Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

3,355 (146 reviews)
First Article
Sat 12th, January 2008
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  • Nintendo Download 26th January 2012 (North America)

    Mutant Mudds invade

    Renegade Kid's much-anticipated platformer comes to the 3DS eShop alongside some quality DSiWare releases. Let's jump in and see what's available today. 3DS Download Software: Mutant Mudds (Renegade Kid, $8.99) — This cutesy 2D platformer is a bit of a belter, netting a 9/10 in our Mutant Mudds review. Don't be put off by the...

  • Charts 26th January 2012 (North America)

    Lock'd in

    Let's see how the eShop releases for 19th January 2012 did in this week's 3DS charts. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Kirby's still top but Pushmo drops a place under significant medical pressure from Dr. Mario. Is that ethical? 1. Kirby's Dream...

  • News Hulu Plus Still On the Way to 3DS


    It was way back in October that we first heard about Hulu Plus for Nintendo 3DS, but it's gone quiet since then, leading some to believe the service has been surreptitiously dropped. According to the latest video from Nintendo, it's still very much in the works. The video below crows about the advantages of connecting 3DS to the 'net,...

  • News Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge Rated for VC

    Slice of the action

    The Australian classifications board has rated Neo Geo scrapper Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge for Wii's Virtual Console service. Amakusa's Revenge introduced brothers Sogetsu and Kazuki Kazama, an "honorable death" move and even featured fatalities under certain conditions. We've already got Samurai Shodown,...

  • News Mewtwo to Psyche Out Pokémon Black and White

    Put the spoons away

    Legendary psychic Pokémon Mewtwo is joining the ranks of Pokémon Black & White from next month. Starting 12th February, DS owners can download Mewtwo via a wireless broadband connection, adding its fearsome psychic powers to their line-up. Full details are below. POWERFUL MEWTWO MAKES TRIUMPHANT RETURN FOR A SPECIAL...

  • News PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond Gets European Release Date

    Quick, March

    Pikachu's next adventure reaches Europe on 23rd March. PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond reaches the continent nearly a month after its North American release of 27th February, landing in Europe on the same day as Kid Icarus: Uprising. We weren't terribly impressed by the original, as our PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure review makes clear,...

  • News DS Sales Hit 151m Consoles and 890m Games

    Happy days

    The venerable old grandfather of touch screen gaming, the Nintendo DS, isn't quite ready to roll over and go quietly just yet. In the past financial quarter Nintendo sold just over 2m consoles in the DS family, with 1.3m of those sales in the Americas. Financial year to date DS sales stand at 4.64m units around the world, with Nintendo...

  • News Wii Sales Take Serious Year-on-Year Fall

    Systems and software both tumble

    While 3DS is in the ascendancy, Wii's certainly showing its age now, with sales for the year down 35% on the previous year. Globally, Nintendo sold 5.61 million Wii consoles in the months of October to December, taking the system's total financial year sales to 8.96m. At the same point in the previous financial year,...

  • News Wii U to Launch Just in Time for Christmas

    Will you find it under your tree?

    We already know that Nintendo will release Wii U before the year's out, but Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has dropped a pretty big hint that the machine will land close to Christmas. According to several sources including Reuters and Bloomberg Japan, Iwata revealed during an investors' briefing that Wii U will hit...

  • News Nintendo Expects To Make a Loss in FY 2011

    It's tough out there

    Even though the 3DS has hit 15 million sales worldwide, it's not been enough to help Nintendo post a profit, with the company expecting to post an operating loss of 45,000 million Yen in this financial year. Nintendo revised its financial expectations this morning as follows: Net sales — revised down from 790,000m Yen to...

  • News Nintendo 3DS Hits 15 Million Sold Worldwide

    Back on track

    Nintendo has revealed it's sold over 15 million 3DS consoles around the world since it launched in February 2011. The console had a strong three months from October to December, selling over 4.6m units around the world, its most successful quarter of sales to date. In this financial year — i.e. from April 2011 to date — Nintendo...

  • Rumour UK Racing Studio Makes Big Wii U Commitment

    Who could it be?

