DSiWare News
News SteamWorld Series Creator Admits 3DS eShop Closure Is A Little Bit "Upsetting"
A DSiWare classic is gone
It seems Nintendo's closure of the 3DS eShop has been just as upsetting for game developers and publishers. Speaking to 'Kit & Krysta' recently, SteamWorld series creator and Thunderful Group co-founder Brjann Sigurgeirsson admitted it was sad seeing 3DS owners lose access to the 2010 DSiWare origin title SteamWorld:...
Countdown 3DS eShop Spotlight - Dragon Quest Wars
#29 - Dragon War-rior
For the month before the 3DS and Wii U eShops close for new purchases on 27th March, each day we're going to highlight a specific eShop game for one of those consoles and give a short pitch as to why we think it deserves your love and attention — before it's too late. The chance to add these to your library will be gone for...
Countdown 3DS eShop Spotlight - Aura-Aura Climber
#27 - You're a star
For the month before the 3DS and Wii U eShops close for new purchases on 27th March, each day we're going to highlight a specific eShop game for one of those consoles and give a short pitch as to why we think it deserves your love and attention — before it's too late. The chance to add these to your library will be gone for...
Video Check Out This Japan-Only Club Nintendo Game You Likely Never Heard Of
Reclaim Mario's hat in 'Nintendoji'
We Nintendo fans often pride ourselves on our vast and intimate knowledge of the company's back catalogue. Even when a piece of hardware or software isn't released in our territory, we'll either import it or sit there poring over details and videos of obscure releases we'll never get our hands on. Knowledge is...
News Nintendo Appears To Be Pulling DSiWare Games From The 3DS eShop
Update: Some games return
Update: Just as mysteriously as their sudden removal, some of the DSiWare games that were recently taken down from the 3DS eShop have now returned. As reported by DelistedGames, a handful of the missing titles reappeared on the North American eShop yesterday (see below). It's only a small portion of those that vanished –...
News Nintendo Removes Seventh Generation Games From Its Official Website
Wii U information page also taken down
Nintendo's American website has today removed all traces of certain video game generations. To be precise, there are no longer game listings for Wii, WiiWare, DS and DSiWare. The Wii U information page has also been removed. It means you'll have to look elsewhere if you're wanting more information about these...
Feature Ten of Our Favourite DSiWare Games
Remembering some of the best from Nintendo's first portable eShop
The DSi was a console that had some important 'firsts' for Nintendo's portable efforts, chief among them was a digital storefront. Though the DSiWare shop may seem rather primitive compared to the eShop nowadays, there were still plenty of quality titles to be found on the service...
Reminder Points Can't Be Added to the DSi Shop After 30th September
Wake me up when September ends
A few months ago, it was announced that Nintendo would at last be pulling the plug on its Nintendo DSi Shop. Considering that NX is mere months away from release, this is something that didn't come as much of a surprise, but it's no doubt still disappointing news for many. There's still time to continue using the shop...
News The Nintendo DSi Shop Shuts Down Next Year
The end of an era
When Nintendo released the Nintendo DSi, it featured numerous simple, yet effective, new features to the original DS that gave it more multimedia functions. One of these introductions was the Nintendo DSi Shop, Nintendo's first foray into implementing a digital storefront on a portable console. While the quality of the games...
Going off the rails
Nintendo's DSiWare service may be in the autumn of its life now, but there are occasionally some new releases for the platform. DSiWare has never necessarily been known for playing host to terribly deep or innovative games, but there are plenty of solid pick up 'n' play experiences to be had for just a couple of bucks. Crazy...
Nintendo Download 28th January (North America)
Final Fantasy new and old! LEGO Avengers! Shadow Puppeteer! More!
It's that time again, dear readers, for the North American Nintendo Download Update. This week brings three high profile retail titles (well, one is on both platforms), an intriguing and shadowy Wii U release along with some other interesting download-only arrivals on both systems...
Review The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (DSiWare)
"Cor blimey, gu'vnor"
The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde takes us right back to a London morning in 1886. A body is discovered – a wealthy man who was highly regarded by everyone. Why was he murdered? How? What is going to happen next? Your job is to step into the shoes of an inspector, looking for clues and talking to important...
Review G.G Series VECTOR (DSiWare)
Low magnitude
The last title in the G.G Series has come to pass at last, and it concludes the series in a rather anticlimactic and slightly disappointing manner. G.G Series VECTOR attempts to yet again take a crack at the falling block puzzler and it does so with mixed results. While there's an interesting original idea that's executed in a...
