
Topic: For those worried about the LA Zelda film. I watched Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

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Thought the movie was alright! Not great but good. Out of all the modern POTA films, it is the weakest//shallow. Was hoping for it to be better than the first 3. The trailer hype and interviews from the director made it seem that way. I think Wes Ball has a good shot at making a Zelda film but I'm hoping his ego doesn't get to his head. From watching all the Maze Runner films and Kingdom, they chose Ball because he doesn't write, but directs adaptions and not originals. He's probably a cheaper director to pay as well. Either that or he has good connections and relationships with execs.

Kingdom had a great production//writing team, plus a studio that would tell Ball what to do and they plan on doing 5 more with him possibly helming. I think that's why Nintendo chose Wes Ball, because he'll do what the team//studio wants and he'll do what he can for Zelda. It may seem risky but it leaves me a little hopeful.

Will the Zelda film be artisic and deep? No. Will the Zelda film be good? Probably?

Truth is, the goal of the Zelda film is to sell toys//products and entertain kids, I have to keep telling myself to remember that. Adapting gameplay will definitely be a part of the film and ya I'm sure we'll get a comedic smashing pots scene. If my little nephews will enjoy it, it's all that matters to me. Even if the film will be bad, I can count on fans to rebel through craft and adapt their own Zelda media.

Edited on by Vivianeat

Gordon Ramsay has a Nintendo Switch.

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