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76 (52 reviews)
First Article
Mon 2nd, January 2006
Avg. Review Score
  • Review WarioWare Touched! (DS)

    You've got the touch

    The biggest mistake you could possibly make with WarioWare Touched! is overlooking it due to the simplistic visuals. Until you play the game it isn't apparent that this simplicity is what keeps WarioWare so entertaining. If there ever was a DS game that can appeal to all ages, this surely is it. I must admit that the subset of...

  • Review Wave Race: Blue Storm (GameCube)

    Wave Race 64 was one of the biggest new IPs on the N64; how does this Gamecube sequel fare?

    Starting off in Wave Race: Blue Storm is noticeably more difficult than the N64 original, but with more stunts to learn and the new boost feature it's much more rewarding when you get the hang of it. The majority of the tracks are updated from the original...

  • Review Super Monkey Ball (GameCube)

    Sega's first game on a Nintendo console is a ball!

    Super Monkey Ball comprises 6 mini-games on top of the main game with over 90 stages. What more could be packed into Sega's first game on a Nintendo console? It's one of those rare games that keeps you up late into the night so that you can just get past one more tricky level. The graphics are nice...

  • Review Animal Crossing (GameCube)

    Nintendo's Animal Crossing, is a unique game. An RPG, without much of a story but so much more...

    Animal Crossing is a unique game with no overall aim or any way to complete it. You start out on a train heading towards a village. You start talking to an animal who eventually puts you in contact with a friendly racoon who can sell you a house in...