Tag: Rom
News Pokémon Emerald ROM Hack Contains Redrawn Sprites From 130 Artists
Gotta redraw 'em all
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pokémon Emerald for the GBA, 130 artists have collabrated on a project to redraw the sprites for all 386 Pokémon included in the game (thanks, gamesradar). Not only that, but the revised sprites have been implmented into a fully playable ROM hack called Pokémon Emerald: Respirited, so you...
Random 'Super Mario Kart Deluxe' Romhack Gets The Franchise's Most Notorious Item
Feeling blue?
Everyone's got their favourite items when it comes to the Mario Kart franchise, but we'd be willing to bet that it probably isn't the Blue Shell. Introduced in Mario Kart 64 and subsequently becoming a mainstay in the franchise to this very day, the Blue Shell is a veritable nightmare for those cruising along in first place,...
Random Talented Hackers Are Adding Vibrant Colour To Classic Game Boy Titles
Colour us impressed!
The humble Game Boy was an absolute marvel back in the day. Released prior to the SNES, the handheld system seemed positively futuristic when compared to the decidedly bulkier NES / Famicom. Looking at it today, however, there are plenty of noticeable drawbacks that have been ironed out considerably in the decades since with...
Random Modder Makes Ganondorf A Playable Fighter In Smash Bros. 64
The king of the Gerudo tribe joins the battle
When Super Smash Bros. started out life in 1999 on the Nintendo 64, there were only 12 fighters to select from. As "all-star" as this original cast was, unfortunately, Link was unable to duke it out with Ganondorf. Now, 20 years on, a modder by the name of JSsixtyfour has released a new ROM hack...