Latest Reviews of D4 Enterprise Games
Review World Heroes (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Joan of Arc VS. Hulk Hogan. Round 1. Fight!
Many, many fighting games were released on the Neo Geo and these are slowly but surely filling up the Switch’s eShop. Compared to most of the options available World Heroes and its sequels offer a simpler experience with less depth, but the series can still entertain when its varied cast of fighters...
Review Metal Slug X (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Remixed Vehicle – 001/II
It remains to be seen how many Neo Geo titles HAMSTER will ultimately bring to the Switch, but there's been no sign of the publisher slowing down in recent times. This has ensured that a good range of titles are available, but it has resulted in some that are surplus to requirements. There’s little reason to download...
Review Blue's Journey (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Unremarkable trip
Pollution caused by the Daruma tribe is causing great harm to the planet Raguy and it’s up to you as Blue to partake in a platforming adventure to defeat this menace and save the Princess Fa. There was no shortage of platformers in the 1990s, but one appearing on the Neo Geo was unusual and with its leaf-stun mechanic and ability...
Review Magician Lord (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Casts ‘impedimentia’ too often
It’s funny how over the years some big titles can fade completely into obscurity. There’s a good chance most modern gamers will never have heard of Magician Lord, but back in the early ‘90s it was actually quite a well-known title. That’s because in the early days of the Neo Geo, Magician Lord was one of...
Review Fatal Fury Special (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Fatal Fury II' Special Champion Edition
With tweaks to the controls and a refined version of the two-plane fighting system, Fatal Fury 2 was a big improvement over the first game in the series, but SNK clearly felt it could do better. Taking a leaf out of Capcom’s book, it went away, added in some stuff and came back with this updated version:...
Review Metal Slug 2 (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Slow Vehicle – 001/II
For those seeking enjoyable run and gun action the first and third Metal Slug games are already available on the Switch’s eShop and now Metal Slug 2 gets the ACA treatment, faithfully recreating the sights, sounds and feel of the original game. Unfortunately, this also includes the extreme slowdown. It doesn’t take much...
Review Magical Drop II (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Just Magical
Although SNK’s Neo Geo is perhaps best known for its dreamy array of one-on-one fighters, beat-‘em-ups, and shooters, the arcade marvel also played host to an impressive parade of puzzle games, from classics like Puzzle Bobble to deep cuts like the oddly addicting currency-converter Money Idol Exchanger. If there’s a series that...
Review Samurai Shodown IV (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
After the first two Samurai Shodown games the third outing was seen as something of a disappointment by hardcore fighting game fans. It removed some of the more popular characters and various movement options available to the player, drastically altering the pace of the game; it also felt half-finished when compared to its polished...
Review Metal Slug 3 (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)
Arcade anarchy
As we write this we still await the Nintendo Switch Virtual Console, but courtesy of HAMSTER we have the 'ACA' Neo Geo range on Nintendo's latest console. These are essentially faithful ports, designed to emulate the original Neo Geo experience on modern hardware while throwing in a broad range of features and customisation options...
Review Metal Slug 4 (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)
Fourth time a charm?
If there's one thing that can be said with any degree of certainty, it's that SNK's Metal Slug series always remained fairly consistent over the course of their releases. The gameplay remained pretty much the same, with little more than a few tweaks here and there for good measure. Metal Slug 4 was developed by Korean firm Mega...
Latest D4 Enterprise Articles
Guide What Is EGGCONSOLE? - Full Game List, PC-88, MSX2 On Nintendo Switch, Best Games To Start
Every EGGCONSOLE game on Switch eShop
The Switch has been a boon for retro gaming enthusiasts for a while. Hamster's huge Arcade Archives series has felt right at home on the console, but late last year, a new retro rerelease series entered the fray EGGCONSOLE is a series of Japanese home computer games that are being ported to Switch by retro...
News Nihon Falcom's Original 'Ys' RPG Arrives On Switch This Week
Yep, the PC-8801 version
Publisher D4 Enterprise is back with another entry in the EGGCONSOLE series. The original PC-8801 version of Nihon Falcom's iconic action RPG Ys is set to launch on the Switch eShop on 15th February under the catchy little title EGGCONSOLE Ys PC-8801mkIISR. The Ys series has grown in popularity as the years have gone by,...
