Tag: Reggie Fils-Aimé
News Ex-NoA President Reggie Fils-Aimé Addresses Reports Of Worker Mistreatment At Nintendo
"I do believe it is the role of company leadership to set a culture"
Early in April 2022, reports of poor working conditions at Nintendo of America surfaced, accusing the company and a third-party hiring firm of “concerted activities” and “coercive actions” to prevent unionisation, and the struggles of part-time workers and contractors to...
News Reggie Had To Fight For Wii Sports As A Pack-In, And Miyamoto Wasn't Happy
"We do not give away our software"
Nintendo has a history of bundling games with hardware, going back to the NES and Game Boy era. Yet it's never been a fixed policy, nor one that's always matched between regions. Take Wii Sports as an example - it became integral bundled in with the Wii offering when it was included in all territories apart from...
News Reggie Fils-Aimé's Upcoming Book Gets A Cover And A New Release Date
Reggie Files Abook
Reggie Fils-Aimé is possibly one of the best-known names in gaming, and not even because he did anything scandalous. His upcoming book, "Disrupting The Game", is all about how he got there, documenting his rise "from The Bronx to the top of Nintendo". But we already knew that! He told us that last year! What's new is the cover,...
News Reggie's Joining A Twitch Industry Roundtable With His Former PlayStation And Xbox Rivals
Nintendo Of America's former president to chat with Jack Tretton and Robbie Bach
Reggie Fils-Aimé might not be Nintendo of America's president anymore, but he's kept himself pretty busy since stepping down in 2019. Popping up between Rogue Games, Brunswick Corporation,
News Reggie Fils-Aimé Reveals New Gaming Podcast For Charity
'Talking Games with Reggie and Harold'
Ex-Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé has announced a brand new podcast called 'Talking Games with Reggie and Harold'. Hosted alongside award-winning author/journalist Harold Goldberg, the podcast is helping to raise money for the New York Videogame Critics Circle nonprofit's mentoring work in the...
News Reggie Resurrects 'Fils-A-Mech' For The Game Awards 2019
Also name-checks Miyamoto and Iwata
At last night's Game Awards 2019, former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime resurrected one of his most famous 'characters' for a brief moment before talking about the importance of indie gaming and handing over an award to the makers of Disco Elysium. Reggie marched on-stage wearing a pair of...
"The same general game, but now it's version five or six"
Reggie "The Regginator" Fils-Aimé, former Nintendo of America President, has been discussing - among many other things - how Nintendo believed that before the Wii the games industry was in trouble, with stagnation setting in and increasing complexity in games blocking growth. Speaking with...
News Reggie Asked To Speak To Nintendo President Satoru Iwata Before Accepting The NOA Job
"It actually was a bit of a disruption in the process."
In an interview with GameDaily.biz, former Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé has shed some more light on his legacy at Nintendo and his relationship with Satoru Iwata. In particular, he has shared a story about how during his initial recruitment pr
News Reggie Reveals His Favourite Game From His Time At Nintendo, And His Smash Bros. Main
Asking the important questions
Former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé recently hosted a talk at Cornell College of Business, during which he chose to share his knowledge of business and leadership. However, some of the most interesting nuggets to come out of the lecture were predictably related to Nintendo; Reggie mentioned, for...
News Reggie Is Glad He No Longer Has To Deal With People Asking Him About Mother 3
"This is a decision that I'm no longer part of"
Reggie Fils-Aimé's recent lecture at Cornell University delivered many tasty and amusing pieces of information, including the fact that the late Nintendo present Satoru Iwata didn't want to bundle Wii Sports with the Wii, and that Reggie himself considers the Wii U to be a "failure forward"
News Reggie Calls Wii U A "Failure Forward" Because It Led To Switch
He has a point
Reggie Fils-Aimé may no longer be the president of Nintendo, but he's forever in our hearts – and, if he keeps giving lectures on his time with the Japanese company like the one he did yesterday at Cornell University, that's going to be the case for a long time. During the lecture, Reggie – who is now the university’s...
