Latest Reviews of Ocean Media Games
Mini Review Julie's Sweets (Switch) - Basic Cooking Sim With Soul-Sucking Visuals
Look into my pies
This game was originally covered as part of our Nindie Round Up series that sought to give coverage to a wider breadth of Switch eShop games beyond our standard reviews. In an effort to make our impressions easier to find, we're presenting the original text below in our mini-review format. A typical arcade-style time management...
Review Zotrix: Solar Division (Switch eShop)
Star command
From wars to foxes, there’s nothing like a good old battle among the stars. In the wake of more cinematic titles such as Manticore: Galaxy on Fire and the upcoming Everspace, Zotrix: Solar Division has snuck on to the eShop in an attempt to carve out its own hybrid take on intergalactic altercations. A hostile alien race known as...