Review G.G Series ENERGY CHAIN (DSiWare)
Off the chain
The next title in the G.G series takes us back to the puzzler genre with yet another take on the tried and true block puzzler. Amazingly enough, this is pulled off with a surprising amount of success and is as enjoyable as it is original. If there's any complaint to be levelled against G.G Series ENERGY CHAIN, it's that the overall...
Review G.G Series SCORE ATTACKER (DSiWare)
The name says it all
The next title in the G.G series opts to return to the bullet hell genre with generally positive results. Due to the fact it makes little to no effort at creating its own identity, G.G Series SCORE ATTACKER is rather forgettable. That being said the controls are solid, the visuals and sound are suitably old-school, and the...
Review G.G Series NYOKKI (DSiWare)
Snake charmer
The next title in the G.G series aims to remix a classic arcade game, and it mostly succeeds in achieving that goal. While there are some issues with the way that the main character responds to your controls, there really isn't much else to complain about. G.G Series NYOKKI is a good example of how to pull off a budget arcade game; it...
Review G.G Series AIR PINBALL HOCKEY (DSiWare)
A missed opportunity
Thought the G.G Series was done, did you? Well it's not, and – after a brief hiatus – we're back to giving you our two cents as to which of these numerous mini games are worth your time. This time around, G.G Series AIR PINBALL HOCKEY is in the hotseat and it manages to provide a beautifully divisive experience that manages...
Review G.G Series THROW OUT (DSiWare)
Throw this one out
We return to the G.G series with the sports genre, this time looking at a soccer game with combative elements reminiscent of the Mario Strikers series. It somewhat succeeds in this attempt, but matches are seldom challenging and consequently feel dull. While the game mechanics themselves are solid enough, one can't help but...
Review G.G Series THE LAST KNIGHT (DSiWare)
Hopefully this really is the last knight
The G.G series has grown a great deal in recent weeks, and another addition is an action adventure game that bears more than a passing resemblance to dungeons from The Legend of Zelda. Unfortunately, G.G Series THE LAST KNIGHT doesn't hold any of the same magic and fails to deliver entertainment that has much...
Review G.G Series VERTEX (DSiWare)
A bit too one dimensional
The next game in the G.G series is here, and this one is yet another unique take on the puzzler genre. While G.G Series VERTEX starts out strong with an interesting shooter-puzzler hybrid, it quickly peters out when this concept fails to develop into anything further. Pair this with lacklustre visual and sound design, and...
Review G.G Series RUN & STRIKE (DSiWare)
Double fault
The next entry in the G.G series opts to branch out a bit and little something in the sports genre. While this works relatively well initially, the novelty of the gameplay soon wears off and it quickly becomes rather boring. G.G Series RUN & STRIKE is a decent arcade game, but players looking for anything more will be sorely...
Nintendo Download 16th July (North America)
Tiny Galaxy, airport management, Blaster Master, G.G Series and more
Following the passing of Satoru Iwata earlier this week Nintendo isn't actively issuing press releases at the time of writing; as a result the following is based upon checking the eShop stores. We have a promising Nindie effort on Wii U, a couple of quirky efforts on 3DS, more G.G...
Review G.G Series DRILLING ATTACK!! (DSiWare)
Rock solid
The next title to look at in the G.G series is yet another action platformer, but it manages to feel distinct from the others in more ways than one. Unlike every G.G game up to this point, G.G Series DRILLING ATTACK!! focuses less on being an arcade-focused game best suited for quick playthroughs, and more on being an experience that...
The way of the ninja
The next game in the G.G series opts to return to the platformer genre yet again, and the end result is surprisingly engaging. G.G Series THE HIDDEN NINJA KAGEMARU is a unique arcade focused, 2D stealth platformer that manages to put forth a distinct and compelling gameplay system that'll keep gamers coming back again and again...
Review G.G Series ALL BREAKER (DSiWare)
Are you worthy of the hammer?
We have another title in the G.G series to consider, and this one opts to go back to action platformer roots. However, G.G Series ALL BREAKER focuses on including puzzle elements into the mix alongside the oddly compelling, melee-centric action. The end result is an engaging experience that'll keep challenging both your...
I hate snakes, Jock! I hate 'em!
