Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

3,355 (146 reviews)
First Article
Sat 12th, January 2008
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  • News SEGA AM2's First 3DS Project is Not Virtua Fighter

    No, it's not Daytona or OutRun either

    Legendary SEGA development team AM2 has created some of the greatest arcade games ever: Virtua Fighter, Daytona USA, OutRun and more. So the studio's first game for 3DS has to be something really exciting, right? Well, it is if you like super-deformed vocaloids with blue hair. That's not to say that Hatsune Miku...

  • News Get Your Pokémon Sequels Teaser Trailer Here

    Roll up, roll up

    Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 are due out later this year — June in Japan, autumn/fall in the West — and while we still don't know much of anything about them here's a teaser trailer to watch anyway. The video doesn't show much we didn't already know — new Formes for Kyurem, autumnal release — but...

  • News Pandora's Tower Limited Edition Laid Bare

    Book, box and beyond

    Nintendo of Europe has released a clearer image of what you can expect when the Pandora's Tower limited edition releases in Europe on 13th April. Like The Last Story before it, the special bundle includes steelbook packaging and an art book, though there's no soundtrack this time. All these special editions of Japanese games...

  • News Tekken Wii U Could Use Controller as Digital Strategy Guide


    Fresh from Tekken 3D Prime Edition, series stalwart Katsuhiro Harada has turned his thoughts to Tekken on Wii U and how it might use that tantalising second screen built into the controller. Speaking to Nintendo Gamer, Harada spoke of using the controller's screen to emulate the arcade Tekken experience, where second screens show player...

  • News Kid Icarus: Uprising Launches with Multiplayer Tournament

    US versus them

    Nintendo of America will take Kid Icarus: Uprising's multiplayer mode on tour ahead of the game's 23rd March release with a nationwide tournament. GameStop stores in San Francisco, Orlando, Los Angeles and New York will play host to Nintendo-run multiplayer tournaments, with winners from each area in the running for exclusive Kid...

  • News Team Meat: "We Never Said eShop Limit is 2GB"

    "Don't know what it is!

    Yesterday we reported that the eShop game size limit is 2GB, but Team Meat's Tommy Refenes has taken to Twitter to say he never claimed it was 2GB. Refenes, via the Super Meat Boy account, said: Never said that 2GB was the size restriction on eShop. I do not know what it is. Reset button hit.

  • News eShop Game Size Limit is 2GB

    Dwarfing WiiWare

    Update: Team Meat has now denied it said the limit is 2GB. Original story: We know that eShop downloads are far larger than the meagre 40MB allowed on WiiWare or DSiWare's paltry 16MB limit, but Team Meat's Tommy Refenes has told Nintendo Gamer (via Nintendo Everything) the 3DS's digital download limit is a very healthy 2GB. Looking...

  • News Wii U Controller Originally Had Proper Analogue Sticks

    All change

    The Wii U controller features 3DS-like Circle Pad sliders instead of the tilting analogue sticks that have been the industry norm since Nintendo 64. That wasn't always the case, though. An earlier version of the controller than the one we've seen included proper analogue sticks raised from the controller's surface, among other changes, as...

  • News North America Gets Pokémon Black and White 2 this Fall

    Everybody's happy

    Nintendo of America has confirmed that Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 will both come to North America this fall. No more details were given but Nintendo promises "plenty of new surprises" from the DS sequels. Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 Announced Two New Highly Anticipated...

  • News Gearbox Wants As Much Wii U Power As Possible

    More power

    Gearbox Software's Aliens: Colonial Marines is in the works for Wii U, and president Randy Pitchford has urged Nintendo to make the machine as powerful as it can afford. Speaking to Nintendo-Gamer, Pitchford said: Our hope at Gearbox is that the final specification for the hardware is much more powerful than the current competitive...

  • News Pokémon Black and White 2 Europe-Bound this Autumn

    On the way

    Pokémon Black & White 2's June release in Japan will come just before a European release this autumn, Nintendo has announced. The DS sequel to Pokémon Black & White will reach Europe later this year, Nintendo UK tweeted earlier. We'll keep you posted on updates when we get them. POKÉMON BLACK VERSION 2 & POKÉMON WHITE...

  • News Nintendo Sends Out New StreetPass Puzzle

    Pick up the pieces

    Puzzle Swap is one of the most compelling reasons to take your 3DS out and about, but if you've completed all the puzzle panels — yes, even the ones in the November update — you'll be pleased to know Nintendo has just released a new puzzle via SpotPass. 3DS owners with their consoles connected to the internet will receive a...

