Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

3,355 (146 reviews)
First Article
Sat 12th, January 2008
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  • News Kid Icarus: Uprising Gets Intense New Trailer

    We mean it

    Kid Icarus: Uprising's intriguing Fiend's Cauldron mode is the subject of this new trailer. The Fiend's Cauldron lets you bet previously acquired hearts to ramp up the intensity of levels; the more hearts you bet and the more difficult the stage, the higher the reward. The video makes it all pretty clear, so have a look and buckle down...

  • News Mario Party 2 Joins the Club Nintendo Rewards Gang

    It'll cry if it wants to

    North America, your Club Nintendo rewards have been updated today, with two download games available to buy with your hard-earned coins. Art Academy: First Semester (3DS, DSiWare) — 150 Coins Mario Party 2 (N64, Wii Virtual Console) — 150 Coins These rewards are available until 29th February. Remember if you want to get...

  • News Genius Sonority's eShop AR RPG Looks Mad

    Cute, though

    Japanese developer Genius Sonority — best known for its work on various Pokémon spin-offs over the years — has revealed its next title, due out in the Japanese eShop next week. Called Denpa Ningen RPG — or Electric Wave Person RPG, believe it or not — is an augmented reality RPG where you use the 3DS's cameras to reveal hidden...

  • News New Rhythm Heaven Fever Trailer Makes No Sense

    And that's why we love it

    Of course the new video for Rhythm Heaven Fever defies explanation: that's a series trademark by now. Dancing lobsters, on-stage baseball and a cryptic message in the final frame all make this one of those trailers you'll tell the grandkids about. North America, you get the game on 13th February.

  • News Iwata: Zelda on Wii U Won't Look Cheap

    Rolling out the barrel

    We all know The Legend of Zelda will come to Wii U, but whether it'll look as good as the Zelda HD Experience from E3 is another matter. Nintendo knows it has to deliver on the graphical front though, as president Satoru Iwata told investors. Explaining that not all Wii U games will take the ultra-realistic, high cost...

  • News Nintendo May Not Call Wii U a Home Console

    A rose by any other name

    When we saw Wii U at E3, we were pretty certain it was a console. We even saw people playing it in a home-style setting. So it's a home console, right? Wrong. Talking to investors after the latest financial results, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata suggested the company won't refer to it as a traditional home console: As for...

  • News Iwata Hints at Upcoming Swapnote Update

    What's on the way?

    Swapnote/Nintendo Letter Box is still compelling many 3DS owners to open their console every day to see what's new, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has hinted that there may be more to come from the app in the future. Speaking to investors, Iwata revealed that over 10 million notes were exchanged within four weeks of the app...

  • News Newly Single Pink 3DS Woos North America on 10th February

    Ahh, young love

    The pearl pink Nintendo 3DS is ready to cast off the shackles of its previous relationship and strike out on its own from 10th February. The console — previously only available with pooch-snuggler Nintendogs + Cats — is ready to drink cheap wine and sing I Will Survive just before Valentine's Day rolls around. Shoppers in North...

  • Nintendo Download 2nd February 2012 (Europe)

    Buy Kid Icarus

    If you didn't register two 3DS games to get your free download code for Pit's remastered adventure, you can save yourself a heck of a lot of money by picking it up this week for €6. Here's the European download for this week. 3DS Download Software: 3D Classics: Kid Icarus (Nintendo, €6/£5.40) — Pit's very first outing gets a...

  • Review CRUSH3D (3DS)

    Fancy that

    The original Crush on PSP was a commercial failure, despite very positive reviews and praise for its ingenious concept. Developer Zoë Mode's returned for a second attempt with CRUSH3D, out now in Europe and heading Stateside in February. CRUSH's central concept is simple: its 3D stages can be "crushed" to become two...

  • News Hironobu Sakaguchi Tours UK to Promote The Last Story

    BAFTA be there

    The Last Story is one month from launch, and creator Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming to the UK to promote it. Sakaguchi will address the British Academy of Film and Television Arts on Thursday 16th February, discussing his lengthy career and demonstrating his latest title. The event is open to the public and press, with tickets costing...