    Tucked away in Develop's story about the Wii U's graphical power is this little nugget of information: Develop also understands that a prominent UK racing studio has committed to support Wii U with one project each year. We reported earlier this week that Slightly Mad Studios

  • Rumour Wii U "Twice as Powerful as Xbox 360"

    Anonymous source speaks up

    An anonymous developer speaking to Develop has claimed Wii U has twice the power of Microsoft's Xbox 360. The source said Nintendo's next console boasts twice the processing and graphical output of Microsoft's 6-year old console. Of course there are no statistics to back this up, but if true, it would represent an enormous...

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Has No Multiplayer


    Rayman Origins on 3DS has no multiplayer modes, Ubisoft has confirmed to us. A fact sheet for the 3DS version of the game emerged the other day and didn't make any mention of multiplayer, and now we know why — there's no local or online co-op play in Rayman's 3DS outing, a shame as four-player was one of the best things about Rayman...

  • News Official Metal Gear Solid 3DS Accessories Grip Europe

    Up your 3DS camo index

    With Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D out in six weeks, your thoughts might be turning to how you can camouflage your console to get in the espionage spirit, and Hori has it covered. The official Metal Gear Solid 3D accessory set is out in Europe on 24th February, a few weeks before the game, and includes a military-style...

  • News Nintendo Unlocks Kid Icarus: Uprising Multiplayer Details

    Light or Dark?

    Now we have worldwide release dates for Kid Icarus: Uprising, Nintendo is stepping up its pre-release information campaign with details about the game's multiplayer modes. Players will be able to unlock extra weapons from multiplayer skirmishes, taking these into the single player adventure or using them against human opponents...

  • News Punch-Out!! is Japan's Next NES 3DS VC Game


    NES pugilist title Punch-Out!! is the next game coming to Japan's 3DS Virtual Console. Due next week for 500 Yen, it's the third NES game to join the service but the first that wasn't released to 3DS Ambassadors: both Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda are available to buy in Japan. Looks like hopes for a 3D Classics: Punch-Out!! just...

  • News Kid Icarus: Uprising Flies to Europe on 23rd March

    New details inside

    Kid Icarus: Uprising finally has a European release date — and it's the same day as North America. Nintendo's next big 3DS title lands on 23rd March, and will include the same 3DS stand as in Japan and North America. The publisher's also revealed more details about the Fiend's Cauldron mode, a new gameplay idea to keep committed...

  • News Brighten Up Your Day with Colors! 3D Screenshots

    Palette cleanser

    While we wait for a release date for Colors! 3D, the developer Collecting Smiles has released the first 3D screenshots of the game online. The shots are available at 3DS Screenshot, though you'll find one 3D shot embedded in the post below: simply load up this page in your 3DS web browser and tap the image below to open it up in 3D...

  • News Dawn Paine to Leave Nintendo UK

    Fond farewell

    Nintendo UK's long-serving marketing director Dawn Paine is leaving the company. Paine has served ten years at Nintendo, during which she oversaw the marketing campaigns for Wii, DS and 3DS, as well as games phenomena including Wii Fit Plus and Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, among others. Paine leaves Nintendo to join Universal...

  • News Wahoo, It's a Mario Party 9 Trailer

    You can cry if you want to

    The latest Mario Party 9 trailer is in and shows off some of the 80+ minigames you can expect when it launches in March. Long-time Mario fans will pick up on countless references: Super Mario Sunshine's Piantas make an appearance, but there's plenty more to see if you keep your eyes peeled. How many can you spot?

  • News Rayman Origins 3DS Leaps the Atlantic on 20th March

    Helicopter hair and all

    Ubisoft has revealed Rayman Origins will release in North America on 20th March. The portable platformer is based on the critically acclaimed 2011 home console release, with StreetPass functionality thrown in for good measure. We've got some fresh screenshots below to get you all geared up for Rayman's upcoming adventure.

  • News Nintendo Senior Managing Director Nobuo Nagai Passes Away

    Sad times

    Nintendo senior managing director Nobuo Nagai has died aged 66 after a battle with stomach cancer. Nagai joined Nintendo in 1967, becoming a director in 2000 before moving up to managing director, eventually becoming senior managing director and representative director in 2004. Among Nintendo's board of directors, Nagai had worked at...

  • News Capcom Had Resident Evil 5 Running on 3DS

    Now that's magic

    Resident Evil Revelations's road to retail ends in Europe this week, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata sat down with Capcom staff to discuss how the title came about. Before Revelations, of course, there was Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, but even before that Capcom had a very different game running on the machine, as director...