
Topic: Holding off?

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Are you, like me, getting hesitant to buy NES/SNES/N64 games just in case Nintendo of America announces the Ambassador program for the Americas?

I know that I may be committing folly (especially considering that not everybody will achieve the 20-person goal), yet I am just being careful for the time being.

Actually, I like Bowser AND hairy bellies!


@MarkyVigoroth: Before November, I would have said "Don't count on it." However, with the short revival of two-game weeks (I'm predicting one-game week will return in the first or second week of 2010), I think it's likely.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1409-9782-5984 | Nintendo Network ID: astarisborn94 | Twitter:


since ambassador i don't buy NES/SNES/N64 games anymore

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990

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