News Reggie Fils-Aimé Joins New York's Cornell University As Leader In Residence
The Regginator is back
Reggie Fils-Aimé is set to share his leadership wisdom with students at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The ex-Nintendo of America president has joined the university's Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management as its first Leader in Residence. As part of the school's Leadership Program, Reggie will visit the...
Feature Looking Back On Nintendo’s E3 2018
Remembering Reggie and that Smash Bros. deep dive
It’s been quite a year for Nintendo fans, with a bounty of software coming to Switch from every direction. While things have been relatively quiet on the first-party front (especially considering the one-two punch of flagship Zelda and Mario games in 2017), Switch is enjoying the sort of...
Random 23,000 Fans Petitioned To Get Reggie A New Chair, And It Worked
Update: And now it's arrived...
Update: Not wanting to let you down on your daily fix of essential Nintendo news, we are happy to confirm that the chair has now arrived. Phew! Original Article: Last month, as ex-Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé shared last minute photos and memories from his office,
Video Reggie Reflects On His Time At Nintendo And Why The Fans Liked Him So Much
Putting smiles on faces
Since Reggie retired from his role as the Nintendo of America president last month, he's been in demand all over the place. A week ago he delivered a commencement address at Ringling College and now he's spoken to The Sarasota Herald-Tribune newspaper, based in Florida, about his time as a student, position at Nintendo and...
Random Some Nintendo Fans Think Reggie Deserved A Better Chair During His Time At Nintendo
"This is way out of hand"
When you consider the lifestyle of any company president, it's only natural to assume they drive the best car, live in a mansion and sit in an expensive chair all day behind a desk made of pure gold. While this might be the loose reality of some leaders, this was not the case for the now-former Nintendo of America...
Random Reggie's Most Touching Retirement Gift Was A Custom-Made Satoru Iwata amiibo
Heartwarming stuff
Throughout the week, the now former Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé has been sharing all of the lovely retirement gifts he's received so far. In his latest tweet, he posted a photo of his "most touching" present of all, given to him by David Young, assistant manager of PR at Nintendo of America. It's a Satoru...
Rumour Did Reggie Just Give Us Our First Glimpse At A New Retro Studios Project?
VR? Robots? What?
Hold on to your Diddy Kong Nintendo hats, folks. It's Retro Studios speculation time! Early this morning, we shared with you a tweet from ex-Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aimé. The tweet gave us a look at some of his retirement gifts, which included a Virtual Boy, a lovely notebook, and a giant plastic bottom (yeah,...
Random Reggie Shows Off More Of His Retirement Gifts On Twitter
He even got a Virtual Boy
Reggie Fils-Aimé has now officially left the building. After many years of "kickin' ass", "takin' names" and "makin' games", he's finally retired from his role as the president at Nintendo of America. On the plus side, he's decided to open a Twitter account and is already bombarding his followers with lots of interesting...
Random Check Out The Retirement Gift Geoff Keighley Gave Reggie Fils-Aimé
Nintendo's one and only "big man"
Reggie appears to have received a rather impressive gift from his good friend Geoff Keighley - the host and creator of the Video Game Awards. Geoff worked with the wonderful artist Sam Spratt on the above painting to commemorate Reggie's retirement. This was what Reggie had to say about the special painting: One...
News Reggie Fils-Aimé Packs Up His Office And Reflects On The Good Times At Nintendo
The Master Sword stayed behind for the next hero
Earlier on, the former Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé set up a Twitter account. He's already putting it to good use by sharing some photos of himself packing up his office. Here's everything he has posted so far: Reggie starts by showing us his E3 2004 pass where he announced to...
News Reggie Fils-Aimé Opens His Own Official Twitter Account After Retiring As Nintendo Boss
Go on, give him a follow
Well, we weren't expecting this one. Reggie Fils-Aimé has opened his very own Twitter account, entering the world of social media for the first time as he leaves the role of Nintendo of America President behind. Yes, if you've somehow missed the news, the beloved Regginator has stepped down from his role at Nintendo today,...
