
Topic: Nintendogs+cats!

Posts 381 to 400 of 552


Did you guys turn Streetpass on in your Journal? If you didn't activate streepass than Spotpass isn't activated either. If you have activated Streetpass, then have you put your 3DS in Sleep mode? The system only receives Spotpass content in sleep mode.


3DS Friend Code: 2878-9589-2016 | Nintendo Network ID: Wildvine53


Wildvine53 wrote:

Did you guys turn Streetpass on in your Journal? If you didn't activate streepass than Spotpass isn't activated either. If you have activated Streetpass, then have you put your 3DS in Sleep mode? The system only receives Spotpass content in sleep mode.

True you must activate Nintendogs StreetPass to get the data but the system can and will get SpotPass notifications regardless of what its doing. The only things that would stop it from getting a SpotPass would be turning wireless off or playing a DS game.

Edited on by bboy2970

My backloggery:


I think the only people getting the SpotPass are people in the US. So far I haven't found anyone in the EU that has received one. No fair!!

My Art Academy artwork can be viewed here: My Gallery


Victoria wrote:

I think the only people getting the SpotPass are people in the US. So far I haven't found anyone in the EU that has received one. No fair!!

Yeah, that is a bit unfair. If it makes you feel any better, they aren't that great. Just kind of a neat little surprise. I'm very surprised they didn't do something in Europe having to do with the royal wedding...

My backloggery:


I want the Queen and Corgi as Spot Pass content for the UK, dont care what she is giving away, but I wanna meet the queen.

3DS Friend Code: 2621 - 2654 - 6355

OnLive Player Tag: Raptor78

Heroes of Ruin online profile -

currently playing: Heroes of Ruin

Nintendo Network ID: Raptor78


you dont have to put your 3DS in sleepmode to get spotpass content. never heared of that

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Wildvine53 wrote:

Did you guys turn Streetpass on in your Journal? If you didn't activate streepass than Spotpass isn't activated either. If you have activated Streetpass, then have you put your 3DS in Sleep mode? The system only receives Spotpass content in sleep mode.

Yeah I use streetpass every day and connect to people fine and such. I've had one spotpass since I got my first ones when I first got the 3ds. I just don't think they have any nintendog ones for Europe yet which seems a tad unfair, but hey what can I do?

I also think I don't get many spotpasses because at Uni I couldn't connect to my wireless, but I'm home in 2 weeks so I can connect to that one and hopefully start seeing some spot pass action.

On another note, I bought a cat to day, a grey tabby called SIlver Shall share some pictures soon.

Edited on by Amber24

Aqua blue 3ds, playing nintendogs+cats


i just had my 3DS with wireless and internet connection in sleepmode for 15mins or so...nothing

guess europeans have to wait...again .

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


I've gotten Spotpass stuff as well; it's definitely only in North America though. Funny since it's been two different dog owning Presidents... yet I'm in Canada. Oh well!




Edited on by lord_hades

i am hades true leader of the underworld. i must bid you ado


This thread is getting quiet How's everyone's pets doing?

Rufus is still a champion in everything. Brina is very close in lure and disk, but no way near in obedience. And Silver is just being his typical cat self.

Aqua blue 3ds, playing nintendogs+cats


Amber24 wrote:

This thread is getting quiet How's everyone's pets doing?

Rufus is still a champion in everything. Brina is very close in lure and disk, but no way near in obedience. And Silver is just being his typical cat self.

Anastasia is still reigning champ in Lure coursing and Disc Competition. I'm working hard to beat the Obedience trials. Honestly I'm kind of getting bored with this game. I've already gotten all the toys and accessories. It's been about 3 weeks and I haven't unlocked anything new. If it wasn't for that robo-pup voucher and spotpass content I probably wouldn't play anymore.


3DS Friend Code: 2878-9589-2016 | Nintendo Network ID: Wildvine53


My cat brought me a promise ring the other day. Good kitty!

My Art Academy artwork can be viewed here: My Gallery


I wish my real cats would bring me fancy jewelry home.

Just make sure you sell it before the rings owner finds out! xD


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I decided that I need something new to help motivate me to keep playing until I get Robo-pup, so I adopted a new puppy!
His name is WoodsWorth, he's very mellow and loves Natasha and Anastasia.


3DS Friend Code: 2878-9589-2016 | Nintendo Network ID: Wildvine53


I just found this forum a few days ago but I now have two puppies. I just got Jasper last night since Chase got the Nintendogs cups in everything. They are both toy poodles because I think that breed is just too cute!



Today I took my dog out shopping on a pedometer walk. For 1240 steps he brings me a single balloon. {shesh!} What a lame-o!

My Art Academy artwork can be viewed here: My Gallery


Hi I'm new to this site^^
I have a French Bulldog female named 'May', and an Oriental female kitty named 'Chestnut'. They are super cute<3
I can't wait to unlock Pugs! XD


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