News Project EGG Could Bring MSX, PC-98, And Neo Geo Titles To Switch
From Wii retro specialists D4 Enterprise
D4 Enterprise has revealed that it's bringing games from its online digital storefront, Project EGG (Engrossing Game Gallery), to Switch in the future. The retro games distribution service acts as a place to play officially emulated rereleases of older Japanese PC, arcade, and console games. Announcing the...
Nintendo Download 8th November 2012 (North America)
Paper Mario, Pokédex, dress up witches and dragons
It's that time again, when we drop everything we're doing to fire up the 3DS eShop, DSi Shop and maybe, on occasion, the Wii Shop. Yes, it's the Nintendo Download update, and this week has a mixture of retail treats, a demo and some lesser known download titles. Let's get to it. 3DS Download...
Nintendo Download 18th October 2012 (Europe)
Mega Man goes portable, Mad Dogs, free Mutant Mudds DLC and more
While last week brought Pokémon dreaming and long-awaited samurai action to Europe, this week's update aims for the surprise factor. The upcoming 25th Anniversary of a certain Blue Bomber is celebrated, sort of, a retro light-gun game get's a second chance on the 3DS eShop, while the...
Nintendo Download 11th October 2012 (North America)
Mario gets on the course, robots are rescued, the one true demo arrives and more
Last week was a bit of a bumper week for the Nintendo Download update in North America, and we have another packed list for you. Every platform is covered in some form, and there's a demo and some videos to fill your time too; let's get right into it. 3DS Downloads:...
Nintendo Download 4th October 2012 (Europe)
Puzzling moles, demo pinball and more fatal fury
It's time for our regular Monday pick-me-up in the form of the European Nintendo Download update. Only three new offerings this week, but let's get to it. 3DS eShop: Mole Mania (Nintendo, £2.69/€2.99) — Mole Mania arrived in the North American store earlier in the summer, but those in Europe...
Nintendo Download 23rd August 2012 (North America)
Racing, metal slugging and the abyss
We've seen some pretty busy line-ups for the Nintendo Download update in recent times, but it's rather quiet this time around: will it be quality over quantity? Each platform gets one game, and the heady days of discounted downloads are forgotten. Still, let's get to it. eShop: VectorRacing (Arc System Works,...
News The Last Blade Sharpens Up for European Wii Virtual Console
The Last Blade is finally slicing down onto the European Wii Virtual Console on 2nd August. That means you've got a week to make sure your swords are sharpened up before it's released. The 2D fighter thrusts you into the Bakumatsu era of Japanese history. You can choose between two different sword types per character, so it's up to you...
Nintendo Download 27th December 2010 (North America)
Catch-up titles and more
There are plenty of ways to ring in the new year in this Nintendo Download update, including a quality WiiWare demo, a couple of NeoGeo titles for virtual console, a portable slot machine and the newest entry in the G.G Series. Will you spend your holiday cash on any of these titles? Virtual Console: Fighter's History...
Nintendo Download 3rd & 4th August (Japan)
Fish and VC goodness for the Wii; the DSi gets the usual bumper crop of new titles
WiiWare: Blue Oasis: Michi naru Shinkai (500pts - Hudson) — People in the know will recognise Blue Oasis as the Japanese name for Hudson's perennially popular virtual fish tank, My Aquarium. Apparently not satisfied with what has to be one of the best-selling...
Nintendo Download 20th & 21st July 2010 (Japan)
Street Hoops on the Wii; dolphins, Dasshutsu and dating (or ditching) for DSi next week
Virtual Console: Dunk Dream (900pts Neo Geo - D4 Enterprise) -- Sold in Europe as Street Slam and North America as Street Hoop, it's a tournament game of 3-on-3 street basketball with a choice of teams from various nations around the world. DSiWare: @Simple DS...
Nintendo Download 6th & 7th July 2010 (Japan)
Neo Geo puzzling for the Wii; Spartans, handwriting and hockey for DSi next week in Japan
The WiiWare drought continues with only the VC to comfort Wii fans next week and things aren't much more exciting on the DSi with only two games and an educational title to start out July. Virtual Console: Magical Drop III (900pts Neo Geo - D4 Enterprise) –...