Reminder Reggie Fils-Aimé Retires As Nintendo Of America President Today
All the best, Reggie!
Back in February, Reggie Fils-Aimé announced that he would be stepping down from his role as Nintendo of America President on 15th April. Time has raced by since then, as it so often does, and we've now reached that very day. The first time we, as Nintendo fans, saw Reggie walk out onto the stage was during E3 2004. “My...
Rumour Nintendo Direct Rumoured For This Week Could Be A Perfect Send-Off For Reggie
If it actually happens, of course
If you've been glued to the likes of social media over the last 24 hours, you may well have seen a new rumour doing the rounds suggesting that a Nintendo Direct is on the way this week. While a rumour can only ever be exactly that - a rumour - we have to admit that this particular case does seem very plausible...
Video Did You Know Gaming Takes A Look At The Business Life Of Reggie Fils-Aimé
From Pizza Hut To Nintendo
Did You Know Gaming is primarily known for sharing facts and easter eggs about video games, but from time to time, it spotlights influential figures within the industry as well. In the above video, the focus is on Reggie Fils-Aimé, who recently announced he was stepping down as the Nintendo of America President and would...
Video Fan Creates Touching Speed Drawing In Tribute Of Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aimé
Our bodies still aren't ready
As you probably already know by now, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé is set to retire from his position this April. Reggie has become such a huge part of the company over the last 15 years that it's hard to imagine Nintendo without him, and his enthusiasm for the role, appreciation of his position and...
Feature Meet Doug Bowser, The Man Behind The Meme
Just who does this 'Bowser' fellow think he is?
With news that Reggie Fils-Aimé is to step down from his role as President of Nintendo of America, his successor – Mr Doug Bowser – was probably prepared for the deluge of familiar headlines to flood the web. He’s been on the radar of Nintendo fans for a while now – with that surname it would...
Random Nintendo DIY Expert Notices Her Custom amiibo In Reggie's Retirement Video
Heartwarming stuff
As soon as it was revealed Reggie Fils-Aimé was stepping down as the Nintendo of America President, the man himself reached out to fans with a special recording via social media, thanking everyone for their never-ending support, passionate love of Nintendo and for putting a smile on his face every day. If his words alone weren't...
Feature What Reggie-Fils-Aimé Meant To Nintendo, The Games Industry, And All Of Us
"I believe the best way to lead is through example"
“My name is Reggie. I'm about kickin' ass, I'm about takin' names, and we're about makin' games.” These were the words uttered by then industry newcomer Reggie Fils-Aimé while standing on Nintendo’s stage during the Electronic Gaming Expo (E3) in 2004. Fils-a-what? “Ass”? Who the heck...
News Sony And Microsoft's Gaming Bosses React To Reggie's Retirement
"Great leader, industry partner and friend"
It's fair to say that the news that Reggie Fils-Aime – who has been Nintendo of America president since 2006 and joined the company itself in 2003 – would be retiring in April caught plenty of people off-guard. He's certainly one of the industry's most recognisable characters and his willingness to...
Feature Reggie's Video Highlights From 15 Years At The Top Of Nintendo
Our bodies aren't ready, Reggie!
Yesterday, the world of Nintendo was rocked by the news that Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime is set to retire in April after more than 15 years with the company. In that time, Reggie has overseen the launch of systems like the DS, Wii, 3DS and Switch, had himself turned into a puppet, become a meme...
Random Nintendo Stock Rises By 4% An Hour Before Reggie Announces Retirement
In case you somehow missed the original announcement, it's been revealed Reggie Fils-Aimé is stepping down from his role at Nintendo of America as President and COO after almost 13 years, with the appropriately named Doug Bowser taking his place. Despite it being an end of an era, it's still technically business as usual for company. Shack...
News Reggie Fils-Aime Is Retiring After 15 Notable Years At Nintendo of America
Bowser named new president!