The G.G series continues onward, and once again goes back to the platformer genre. G.G Series GREAT WHIP ADVENTURE does its best to provide gamers with a compact action platformer, and it largely succeeds in achieving this goal. While it may seem a bit derivative at times, the solid platforming action on offer here...
Review G.G Series SHADOW ARMY (DSiWare)
Bob and weave
The next title in the G.G series opts to go once again into the shooter genre, and the interesting gameplay manages to set G.G Series SHADOW ARMY apart from its predecessors in a meaningful way. While some aspects of it may be dull and somewhat uninspired, the continuously variable and fast paced nature of its gunplay make it an...
Review G.G Series EXCITING RIVER (DSiWare)
A quick trip through choppy waters
The G.G Series continues rolling forward with its seemingly endless number of releases, and this time it's branching out into light racing territory. True to the identity of the series that it's coming from, G.G Series EXCITING RIVER offers a barebones yet enjoyable arcade game that shows its value not through its...
Fresh off the conveyor belt
Packing away hundreds of toys rolling off of a factory conveyor belt, who hasn't had that dream? The next title in the G.G series is another falling block puzzler, and while it presents a unique and enjoyable type of gameplay, it's impeded somewhat by some suppressive game mechanics and an uninspired soundtrack. That...
Review G.G Series BLACK X BLOCK (DSiWare)
Block Dude 2.0
Another entry in the G.G series has arrived, and anybody who's owned a TI series calculator and spent a lengthy amount of time in a high school math class will immediately feel at home with the type of gameplay here. Indeed, the premise of G.G Series BLACK X BLOCK feels like a successor of sorts to the cult classic, Block Dude, and it...
Review G.G Series ALTERED WEAPON (DSiWare)
More than meets the eye
Short, sweet, and to the point. That's the phrase that best describes most games in the G.G series and G.G Series ALTERED WEAPON is no different - it offers an interesting and enjoyable gameplay experience that's over just about as quickly as it's begun. While it would be nice if there was a bit more meat to it, what is...
Review G.G Series ASSAULT BUSTER (DSiWare)
Mega Buster
The G.G series keeps on going, and next up is another shoot 'em up; yet this one presents a unique and dynamic combat system that's surprisingly engaging. In an experimental series that's pretty hit or miss depending on the genre being attempted, G.G Series ASSAULT BUSTER provides a fun, arcade style shooter that's easily the most...
Review G.G Series COSMO RALLY!! (DSiWare)
Get ready to activate your G-diffusers
This particular title in the G.G Series seems to have been inspired by a certain other futuristic racer, and while it presents an admirable take on the concept of high speed and interstellar racing, its lack of diverse content holds it back from being particularly memorable. That being said, G.G Series COSMO...
Review G.G Series HERO PUZZLE (DSiWare)
A long journey
The G.G Series aims to provide players with quick arcade experiences on their DS systems at a low price point, and it experiments with a wide variety of genres to achieve this goal. Some of these genres are a better fit than others and this results in a somewhat unpredictable line of games that's a collection of highs and lows...
Review G.G Series WONDERLAND (DSiWare)
We're all mad here
It's not often that a new DSiWare game shows up on the eShop, as that particular line of software is on the brink of extinction. Imagine, then, the shock when the G.G Series made its return to the service when Genterprise chose to localise the remaining games in the series. G.G Series WONDERLAND marked the beginning of the...
Review G.G Series THE SPIKY BLOWFISH!! (DSiWare)
Under the sea
DSiWare is admittedly a pretty hit or miss service, with games on it typically being forgettable mini-games and otherwise unexceptional apps. The G.G series does a remarkable job of providing decent quality arcade experiences, and the next game in the long list of titles in this series is no different. G.G Series THE SPIKY...
News There Are Now Over 600 DSiWare Games And Apps
Not dead yet
The 3DS may be entering its twilight years but that doesn't mean that DSiWare - the downloadable software service which launched with the 3DS console's forerunner, the DSi - is completely dead. In fact, thanks to the large helping of DSiWare games in this week's Download Update, there are now 604 games and apps available for DSiWare...
Nintendo Download 25th June (North America)
Star Fox and Mario & Luigi DS games! Art Academy! Shiftlings! More!
It's Nintendo Download Update day, and as usual we now have the North American details. It's a busy line-up with three interesting Wii U eShop titles, two popular franchises on the Virtual Console, some discounts and another hefty batch of DSiWare. Yep... DSiWare. So, let's get to...