Nintendo Download 22nd & 23rd June 2010 (Japan)
The WiiWare drought continues; VC and DSiWare releases only this week
The Japanese WiiWare scene has been pretty quiet over the last month or so with only a couple of titles from Squaresoft. Given the past schedule with one release minimum per week, it does seem to imply a slowdown in development; whether or not that will be the case in other...
Nintendo Download 8th & 9th June 2010 (Japan)
WiiWare returns, yet another Neo Geo fighting game, DSi baseball and Ferraris next week in Japan
WiiWare: Kuma Nage ・Puzzle Hen: Piina no Suki na Akai Candy & Kuma Nage ・Puzzle Hen: Kiina no Kirai na Aoi Hōseki (1000pts - Square-Enix) -- Two related games which seem to be set in some kind of storybook world. From the description it's hard...
Nintendo Download 25th & 26th May 2010 (Japan)
Virtual Console for Wii; board games, soccer and language practice for DSi, next week in Japan
The lack of any updates for the Wii last Tuesday in the absence of any public holiday was a bit ominous and this week's WiiWare-less update makes us wonder if this means that developers are turning away from Nintendo's service in its home country – or it...
Nintendo Download 26 April 2010 (North America)
Arcade minis, puzzling and fighting on Wii; driving, tower defence, shooting and more on DSi
Whilst the Wii has the usual 3-release week (two WiiWare and one Virtual Console) the DSi has six new releases this week in North America – whew! Also of note is the next entry in the WarioWare D.I.Y. Big Name Game series, this time from Edmund McMillen of...
Nintendo Download 27 & 28 April (Japan)
World Game Parade comes to a close, bountiful VC and lots of DSiWare, next week in Japan
WiiWare: Katamuki Spirits (500pts - Marvelous) – Whilst it may have a fancier sounding name, this is of course DK Games' Equilibrio re-badged as the final entry in Marvelous Entertainment's World Game Parade. We certainly thought it was a fun marble rolling...
Nintendo Download 20th & 21st April (Japan)
Ivy the Kiwi makes a multi-platform assault
After last week's slim pickings this week actually provides some choice on both Wii and DSi on the download front, including the first free app from Nintendo on the DSi since the Wii no Ma media viewer was released last May. Better still all of these are brand-new releases, without a catch-up title in...
Nintendo Download 5th April 2010 (North America)
Fish, learning and shooting for the Wii, more Game & Watch and Drilling action on the DSi this week in North America
The Virtual Console continues its streak of not being terrible lately with a lovely import that'll shoot right to the top of shmup fans' to-do list for the week, WiiWare goes educational and aquatic, and today's DSiWare offerings...
News Nintendo Download 1st March 2010 (North America)
March is Mega Month!
This week Mega Man 10 debuts in North America, much to the delight of retro-gaming fans eager to get more 8-bit styled platforming goodness out of their Wiis. Of course let's not ignore the other WiiWare offerings or the fact that the NEO GEO is back on the Virtual Console following a short hiatus. DSi Owners have a couple of...
First Impressions Kai Illust Puzzle Guru Guru Logic
Picross meets ... Quarth?
Nintendo seems to have single-handedly popularised picross on home and console game systems, with only Hudson daring to dabble in the same space. Continuing the tradition they've partnered with D4 Enterprise to bring a new faster-paced game to the DSi which combines traditional Picross with elements of Konami's old...
News What Neo Geo games do you want to see on the Virtual Console?
It's time to let D4 Enterprises know what games you want to see on the Virtual Console serivce.
The Neo Geo was the Ferrari of video game consoles back when it was first released in 1990 and its sky high $600 price tag put it out of reach of the majority of game fans. But it also represented the first time actual arcade hardware was made available...
Guide What Is EGGCONSOLE? - Full Game List, PC-88, MSX2 On Nintendo Switch, Best Games To Start
Every EGGCONSOLE game on Switch eShop
The Switch has been a boon for retro gaming enthusiasts for a while. Hamster's huge Arcade Archives series has felt right at home on the console, but late last year, a new retro rerelease series entered the fray EGGCONSOLE is a series of Japanese home computer games that are being ported to Switch by retro...