  • News Iwata Hits Out at Nikkei's "Gossip Magazine" Tactics

    Don't annoy the big man

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was very unhappy a quote attributed to him in Nikkei's report about Nintendo resurrecting Seaman for 3DS, and took to Twitter to give his side of the story. While most outlets — including this one — picked up just on the Seaman story, apparently the original Japanese article quoted Iwata as...

  • News Sakaguchi's The Last Story Launch Trailer is In

    Director has the final say

    The Last Story is out today in Europe and creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has co-directed a trailer to get you even more excited. The trailer below gives you an idea of the scale you can expect from Sakaguchi's latest Wii RPG, which by our reckoning is rather good. Don't believe us? Our The Last Story review is pretty...

  • News Mario and Luigi 3DS Pouches Hit Club Nintendo Japan

    Hats off

    The Japanese Club Nintendo rewards just got a little cooler, with Mario and Luigi hats added to the roster. They're not just normal hats though — in fact, they fail to fulfil the primary function of a hat by not staying on your head — but they can be used to hold a 3DS console. These pocket pouches have actually been around before when...

  • News Expect to See a Real Mario Kart in Tennessee Real Soon

    Miyamoto not included

    Remember those real-life Mario Karts created by West Coast Customs? Nate Stehley of Clarksville, Tennessee just won one. Stehley will get the keys to his fully functional electric-powered kart on Tuesday, so if you step out next week and see a grown man driving a Mario kart with a glider attached, you're not going completely...

  • News Nnooo Reveals escapeVektor for 3DS

    Bit player

    Australian developer Nnooo has announced it's bringing escapeVektor to 3DS in late 2012. escapeVektor: Chapter 1 on WiiWare released in 2011 to positive review scores, and Nnooo will certainly hope the 3DS version meets with the same success. Nnooo's Nic Watt says: We were delighted by the reception the WiiWare version of the game...

  • Nintendo Download 23rd February 2012 (North America)

    Boxes and more

    The download is in and it includes gnomes, armadillos, puppies, kittens and... boxes. Who said games characters can't have personality any more? DSiWare: Box Pusher (GameOn, 500pts) — You're the box pusher. Pushing boxes is what you do, and you do it well. In fact, you're the greatest box pusher this town's ever seen. Make and share...

  • News This is How Game Gear Games Will Look on 3DS

    Better than before, naturally

    Now we know that Game Gear games are coming to 3DS in March, SEGA has revealed how the titles will actually look on the console. The games use their own Virtual Console menu with options for screen mode, system colour, "performance" and control over after-image/ghosting, a common facet of the original Game...

  • News Xenoblade Chronicles Team Recruiting for 3DS Game

    Is that a Monolith in your pocket or..?

    Xenoblade Chronicles developer Monolith Soft is recruiting for an unannounced 3DS project. The Japanese developer has several positions available, including motion designers, 3D CG designers and motion designers. The title doesn't have a name, but considering the jobs specifically mention monsters, maps and...

  • News Marvel Pinball 3D a Separate eShop Game, not DLC

    Cleared up

    Nintendo Europe's list of eShop games coming soon contains Marvel Pinball 3D from Zen Studios on the way in the second quarter of this year. While Zen Studios has released the tables as DLC for Zen Pinball on PlayStation Network, 3DS will get the Marvel tables as a standalone game, not add-on content for Zen Pinball 3D, the studio...

  • News Get a Load of Two Dillon's Rolling Western Trailers

    Cool, armadillio

    Dillon's Rolling Western is out in the eShop now, but if you want to see a bit more of the game before dropping your £9 / €10 / $9.99 we have two new videos from Nintendo. The first is the simple launch trailer while the other gives some useful tips for mastering the game's tower defence leanings. If you've picked the game up yet...

  • News Nintendo Lets Rip with Kid Icarus: Uprising Multiplayer Info

    New video inside

    Kid Icarus: Uprising got the lion's share of attention during today's Nintendo Direct broadcasts, with the game's online multiplayer the subject of much discussion. The video below shows most of them in action but if you're more of a reading person — which, as you're on a gaming website, we imagine you might be — there's...

  • News Mario Tennis Opens Up with New Gameplay Video

    Another Camelot smash hit?

    Now we know Mario Tennis Open is out in May it's time to feast your eyes on some fresh gameplay footage, showing off the new multiplayer and touch screen functions. You'll be able to use the 3DS console's built-in gyrometer to move your system around to take a look around the court, though we're not quite sure of the...