- Website
- artepiazza.com
- Average Review Score
- 6/10
- Average Game Rating
- 8.45/10
Review Super Mario RPG (Switch) - A Timeless Classic Returns In A Remake Done Right
On paper, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is a game that probably shouldn’t exist. It brought together Nintendo’s platforming icon with RPG giant Square in a way that seemed impossible, imbuing the denizens of the Mushroom Kingdom (and beyond) with bucketloads of personality beyond the hops, jumps, and yelps they were...
Review GO Series: Pinball Attack! (DSiWare)
No extended play here
Pinball Attack! is perhaps the most interesting game in the GO Series yet. Developed by ArtePiazza, who has already worked on well-liked titles such as Opoona and several Dragon Quest games, we were expecting the 500 DSi Point price to be more than justified. Unfortunately, this did not turn out to be the case. Many different...
Stranger in a strange land...
Would you like to hear a story? Good! This is a story about Opoona and his family: his daddy is a famous Cosmo Guard -- that's right, Opoona and his family are from the planet Tizia. In fact, Opoona's daddy is one of the most famous Cosmo Guards ever! He was recently awarded the title of Startizian -- a rank only a...
Random Fan Saves All Dragon Quest 7 DLC Maps Before 3DS Servers Shut Down
"It felt like giving a little present back to the community"
With the 3DS and Wii U servers shutting down forever just a few days ago, a huge amount of DLC, digital-only games, and games reliant on online play have been lost to time. But one Dragon Quest fan sought to preserve all DLC for the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII — and they did it just...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Super Mario RPG?
The Next Geno-ration
Last week, 16-bit classic Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars returned to a Nintendo console in glorious form in a Switch remake that ditched the subtitle and added a shiny coat of paint and a few mod-cons in a sensitive update that overhauls the original for a modern audience while preserving the essence of its...
News Dragon Quest VII Tweaks on 3DS Explained by Developers
Satoru Iwata interviews the team behind the 3DS remake
The Dragon Quest VII remake for 3DS is out now in Japan, so it seemed only right for Nintendo President Satoru Iwata to interview a few of the people involved with the making of the game in his Iwata Asks series. In the interview, helpfully translated by Siliconera, the series creator Yuuji...
Nintendo Download 5th & 6th October 2010 (Japan)
October begins with Virtual Console and DSiWare
WiiWare's alternating weeks continue, but at least there's the Virtual Console to keep Wii owners happy – even better when the releases include classic arcade games! The DSi has a trio of actual games for a change with nary a lifestyle download in sight. Virtual Console: Commando (800pts Arcade,...
Games that tug the heartstrings
Valentine's Day is sometimes derided as a "Hallmark Holiday" - a day created for shops to sell stuff like greeting cards and chocolates due to feelings of obligation. Despite this, it must be said that having a day in which you're expected to express love and devotion to those closest to you can't be all...
First Impressions Pinball Attack!
Pinball and shooters: two tastes that go great together
ArtePiazza is better recognised for its work on RPGs like Enix's Dragon Quest series and more recently Koei's Wii RPG Opoona, so it's interesting that their freshman effort on DSiWare is a marriage of video pinball and shooter called Pinball Attack! There are currently no other pinball games on...
Random Fan Saves All Dragon Quest 7 DLC Maps Before 3DS Servers Shut Down
"It felt like giving a little present back to the community"
With the 3DS and Wii U servers shutting down forever just a few days ago, a huge amount of DLC, digital-only games, and games reliant on online play have been lost to time. But one Dragon Quest fan sought to preserve all DLC for the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII — and they did it just...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Super Mario RPG?
The Next Geno-ration
Last week, 16-bit classic Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars returned to a Nintendo console in glorious form in a Switch remake that ditched the subtitle and added a shiny coat of paint and a few mod-cons in a sensitive update that overhauls the original for a modern audience while preserving the essence of its...
News Dragon Quest VII Tweaks on 3DS Explained by Developers
Satoru Iwata interviews the team behind the 3DS remake
The Dragon Quest VII remake for 3DS is out now in Japan, so it seemed only right for Nintendo President Satoru Iwata to interview a few of the people involved with the making of the game in his Iwata Asks series. In the interview, helpfully translated by Siliconera, the series creator Yuuji...
Nintendo Download 5th & 6th October 2010 (Japan)
October begins with Virtual Console and DSiWare
WiiWare's alternating weeks continue, but at least there's the Virtual Console to keep Wii owners happy – even better when the releases include classic arcade games! The DSi has a trio of actual games for a change with nary a lifestyle download in sight. Virtual Console: Commando (800pts Arcade,...
Games that tug the heartstrings
Valentine's Day is sometimes derided as a "Hallmark Holiday" - a day created for shops to sell stuff like greeting cards and chocolates due to feelings of obligation. Despite this, it must be said that having a day in which you're expected to express love and devotion to those closest to you can't be all...
First Impressions Pinball Attack!
Pinball and shooters: two tastes that go great together
ArtePiazza is better recognised for its work on RPGs like Enix's Dragon Quest series and more recently Koei's Wii RPG Opoona, so it's interesting that their freshman effort on DSiWare is a marriage of video pinball and shooter called Pinball Attack! There are currently no other pinball games on...