News Nihon Falcom's Original 'Ys' RPG Arrives On Switch This Week
Yep, the PC-8801 version
Publisher D4 Enterprise is back with another entry in the EGGCONSOLE series. The original PC-8801 version of Nihon Falcom's iconic action RPG Ys is set to launch on the Switch eShop on 15th February under the catchy little title EGGCONSOLE Ys PC-8801mkIISR. The Ys series has grown in popularity as the years have gone by,...
News Project EGG Could Bring MSX, PC-98, And Neo Geo Titles To Switch
From Wii retro specialists D4 Enterprise
D4 Enterprise has revealed that it's bringing games from its online digital storefront, Project EGG (Engrossing Game Gallery), to Switch in the future. The retro games distribution service acts as a place to play officially emulated rereleases of older Japanese PC, arcade, and console games. Announcing the...
Nintendo Download 8th November 2012 (North America)
Paper Mario, Pokédex, dress up witches and dragons
It's that time again, when we drop everything we're doing to fire up the 3DS eShop, DSi Shop and maybe, on occasion, the Wii Shop. Yes, it's the Nintendo Download update, and this week has a mixture of retail treats, a demo and some lesser known download titles. Let's get to it. 3DS Download...
Nintendo Download 18th October 2012 (Europe)
Mega Man goes portable, Mad Dogs, free Mutant Mudds DLC and more
While last week brought Pokémon dreaming and long-awaited samurai action to Europe, this week's update aims for the surprise factor. The upcoming 25th Anniversary of a certain Blue Bomber is celebrated, sort of, a retro light-gun game get's a second chance on the 3DS eShop, while the...
Nintendo Download 11th October 2012 (North America)
Mario gets on the course, robots are rescued, the one true demo arrives and more
Last week was a bit of a bumper week for the Nintendo Download update in North America, and we have another packed list for you. Every platform is covered in some form, and there's a demo and some videos to fill your time too; let's get right into it. 3DS Downloads:...
Nintendo Download 4th October 2012 (Europe)
Puzzling moles, demo pinball and more fatal fury
It's time for our regular Monday pick-me-up in the form of the European Nintendo Download update. Only three new offerings this week, but let's get to it. 3DS eShop: Mole Mania (Nintendo, £2.69/€2.99) — Mole Mania arrived in the North American store earlier in the summer, but those in Europe...
Nintendo Download 23rd August 2012 (North America)
Racing, metal slugging and the abyss
We've seen some pretty busy line-ups for the Nintendo Download update in recent times, but it's rather quiet this time around: will it be quality over quantity? Each platform gets one game, and the heady days of discounted downloads are forgotten. Still, let's get to it. eShop: VectorRacing (Arc System Works,...
News The Last Blade Sharpens Up for European Wii Virtual Console
The Last Blade is finally slicing down onto the European Wii Virtual Console on 2nd August. That means you've got a week to make sure your swords are sharpened up before it's released. The 2D fighter thrusts you into the Bakumatsu era of Japanese history. You can choose between two different sword types per character, so it's up to you...
Nintendo Download 27th December 2010 (North America)
Catch-up titles and more
There are plenty of ways to ring in the new year in this Nintendo Download update, including a quality WiiWare demo, a couple of NeoGeo titles for virtual console, a portable slot machine and the newest entry in the G.G Series. Will you spend your holiday cash on any of these titles? Virtual Console: Fighter's History...
Nintendo Download 3rd & 4th August (Japan)
Fish and VC goodness for the Wii; the DSi gets the usual bumper crop of new titles
WiiWare: Blue Oasis: Michi naru Shinkai (500pts - Hudson) — People in the know will recognise Blue Oasis as the Japanese name for Hudson's perennially popular virtual fish tank, My Aquarium. Apparently not satisfied with what has to be one of the best-selling...
Nintendo Download 20th & 21st July 2010 (Japan)
Street Hoops on the Wii; dolphins, Dasshutsu and dating (or ditching) for DSi next week
Virtual Console: Dunk Dream (900pts Neo Geo - D4 Enterprise) -- Sold in Europe as Street Slam and North America as Street Hoop, it's a tournament game of 3-on-3 street basketball with a choice of teams from various nations around the world. DSiWare: @Simple DS...
