
Topic: Airport Mania: Non-Stop Flights--- first impression

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if i had to tell everyone about this game in 4 words it would be

PC free play mode...

thats right no levels pc game had like 50 or so levels) its just a continuous loop of airplanes coming to your airport ... At random times the little cash sign pops up telling you that you can buy an upgrade if you want to... as soon as 5 planes get mad and leave your airport its GAME OVER. I guess you could always try to beat your high score, but i dont see why anyone would want to play this more then 15 mins or so at a time..

Personally do i think its worth 200 pts.... right now i will have to say since there are goals to aim for. no levels to play its pretty hard saying YES it was a good buy... Then again it was only 200 pts and i think i would been more upset if it was 500...., You do earn upgrades at random times but its not like the pc verison where you move from stage to stage and it gets harder and harder..
like i said its nothing more then just a continuous loop of planes coming to the airport

I just wonder if it was lack of space on DSI game downloads that kept the system from getting the entire game ?

i cant belive how they could take a fun little game for the pc and dumb it down this badly for the dsi... I would of been more then happy to play 500 pts if it was a clone of the pc verison...

[Edited by slidecage]



I'm definitely sad to hear that it seems like the "diet" version of a much better game, but I haven't downloaded it yet, and so I may well enjoy this approach after all. (I'm kind of a score-attack junky, if the game is addictive enough to warrant it.)

Regardless, the fuller version is still available on WiiWare for a measly 500 points, and I wholeheartedly encourage you to download that if you haven't already!




Ouch, I was considering getting the DSiWare version of this game but I think that I will get the WiiWare version instead. Thanks for your impressions Slidecage!

I can't wait to see what Chicken will think of this version of the game in his upcoming review. Should make for an interesting read as always.



Thanks for the heads up. I was about to get it and when I read about the lack of levels, I decided to keep my points.



Thanks for the impression slidecage. I was worry this morning after reading the description that their wasn't gonna be much to this one. Having you confirm that really sucks. Doesn't seem like something I could really get into as I have enough high score only games on my system that hardly get any playing time.

The screenshots aren't anything like First Flight for the Wiiware so I'm wondering if First Flight will be released anytime soon.

3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701
PSN id: cheapO4life
Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer


Idk... I think NL will give it a 9 though(just say).

3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701
PSN id: cheapO4life
Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer


shinesprite wrote:

Since it appears the staff are already on to this weeks releases, what ever happened to the review for Glory Days-Tactical Defense?

We canceled it due to lack of interest.

...kidding. Sometimes our reviewers just get overloaded or otherwise sidetracked. It's pretty rare, but it does happen. We do appreciate your patience; I'm sure it'll be up as soon as possible.




Idk... I think NL will give it a 9 though(just say).

3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701
PSN id: cheapO4life
Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer


cheapogamer4life wrote:

Thanks for the impression slidecage. I was worry this morning after reading the description that their wasn't gonna be much to this one. Having you confirm that really sucks. Doesn't seem like something I could really get into as I have enough high score only games on my system that hardly get any playing time.

The screenshots aren't anything like First Flight for the Wiiware so I'm wondering if First Flight will be released anytime soon.

should of looked at the preview closer i though this was going to be first flight.. never seen that NONSTOP FLIGHTS.. that should of told me this was just a one stage thing

its an okay game to pick up and play but after around 5 or so mins the screen gets so crowded your going to lose no matter what... Too bad they didnt do something that gave you extras lives to replace once the planes start to leave

at least i did go back and found out that the mahjong game that hits the states next week was already released over in europe and its a very bad game.. and wont waste my points on that one.... now to wait and see if anything good comes out in feb..... hopefully some RPG games but i doubt we will see another RPG on the dsi downloads sadly

i would give the game a 5 out of 10..... nothing good nothing bad

[Edited by slidecage]



Chicken+Brutus wrote:

Out of curiosity, cheapogamer, what score do you think we'd give it?

Honestly is hard to say. This game reminds me of Army Defender and that other 200 point game Firefighter(I think that's the name of it) which you guys give a six. I've just finish watching the you tube video from the idevice version and it seems to be o.k.(A good way to waste a few mins.), so depending on how u guys feel about this one I don't see it getting over a six.

[Edited by cheapogamer4life]

3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701
PSN id: cheapO4life
Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer


Chicken Brutus wrote:

Out of curiosity, cheapogamer, what score do you think we'd give it?

lol, I didn't realize I made a double post until just now so I thought u were asking me to predict the Non Stop Flight score.

3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701
PSN id: cheapO4life
Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer


Actually, apparently Airport Mania: First Flight is still coming to DSi, so Non-Stop Flights is just a different release from what the Wii got, and we should still be getting First Flight for the DSi if you wait for the release.


iphys wrote:

Actually, apparently Airport Mania: First Flight is still coming to DSi, so Non-Stop Flights is just a different release from what the Wii got, and we should still be getting First Flight for the DSi if you wait for the release.

i wonder why they would even release a bare bones verison of the game... i wonder if they are going to scrap the full game and released this instead...unless they released this to see if there is a demand for the full game (maybe the game didnt sell that well on the wii)

i dont really know if i would even download the full verison at 500 pts now that i wasted 200 thinking it was the full game (nah i probally will, but i doubt we see it before summer)



This is the same as the recently released iPhone version of the game. My guess it was easier to get Nintendo approval of this version, compared to the First Flight version.

And, the facebook page has confirmed that the First Flight version is coming:!/pages/Airport-Mania/82800324271

[Edited by cdoty]



It may still be worth getting both. Think of it as paying a little extra for an add-on endless mode, as in the Mega Man WiiWare games. Folks who want it can pay a couple bucks for it, and folks who have no interest can just get the main release.

...the problem here is that the endless mode has come before the main release, and has confused at least a few of the folks here. (Myself included!) Ultimately, for someone who enjoys the game, it's likely to still be worth it. But judged on its own merit, the endless mode without any larger game behind it isn't going to appeal to everyone.

Bah, why am I talking about this here? There's a review coming!




I was going to buy this next week but now I'm not so sure since it's just an Endless Mode. I may just wait for First Flight to come out for the service.

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