  • News Big 3DS Release Dates Still to Be Determined

    TBD strikes again

    The latest Nintendo release schedule doesn't narrow the release windows for many highly anticipated 3DS games. Mario Tennis and Luigi's Mansion 2 are both labelled up as 2012 releases. Animal Crossing and Paper Mario are down for 2012 in Japan but are both listed as "to be determined" for North America and E

  • News Mario Kart Wii Races Past 30 Million Sales Milestone

    No brakes

    Mario Kart Wii has sold a whopping 31.9 million units around the world. The Wii racer has shifted 4.9m copies worldwide since April, standing as the biggest-selling Wii game of the financial year so far. It's not the only Mario game hitting milestones: perhaps due to its inclusion in the Nintendo Selects range, Super Mario Galaxy has...

  • News Super Mario 3D Land is 3DS's First 5 Million Seller

    Just can't get enough

    Super Mario 3D Land is the first 3DS game to sell over 5 million copies worldwide. According to Nintendo's latest figures, the game sits at 5.03m units sold around the world, just ahead of Mario Kart 7's 4.54m sales. Both have easily trumped the previous best-seller, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, whi

  • News Wii U Controller Gets Intriguing New Wireless Technology

    Near Field Communication is go

    Satoru Iwata revealed to investors that the Wii U controller will feature Near Field Communication (NFC) functions. The wireless technology is commonly used in non-contact transactions such as swiping travel cards and making credit or debit card payments. It's Iwata's description of the technology's applications,...

  • News Nintendo Considering Retail Downloads on 3DS and Wii U

    That'd be handy

    Nintendo has the infrastructure in place to allow full retail games to be downloaded to 3DS, but is still considering when and if to deploy it. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed at an investor briefing that Wii U will also share the same infrastructure — impressive considering Wii U uses 25GB discs — but the company is not...

  • News Wii U to Get Online User Accounts

    About time

    While Xbox 360's Gamertag and PlayStation Network's PSN ID systems have allowed unique online identifiers for some time, Nintendo's 3DS, Wii and DS have lagged behind in the online space. Speaking to investors, president Satoru Iwata revealed Wii U will get individual user accounts for online services. Iwata said: Also for the Wii U, we...

  • News Nintendo Network Will Get Competitions and User Communication

    And much more

    The mysterious Nintendo Network logo that surfaced last week has been explained at an investor meeting by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. As expected, the Nintendo Network is the company's new online infrastructure, but it spans far further than simply online matchmaking and eshopping. As Iwata tells it, Nintendo Network — which...

  • News Iwata: "Wii U Will Be At its Best at Launch"

    No waiting here

    As we reported yesterday, Wii U will launch in time for Christmas, with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealing to investors the company has learnt from the 3DS launch. Iwata told investors: For the launch of new hardware, it is, of course, regarded as a sort of requisite not to miss the critical year-end sales season. The company...

  • News Nintendo Announces 2D Super Mario Title for 3DS

    Coming soon

    Nintendo will release a new 2D side-scrolling Super Mario title for 3DS in the next financial year, president Satoru Iwata has announced. Speaking to investors about the upcoming titles for the console, Iwata said: Although there is no logo here, we are planning to release a totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D as a key...

  • News Ono: "Wii U More Capable Than We Saw at E3"

    O yes

    Super Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono has hinted there's far more to Wii U than we've seen so far. Speaking to 3D Juegos (translated by NeoGAF, so you have been warned), Ono spoke vaguely about the console development kits: What we saw last E3 is not a reflection of everything this console is able to offe

  • News Rising Star Games To Open American Office

    Rising in the West

    Popular European publisher Rising Star Games has revealed it's to open an office in California. The company has also formed Rising Star Games Digital, a — wait for it — digital publishing division for the ever-growing download market. RSG hasn't revealed any digital plans for Nintendo formats, but said recently it will...

  • News Crystal Dynamics Explains Tomb Raider Wii U No-Show

    A simple port wouldn't cut it

    Crystal Dynamics' big budget Tomb Raider is coming to HD consoles later this year, but it won't make it onto Wii or Wii U. In a recent podcast (as posted in the Eidos forums) the developer explained why Lara's latest won't come to Wii U: When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all...

  • Charts 26th January 2012 (UK)

    Is the Prince of Persia the chart king?

    The biggest 3DS release on 19th January was Ubisoft's first-ever foray into the world of Virtual Console, but how did the Game Boy Color game fare? denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Prince of Persia barely scrapes into...