
Topic: New game: SteamWorld Dig for the 3DS

Posts 101 to 120 of 139


imageform wrote:

I had totally forgotten about this thread! Well, to sum it up - IGN, Gamasutra and a slew of other prominent (and less prominent) sites have decided that SteamWorld Dig is one of the best games of 2013. It's amazing, as is this - this feeling of speaking into the void in an almost-terminated thread on Nintendo Life. I could probably write just about anything here, for example what the next SteamWorld game will be called, when it's coming out and for what platforms. But I won't bore you with that, I'll just mention that we at Image & Form love you all. More to come.

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@imageform you guys rock! seriously Steamworld Dig never gets boring and I love the style.(though Pokémon did take all my time lately but, hey, all the new games do that while they last ) hope you guys are having fun making games! otherwise it wouldn't be worthwhile!

Edited on by GuSolarFlare

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
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3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


@imageform At first i felt like all i was doing was digging my own grave! I was definitely playing the game wrong and it wasn't fun for me. So i stop playing thinking the game was boring and just mindless digging. A friend got me back into it because he kept telling me how good it was. Now i've seen the error of my ways and sing the praises of this game! Best eshop game to date and i've played quite a few of them! I hope you've earned a bunch of money off this so we can get an even better longer game! Keep up the great work!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

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Best game on the 3DS I love it!

It's Wario time Yaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Haha, thanks guys - more to come soon! Darn, I thought I had this thread all to myself... ;D




Gioku wrote:

I'll be ready and waiting!


goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
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3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


arronishere wrote:

I just wish the game didn't have the western/cowboy vibe (personal taste) otherwise it's brilliant.

Well I'm glad it does; I love westerns and there aren't too many video games with a western theme, so I'm happy with all of them I can get!

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Gioku wrote:

arronishere wrote:

I just wish the game didn't have the western/cowboy vibe (personal taste) otherwise it's brilliant.

Well I'm glad it does; I love westerns and there aren't too many video games with a western theme, so I'm happy with all of them I can get!

I like both western and eastern styles and SteamWorld Dig had more style than average so it was perfect!

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
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3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


I hope the sequel is a Time-Traveling Western... everyone loves Time-Traveling Westerns

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


I'm thinking of getting this, how long did it last for you all?

Currently Playing - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Previously Played - Super Paper Mario

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Nintendo Network ID: Joe1998


Well I'm in the minority as it took me longer then most because I just like to take my time. Took me about 10 hours. Most people it seems it took them 6-7 hours. Don't let that stop you though as plenty of people think it's the best eshop game to date including me!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


Sparkyboy6 wrote:

I'm thinking of getting this, how long did it last for you all?

I finished it in about 6 hours, I think. Don't let that put you off though - it's like an old Metroid game in that it doesn't take long to finish it once, but you can spend much longer trying to beat your best time and/or trying to finish with 100% completion.



It took me 4:21... and I was taking my time getting most of the treasures. Now I'm worried I missed something important or something. o__O

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You missed world's 4-6!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


It took me 2:20.

On my 5th playthrough.

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.

3DS FC: 1332 7785 4494


Thanks guys! I think I will get SteamWorld Dig.

Currently Playing - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Previously Played - Super Paper Mario

My Mario Kart 8 Highlights:

Nintendo Network ID: Joe1998


Sparkyboy6 wrote:

Thanks guys! I think I will get SteamWorld Dig.

GET IT, NOW!!!!!!!!!

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


GuSilverFlame wrote:

Sparkyboy6 wrote:

Thanks guys! I think I will get SteamWorld Dig.

GET IT, NOW!!!!!!!!!

Get it 2 days ago!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | 3DS Friend Code: 3050-7580-4390 | Nintendo Network ID: SpoonyTech | Twitter:


I'm super late to this party, but I finally got this one. Only 3.8 dollars (MX$49) was too good of a deal to miss.

So... I assume this game is good(will start it tomorrow)! Anyone else is getting this with the discount?


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