Nintendo Download 6th & 7th July 2010 (Japan)
Neo Geo puzzling for the Wii; Spartans, handwriting and hockey for DSi next week in Japan
The WiiWare drought continues with only the VC to comfort Wii fans next week and things aren't much more exciting on the DSi with only two games and an educational title to start out July. Virtual Console: Magical Drop III (900pts Neo Geo - D4 Enterprise) –...
Nintendo Download 22nd & 23rd June 2010 (Japan)
The WiiWare drought continues; VC and DSiWare releases only this week
The Japanese WiiWare scene has been pretty quiet over the last month or so with only a couple of titles from Squaresoft. Given the past schedule with one release minimum per week, it does seem to imply a slowdown in development; whether or not that will be the case in other...
Nintendo Download 8th & 9th June 2010 (Japan)
WiiWare returns, yet another Neo Geo fighting game, DSi baseball and Ferraris next week in Japan
WiiWare: Kuma Nage ・Puzzle Hen: Piina no Suki na Akai Candy & Kuma Nage ・Puzzle Hen: Kiina no Kirai na Aoi Hōseki (1000pts - Square-Enix) -- Two related games which seem to be set in some kind of storybook world. From the description it's hard...
Nintendo Download 25th & 26th May 2010 (Japan)
Virtual Console for Wii; board games, soccer and language practice for DSi, next week in Japan
The lack of any updates for the Wii last Tuesday in the absence of any public holiday was a bit ominous and this week's WiiWare-less update makes us wonder if this means that developers are turning away from Nintendo's service in its home country – or it...
Nintendo Download 26 April 2010 (North America)
Arcade minis, puzzling and fighting on Wii; driving, tower defence, shooting and more on DSi
Whilst the Wii has the usual 3-release week (two WiiWare and one Virtual Console) the DSi has six new releases this week in North America – whew! Also of note is the next entry in the WarioWare D.I.Y. Big Name Game series, this time from Edmund McMillen of...
Nintendo Download 27 & 28 April (Japan)
World Game Parade comes to a close, bountiful VC and lots of DSiWare, next week in Japan
WiiWare: Katamuki Spirits (500pts - Marvelous) – Whilst it may have a fancier sounding name, this is of course DK Games' Equilibrio re-badged as the final entry in Marvelous Entertainment's World Game Parade. We certainly thought it was a fun marble rolling...
Nintendo Download 20th & 21st April (Japan)
Ivy the Kiwi makes a multi-platform assault
After last week's slim pickings this week actually provides some choice on both Wii and DSi on the download front, including the first free app from Nintendo on the DSi since the Wii no Ma media viewer was released last May. Better still all of these are brand-new releases, without a catch-up title in...
Nintendo Download 5th April 2010 (North America)
Fish, learning and shooting for the Wii, more Game & Watch and Drilling action on the DSi this week in North America
The Virtual Console continues its streak of not being terrible lately with a lovely import that'll shoot right to the top of shmup fans' to-do list for the week, WiiWare goes educational and aquatic, and today's DSiWare offerings...
News Nintendo Download 1st March 2010 (North America)
March is Mega Month!
This week Mega Man 10 debuts in North America, much to the delight of retro-gaming fans eager to get more 8-bit styled platforming goodness out of their Wiis. Of course let's not ignore the other WiiWare offerings or the fact that the NEO GEO is back on the Virtual Console following a short hiatus. DSi Owners have a couple of...
First Impressions Kai Illust Puzzle Guru Guru Logic
Picross meets ... Quarth?
Nintendo seems to have single-handedly popularised picross on home and console game systems, with only Hudson daring to dabble in the same space. Continuing the tradition they've partnered with D4 Enterprise to bring a new faster-paced game to the DSi which combines traditional Picross with elements of Konami's old...
News What Neo Geo games do you want to see on the Virtual Console?
It's time to let D4 Enterprises know what games you want to see on the Virtual Console serivce.
The Neo Geo was the Ferrari of video game consoles back when it was first released in 1990 and its sky high $600 price tag put it out of reach of the majority of game fans. But it also represented the first time actual arcade hardware was made available...