Competition: Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts T-Shirt Competition

Like Lawn Darts? Like T-Shirts? Then boy do we have a competition for you!

Together with Incredible Technologies we're able to offer 10 XL Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts Official T-Shirts to celebrate the release of the dangerous looking Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts for WiiWare which was released this week in North America. The competition is open to the whole of North America – one size only. As always, answer the cryptic question below to enter – good luck!

About The Prize

Lawn darts – heavy metal spikes with fins – have been outlawed for years. They're just too dangerous to allow kids (or anyone for that matter) to play with them in today's safety-conscious world. But as menacing as they were, you've got to admit that it sure was fun to fling one into the air and stick it in the center of the yellow ring (while missing your little brother). Yes, they're banned – but now, thanks to the creative geniuses at Incredible Technologies, they're back – and you can play the game safely on your Wii system in the comfort of your living room

Find Out More

The game is Out Now for download, expect our full review very shortly!

How To Win

It's simple, login or register and answer the question, we'll randomly select the winner(s) and contact them via email.

Enter The Competition

Sorry, you're too late, the competition is now closed, please try again another time!


Closing date for entry is , winners will be contacted via email for their postal address, prizes will then be posted via registered mail. You may only enter once, duplicate entries will be removed. You must be a North American resident to receive the winning prize. Please read our full competition terms and conditions before entering.