjoyable minigame.

I made a block based on the "mountain" tiles from Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen (or was it Ruby?):

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Morphtroid wrote:

Oh wow, the game sends you right into the action. There's no title screen or anything. And the game only keeps the highest score.

Seems like a time waster in its purest form.

I really like the fact that you can take screenshoots of gameplay though. That and the block creation make this a really strange but enjoyable minigame.

I made a block based on the "mountain" tiles from Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen (or was it Ruby?):

Yep, you can change blocks mid game, you can make blocks or fields (in the block editior you will see a wooden box on the side an tap it to change angle) apparently I spent 4 hours on this game so far...

Sp00ky scary skeleton back to play games and dew other fine things indead!
The Graveyard (Backloggery) l Nintendo ID: Undead_terror

Switch Friend Code: SW-8251-5734-1036 | 3DS Friend Code: 5198-2878-6360 | My Nintendo: Undead_terror | Nintendo Network ID: Undead_terror | Twitter:


I will probably get this when I get points.

Do you truly look at things positively? For example, do you look at the glass like it's always full? (Half water, half air.) Or when someone "lets the cat out of the bag," do you think it's because the person felt sorry for the cat stuck in the bag? There is a positive side to almost everythin...


Hi guys. The developer here.
Just want to let you know that the QR Code issue is something we are aware of and are currently working with Nintendo to resolve the issue. Most probably this will happen in the form of a game update.
The issue being that currently QR Codes generated with the EU version of the game cannot be scanned with the US version of the game and vice versa.
It is not a region locking thing, we want the QR Codes to work universally.
Will keep you posted, stay tuned.


3DS Friend Code: 0387-8863-3483


@Ph0x: There's also a small gameplay thing... Sometimes, when pressing left and right the character will teleport to another square without animation or midway through the current animation, sometimes even to a block it shouldn't be able to jump to (like, a block behind it)... Maybe you could do something to fix that? It's kinda annoying.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok

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