Latest Reviews of Hollow Tree Games Games
Review Shape Of The World (Switch eShop)
Short but sweet
When a game doesn’t play like, operate like, or even follow the basic characteristics of what we’ve come to expect from video games over the years, it can be pretty hard to throw it into any easy-to-understand tick boxes or categories. This is exactly the situation we face with Shape of the World, in which the ‘game’ is just...
Latest Hollow Tree Games Articles
News Explore A Land That Grows And Evolves Around You In The Shape Of The World
Ecosystem warrior
Kickstarted to success in 2015, Hollow Tree Games has confirmed its first-person exploration sim The Shape Of The World is heading to Nintendo Switch, PC and other consoles, "in the next few months." It's a sedate, relaxing experience where you procedurally-generated world you explore changes and expands as you move through...
News Explore A Land That Grows And Evolves Around You In The Shape Of The World
Ecosystem warrior
Kickstarted to success in 2015, Hollow Tree Games has confirmed its first-person exploration sim The Shape Of The World is heading to Nintendo Switch, PC and other consoles, "in the next few months." It's a sedate, relaxing experience where you procedurally-generated world you explore changes and expands as you move through...