Nintendo Download 11th June (North America)
LEGO Jurassic Park x2, more Harvest Moon, Dr. Mario and much more
It's the final North American Nintendo Download Update before the E3 shenanigans in LA, and there's a diverse range of options. We have the first GBA Harvest Moon, two versions of LEGO Jurassic World, the return of Dr. Mario, some quirky eShop offerings and four DSiWare games. Let's...
Nintendo Download 18th December (Europe)
99Moves, retro fighting, 3DS battles, puzzling sums and more
It's the final download update before a Christmas Day line-up, and it may be best to consider it a calm before a storm. There are some relatively promising new downloads on both Wii U and 3DS, along with discounts and demos, so there may be some games to part you from some cash before the...
Review Around the World in 80 Days (DSiWare)
Have money, will travel
When pondering the subject of exploration, match-three puzzle titles might not be the first thing that springs to mind. Jules Verne's classic story of an 80 day adventure around the world is a difficult concept to adapt through gem-switching and colour combinations, but Joindots GmbH has gone and done exactly that. Around the...
All very fin-miliar
Let's face it; you can't simply release a match-three puzzle game on Nintendo's range of handhelds today and expect to come across as unique. Developers are entering into an eShop saturated by shiny things just waiting to be lined up, so there needs to be some kind of hook to get players interested. Fishdom wears an intriguing...
News Mega Man 2 Fan Remake is Now Available to Play on Petit Computer
242 QR codes to make it happen
Though a 3DS eShop version is on the way, DSiWare app Petit Computer remains as one of the most intriguing downloads available on the last-gen portable. It allows you to create games using BASIC code that are fully playable on the DSi, and they can then be shared through QR codes. It's seen its share of terrific...
Nintendo Download 20th November (Europe)
Watch Dogs + DLC, Sonic Boom x2, Natsume retro goodies and more
Another week begins, but at least those of us in Europe have the Nintendo Download news to cheer up our day. This week's line-up includes some major retail releases, new download-only options across the board (even DSiWare makes an appearance) and a range of DLC, HOME themes and more...
Nintendo Download 13th November (Europe)
Mario Kart 8 DLC, Golden Sun, Tengami, LEGO, Castlevania and more
It's another Monday morning, which means we have Nintendo Download news for European gamers. It's a packed week with a major retail release, eagerly anticipated DLC, some high-profile Virtual Console games and enticing download-only titles to consider. There's a lot to get through, so...
Nintendo Download 25th September (Europe)
Fantasy Life, Art of Balance, FIFA(!), loads of discounts and much more
It's time to brighten our Mondays with the European Nintendo Download Update, once again, and this week serves up a lot of options across the Wii U, 3DS and even DSi. There's a major retail arrival on 3DS, new titles on both eShop platforms along with Virtual Console entries,...
Nintendo Download 4th September (Europe)
Cubemen, Xtreme Mega Man, Gargoyle's Quest II, Zelda discounts and more
It's Monday, which means it's Nintendo Download Update news for Europe. There are quite a few offerings on the way this week, with games on both Wii U and 3DS along with a rather good DSiWare app; in addition there are a host of Zelda-themed discounts, joined by some other price...
News Go! Go! Kokopolo Developer Explains Why It's Being Pulled From The eShop
"It's quite nice that this version will become a limited release exclusive"
If you haven't purchased DSiWare title Go! Go! Kokopolo then you might want to get your skates on, as the title is going to be pulled from sale on the 31st of this month. Creator Keith Webb has gone public to outline the thinking behind the move, and while it's tempting to...
The road less traveled
DSiWare releases are becoming fewer and far between, but there are still some interesting titles to be found for the service, and they're all accessible thanks to the 3DS eShop. Collavier Corporation's Amida's Path is a creative, fun game that combines strategy, action and light role-playing to create an experience that feels...
Review Mysterious Stars: The Samurai (DSiWare)
The DSi’s touchscreen-and-stylus setup has inspired an impressive array of pen-and-paper puzzle conversions over the years, and this trend seems set to continue right into DSiWare’s twilight days. Collavier’s Mysterious Stars trilogy, as the most recent example, pairs classic connect-the-dots puzzles with children’s stories. It’s...
