Latest Reviews of Matrix Software Games
What legends are made of?
Matrix Software's Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is a sequel to the 1998 PlayStation game Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena, a tactical role-playing affair that featured a mix of strategic map manoeuvring and turn-based battles played out on a hexagonal battlefield against the backdrop of a fantasy tale of warring...
Review Omega Labyrinth Life (Switch) - A Robust Dungeon Crawler With Plant-Based Padding
We’ve looked at several games over the past few months with a focus on fanservice: some of them offering cheeky, inoffensive fun in short bursts (Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet); others spicing up some lacklustre mechanics with surreal frivolity (Panty Party); others still that utterly fail to disguise boring gameplay with jiggle...
Not a code breaker
Role playing games are rapidly becoming a staple genre for the Nintendo DS, with more and more quality titles arriving on the handheld. With Final Fantasy games, Dragon Quest releases and even new titles in the form of Nostalgia and Sands of Destruction, there is a lot of competition among a crowded market so
Latest Matrix Software Articles
And we're getting a physical version, too
Happinet's sequel to the 1998 turn-based strategy title Brigandine is launching exclusively on Switch on June 25th, it has been revealed. Brigandine: The Legend Of Runersia involves picking a nation and building a loyal army so you can explore and conquer over 40 locations and do battle with "100 unique...
News The Game Sony Tried To Silence Is Getting An Uncensored Release On Switch Next Month
Update: Western version coming to eShop in August
Update: D3 has confirmed that the game is coming to the west on 1st August 2019. It's getting a digital release on the eShop, while PlayStation 4 owners will have to make do with the 'toned down' Labyrinth Life on the PS Store. Here's some PR: Both Omega Labyrinth Life and Labyrinth Life feature...
And we're getting a physical version, too
Happinet's sequel to the 1998 turn-based strategy title Brigandine is launching exclusively on Switch on June 25th, it has been revealed. Brigandine: The Legend Of Runersia involves picking a nation and building a loyal army so you can explore and conquer over 40 locations and do battle with "100 unique...
News The Game Sony Tried To Silence Is Getting An Uncensored Release On Switch Next Month
Update: Western version coming to eShop in August
Update: D3 has confirmed that the game is coming to the west on 1st August 2019. It's getting a digital release on the eShop, while PlayStation 4 owners will have to make do with the 'toned down' Labyrinth Life on the PS Store. Here's some PR: Both Omega Labyrinth Life and Labyrinth Life feature...