Tag: Wii Fit U
A healthy saving
Nintendo is doing 24 special offers for the 24 days of Christmas, and today's deals include a pretty sweet bargain for fitness lovers. The Wii Fit U Meter - which works in conjunction with the game to track your physical activity outside of the home - is on sale for £3.99. It's available in red,
News Wii Fit U Update Adds New Features, Extra Challenge Courses for Walking and Climbing
"If the weather is good, I hope you manage to go out with your Fit Meter"
Wii Fit U, for a variety of reasons, has struggled to have the same major impact as its predecessors on Wii. That's a pity, as it includes the exercises that made those titles popular in addition to a host of new GamePad-driven mini-games, while the Fit Meter is a handy gadget...
News Wii Fit U Update 1.2.0 Trims And Slims for a Better U
Addresses a few errors and adds some additional features
Regular users of Wii Fit U will have noticed a brief update when booting up the game for their, presumably, daily exercise routine yesterday. For those wondering what exactly the update to Ver. 1.2.0 addressed, it was a few minor adjustments and fixes further fine tuning of the overall...
Parent Trap Wii Fit U Accepts Our Varied Bodies
Family Gamer's Andy Robertson has another look at Nintendo's fitness title
Video games reflect wider society’s desire for the perfect body. Having children only presses this issue home and means I’m pickier about the shape of our video-game protagonists. However, I have been happily surprised then to see how Wii Fit U handles this. Rather than...
News Wii Fit No Substitute For Real Exercise According To Academic Research
Includes all other forms of active gaming
Australians love being recognised globally for their sporting achievements. Be it their recent win over England in the Ashes, or Aussie golfer Adam Scott and his rise to number 2 in the world. It’s always a thrill to see a country of such a small population competing both fiercely and passionately on the...
News Remember, Wii Fit U's Free Trial Offer Expires On January 31st
It's not too late to get fit
The Nintendo Wii did a lot for the video game industry. It brought a breath of fresh air by allowing players to play games with motion controls, it had an approachable attitude and it allowed developers an opportunity to get creative with their games. Yes, the Wii was quite a step forward, and one of its messages to...
Video Lycra-Clad Promo Insists That Wii Fit U Is "Fitness That Fits"
Working up a sweat doesn't have to be that hard
Wii Fit U is available for download from the eShop right now, and aims to expand on the massive global success of Wii Fit and Wit Fit Plus. In order to spread the word and educate the masses, Nintendo has released a promotional video which illustrates how versatile the game is and shows the benefits of...
Video Family Gamer TV Is Putting Wii Fit U Through Its Paces This Christmas
Fight the flab
With Christmas approaching and the excess that goes with celebrating the season appropriately, our thoughts will soon be turning to reclaiming our former vigour. Don’t worry though — Wii Fit U is at hand, and what’s more you can try it for free for a month (up to January 31st). If you like it you can then get the full game by...
News Wii Fit U Update Resolves Data Transfer Issues
Fixes 'lock up' issue
Last week we reported that some players were experiencing lock ups in Wii Fit U when attempting to transfer save data from either Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus. Nintendo quickly issued a manual solution to resolve the problem, which involved deleting Mii characters in the Wii U Mii Maker, along with any transfer data. Fortuna
News Nintendo Combats Wii Fit U Lock-Up Error With Manual Solution
No patch for now
The game-breaking troubles continue for Nintendo with Wii Fit U. Only weeks after the glitch in Pokémon X and Y was put to rest, it has now come to the attention of Nintendo that players may encounter an error causing Wii Fit U or the trial version of the game to lock up when attempting to transfer save data from Wii Fit or
News Iwata: Wii Fit U's Free Trial Period Will Improve Wii U Sales Momentum
Getting fit for free
During a recent financial meeting with investors, Satoru Iwata has discussed how Nintendo hopes to improve Wii U sales momentum with the release of Wii Fit U and the month’s free trial period. The company president explained it was difficult to turn heads once the Wii U launch-period had passed: Under the current...