Nintendo Download 14th August (North America)
XType Plus, GAIABREAKER, Mega Man, Double Dragon and more
It's time again for the Nintendo Download Update news, and this week's North American list brings us multiple new titles on the Wii U, along with some retro goodies to consider. There's also a free demo on 3DS, a host of discounts across both current-gen systems and even a DSiWare game. Let's...
News Amida's Path Brings Interesting Combat Mechanics to DSiWare Later this Week
Write 400 lines
It seems the DSiWare format refuses to give up the ghost as yet another game is set to grace its gates later this week for North American DSi and 3DS owners. Amida's Path takes place 900 years ago in Kyoto, Japan. The city seems to be at peace until a menagerie of demons decides to wreak havoc upon its gentle citizens. You take...
Review Mysterious Stars: A Fairy Tale (DSiWare)
Missed connections
From sudoku and crosswords to mazes and more, pen-and-paper puzzle games have found a happy home on Nintendo’s recent dual-screened systems, especially as part of smaller, downloadable offerings. One of the latest examples of this trend is the Mysterious Stars trilogy, a set of DSiWare games that couple classic connect-the-dots...
Review Anne's Doll Studio: Antique Collection (DSiWare)
Antique? Try "aged"
Gamebridge's Anne's Doll Studio: Antique Collection is one of several titles in the Anne's Doll Studio "series," and like the other entries is a complete waste of time and money. A simple application in which you can dress up a doll and save it as an image file, users will find all there is to discover in Anne's Doll Studio as...
Review Anne's Doll Studio: Lolita Collection (DSiWare)
Don't touch Lolita
Gamebridge's Anne's Doll Studio: Lolita Collection is one of several titles in the Anne's Doll Studio "series," and like the other entries, is a complete waste of time and money. A simple application in which you can dress up a doll and save it as an image file, users will find all there is to discover in Anne's Doll Studio as...
Review Anne's Doll Studio: Princess Collection (DSiWare)
Evil princess
Gamebridge's Anne's Doll Studio: Princess Collection is one of several titles in the Anne's Doll Studio "series," and like the other entries is a complete waste of time and money. A simple application in which you can dress up a doll and save it as an image file, users will find all there is to discover as soon as the title menu is...
Review Anonymous Notes Chapter 4 - From the Abyss (DSiWare)
The Anonymous Notes series is pretty meta, in a way. For games about eternally slaying monsters in dungeons, they never seem to stop emerging from the eShop themselves. If you’ve been following along with our reviews, it probably won’t surprise you to know that Anonymous Notes Chapter 4 - From the Abyss is very much like Chapter 3,
Review Mysterious Stars: The Singer (DSiWare)
Only connect...
Connect the dots, dot to dot, join the dots...whatever you called it growing up, the odds are pretty good you didn't think the game would be improved by a storyline. That's unfortunate, because that's the one thing Mysterious Stars: The Singer has to differentiate itself from an inexpensive book of similar puzzles. Well, no, that's...
Review My Aquarium: Seven Oceans (DSiWare)
Fishing for something more
Back in the heyday of the WiiWare service, an application titled My Aquarium was made available to all Wii owners through the digital distribution platform. It was so well received — as is evidenced by our review — that a second version was soon developed, appropriately and unsurprisingly titled My Aquarium 2. Now,...
Nintendo Download 3rd July (North America)
Guacamelee! Armillo! GBA Mario Tennis! WiiWare?! Much more!
It's Nintendo Download Update time, North America, and this week is full of new downloads to try and part you from your funds. Some are highly anticipated on both Wii U and 3DS, while others are rather out of left-field. There's a lot to choose from, so let's stop stalling and get to the...
Nintendo Download 26th June (North America)
Shovel Knight, Wii Sports, 5 DSiWare games (yes, really!) and much more
It's time again for your Nintendo download update, North America, and this one is a beauty. There's a double release of an eagerly anticipated action platformer, more Wii Sports shenanigans, discounts and plenty of choices across Wii U, 3DS and even DSiWare. Let's get to it...
Nintendo Download 26th June (Europe)
Wii Sports Club, GBA Mario Tennis, StreetPass discounts and much more
Another Monday has arrived, dear gamers, and Nintendo of Europe is trying to cheer us up with its Download Update details. This week certainly has plenty of choice, with a broad variety of titles covering Wii U, 3DS and, yes, DSiWare. We have the completion of a HD sports set and...
