Tag: Warner Bros - Page 2

  • Interviews WayForward - Batman: The Brave and the Bold

    Developers open up about new Wii and DS titles

    WayForward have had their hands in quite a number of licensed releases over the years, but it's their upcoming Batman: The Brave and the Bold titles that have been garnering a lot of attention as of late. With the Wii and DS versions of the game set for release in North America on September 7th and in...

  • News Kapow! It's the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Release Dates

    Holy crimefighting in September, Batman!

    The masked defenders of hand-drawn 2D animation, WayForward Technologies, are set for a Wii and DS return this month as Batman: The Brave and the Bold crusades its way to stores around the world. Launching in North America on September 7th and with a European release following on September 24th, the new game...

  • News Super Scribblenauts' D-Pad Controls are Thanks to You, Hardcore Gamers

    Complaining does pay off sometimes

    For a game based on imagination, you wouldn't have expected Scribblenauts to have frustrated gamers in such a basic regard, but its touchscreen controls rubbed plenty of gamers up the wrong way, complaining they lacked the precision required to manoeuvre Maxwell around his sketchy world. Developer 5th Cell is...

  • News These Super Scribblenauts DSi Consoles Defy Adjectives

    Only as PAX prizes, sadly

    The game that's more a test of wordsmanship than gaming skills, Super Scribblenauts is going all-out to provide the most stylish gamers out there with enough customised stuff to sink a pink, spotted battleship. First came the rooster hat, then the fluffy headphones, but the real cream of the Super Scribblenauts crop is the...

  • News Gandalf Joins Aragorn's Quest in Co-operative Gameplay Video

    Magical attacks from the white wizard

    In development at Headstrong Games of Battalion Wars and House of the Dead: Overkill fame, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest takes the titular bearded hero through a series of trials. What could be better than one bearded hero? Two bearded heroes of course, as this video shows Gandalf fighting side-by-side with...

  • News Brighten Up Your Dull Desktop with Super Scribblenauts Wallpaper

    Get daring, bright, bold and so on

    So you're wearing your Scribblenauts rooster hat, thinking about wearing your Super Scribblenauts pre-order headphones, and you want to know exactly how you can express your excitement for Warner Bros.'s upcoming wordy epic. How about with some wallpaper? Good answer. Being Super Scribblenauts however, this isn't...

  • News The Story of Aragorn's Quest Unfolds in New Wii Vignette

    Middle Earth's greatest warrior gets his own adventure

    As we approach the launch of The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest for the Wii and DS, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has summoned a vignette showing some of the actions our hero can perform, as well as some of the different locations that his quest will require him to travel to. The...

  • News These Fuzzy Super Scribblenauts Headphones Can Be Yours

    If you preorder at Gamestop, of course

    The original Scribblenauts came with an infamous rooster hat for those who preordered, so can Warner Bros. top that with an even better incentive second time around? How about with a pair of plush headphones that actually work? Bad luck if you said no, as that's exactly what's happening. Coming in three...

  • News Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vignette Unmasks the DS Version

    Introducing gamers to the characters and the game's visual style

    Next month sees the return of the Batman franchise as Batman: The Brave and the Bold launches on the Wii and the DS; which in itself, is an adaptation of the 2008 animated series. In the lead-up to the game's launch, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has sent over a vignette from...

  • News Green Lantern Games Put Ryan Reynolds in Your Wii and DS

    Rise of the Manhunters on the way next year

    Not to be outdone by Sega's recent announcement of the Thor video game heading to Wii and DS next year, Warner Bros. Interactive is bringing the Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters to both machines to coincide with the launch of the film next summer. With a Wii version from Double Helix software,...

  • E3 2010 Super Scribblenauts Trailer

    Warner Bros is bringing sketchy back

    We already know that Warner Bros' sequel to last year's Scribblenauts lets you use adjectives to customise your world, so here's a few to customise this E3 trailer: shiny, new, luscious. With promises of fixed controls, new challenges and even more words to be added, there's good reason to be hopeful that this...