Review ATV Quad Kings (DSiWare)
Some forms of racing get a bad rap for looking too “simple” but, in reality, require a great deal of strategy and focus. It should never be as simple as holding down the accelerator until the finish line, which seems a lesson unfortunately lost on ATV Quad Kings. Quad Kings is a purely single-player run with three modes. The largest of...
Muddy goings
ATV Fever is at its best when machines hit the dirt and one gets into the zone of navigating a track’s turns and bumps. It’s a good way to distract oneself from the strange choices made in the organization of the game off the track. But first, the racing. ATV Fever has a pretty simple control setup. There are no tricks; no...
Nintendo Download 19th June (North America)
Pushmo goes HD, Another World, more Color Zen, 5(!) DSiWare games, more...
It's Nintendo Download Update time, North America, and this week there's a lengthy list of titles clawing at your eShop funds. Nintendo brings a colourful puzzle title to Wii U, we have a much-anticipated retro re-release on both systems, a crazy five DSiWare games — yep,...
News Club Nintendo Rewards Updated for June, Led by Kirby Once Again
Electroplankton and Mario Party also available
A couple of days late, Club Nintendo has updated its rewards for June, and we've got a delicious slate of games to choose from in North America. If you missed out on 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure on Club Nintendo last month you're in luck – take a gander: Electroplankton Rec-Rec – 150 coins...
Nintendo Download 5th June (Europe)
Tomodachi Life begins, zombies attack, Wario's back and much more
Is your Monday feeling a little gloomy? Well cheer up, because Nintendo has served up one of its largest Download Updates in a fair while, courtesy of a huge number of discounts from Bandai Namco and others. There are new games on Wii U, 3DS and even DSiWare, too, with a quirky...
Nintendo Download 22nd May (North America)
Squids, Turtles, Soldiers, Aliens, Street Fighting and more
It's that time once again, as we have the full details of this week's Nintendo Download offerings in North America. This week brings us retro delights and new games on both the Wii U and 3DS, along with more DSiWare to keep the old portable going. Let's get to it. Want to know what arrives...
Review Deep Sea Creatures (DSiWare)
Shallow waters
Collavier's Deep Sea Creatures, a slow-paced sim about deep sea fish and tank management, is not for everyone. While there is nothing particularly wrong with the game, its leisurely pace, lack of immediate challenge and poor instruction will likely turn off players looking for a more satisfying experience. For players genuinely...
Review Sokomania 2: Cool Job (DSiWare)
Cinemax's 2010 DSiWare puzzler Sokomania received a disappointing 3/10 in our review, due to its cheap presentation, lack of content and absence of variety. Unfortunately, Sokomania 2: Cool Job, while sporting a little more personality and improved visuals than its predecessor, doesn't improve upon the one-note gameplay and feels just as...
A traditional match-three lacking in splendour
Anyone familiar with the world of match-three games will know almost exactly what to expect from a title such as Jewel Match. Released, oddly enough, after Jewel Match 3 on the 3DS, this DSiWare version strips out the story, hidden object finding, and other extra mini-games of the past sequel and...
Nintendo Download 15th May (North America)
Wii Party U(?!), Scram Kitty, Chronicles of the Moon and much more
It's Nintendo Download time, North America, and this week certainly brings decent variety and some much anticipated games. There are two exclusives across Wii U and 3DS that stand out, along with some other downloads and Virtual Console entries on both current systems. Let's get to...
Nintendo Download 8th May (North America)
GBA Wario, more Mega May, Denpa Men, Grinsia and much more
It's download update time, North America, and this week brings a diverse mix of old and new, including a fresh Game Boy Advance offering on the Wii U Virtual Console. There are three brand new games on the 3DS eShop, two more Mega Man "Mega May" games and, unbelievably, three DSiWare...
News Sokomania 2: Cool Job Pushes Its Way Into North America on 8th May
DSiWare lives on
DSiWare will never end. Or so it seems. Prolific developer and publisher Cinemax is bringing another title to the platform, though has stated that it'll be the last entry before it moves onto 3DS eShop releases. Arriving this week in North America is Sokomania 2: Cool Job, a box pushing puzzle sequel that'll cost just 200 Nintendo...
Please sink this battleship
It's surprising there aren't more DS titles based on the classic board game Battleship. The DS, with its plastic exterior and flip-up dual screens, looks remarkably like a Milton Bradley Battleship board you probably have stuffed in the back of a closet. You don't need to dig through all your old board games to play...