After a more than successful product launch with the Nintendo Switch and 15 notable years at Nintendo of America, it comes as something of a shock as it is revealed that Reggie Fils-Aime will soon be retiring from the company. With almost 13 years under his belt as President and COO, Reggie has become something of a...
Video Old-School Footage Of Reggie At E3 2006 Surfaces On YouTube
Travel back to the past
Old footage of Reggie Fils-Aimé at E3 has surfaced online. Apparently, it's a formal introduction to media managers at a manager media brief about all the content Nintendo intended to showcase at the annual event in 2006. In the one minute clip, you'll get to see a younger version of the current Nintendo of America...
Video Reggie Reacts To Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Ridley is still his main
As 2018 wraps up, this week's episode of Nintendo Minute takes time to reflect on the journey Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been on leading up to its recent release. Joining the hosts Kit and Krysta for this special occasion was Nintendo of America's President, Reggie Fils-Aimé. The 13-minute clip starts out with the...
News Reggie: Third-Party Gaps In Switch Game Library Linked To Timing Of System Reveal
"Games are in development for multiple years"
The Switch might be a relatively new system, but once again, it's Nintendo hardware that has seemingly been shunned by a sizable portion of the video game industry, resulting in a number of developers and publishers not even acknowledging the hybrid platform. Following the conclusion of the 2018 Game...
News Technical Infrastructure For Nintendo To Stream Games Outside Of Japan "Doesn't Exist"
Current tech also does not meet requirements
Streaming has been touted as the way of the future by a number of video game industry giants. Ubisoft's CEO Yves Guillemot believes this technology will become the primary way people play games in the future. Meanwhile, EA is investing heavily in cloud-based technology with
Primary development focus will remain on Switch
Since the Switch arrived on the scene in March 2017, there's been strong demand for Nintendo to double down on its games development for the platform rather than waste resources on providing new experiences for the 3DS line. Speaking to Kotaku, Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime...
News Reggie Says Nintendo Competes For Consumer Time, Not Concerned About Direct Competition
"My competitive set is much bigger than my direct competitors"
During his appearance on stage at Seattle's Geekwire Summit earlier this week, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said the company's approach was to do things differently. He reinforced this point by referencing the unique voice chat system on the Switch and how it could be...
News Reggie Says Wii U's Failure Ultimately Led To Success Of The Switch
Listening to consumers
The Wii U era was a difficult part of Nintendo’s history. Despite this, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils- Aimé believes it was a vital period for the company. Speaking on stage at this week's GeekWire Summit, Reggie said the Wii U gave Nintendo a strong idea about what consumers really wanted: They were telling...
News Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aimé Inspires Students In New York
Words of wisdom
Earlier this week, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime visited the DreamYard Preparatory school located in the Bronx, New York. As explained by the New York Videogame Critics Circle founder, the students in this location are part of an “underserved community in the poorest Congressional district” in the US. The...
Random Reggie Fils-Aimé Stars In Seattle Police Department Lip-Sync Music Video
Since the launch of the Switch, Nintendo has worked tirelessly to spread the word far and wide about its existence. With the system’s mainstream exposure crucial to its ongoing success, it only seems natural for Nintendo to continue getting the brand out there in any way possible. This includes the continued promotion of Nintendo Labo...
News Reggie Says Nintendo Switch Online Will Connect You To Legacy Content "In A Meaningful Way"
"We know that Nintendo has a deep and rich library"
The Nintendo Switch Online service launches this September, but beyond a few basic details, we know very little about it. Keen for answers, Waypoint spoke with Reggie Fils-Aime recently and quizzed him on the finer points of the service. For example, what benefit will Switch owners see when...
News Sakurai Is Well Aware That You Want Waluigi In Smash Bros. Ultimate, Says Reggie
"In the end it's his decision to make"
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate features every character that has been playable since the series began, but one thing is missing - Waluigi isn't part of the roster and remains relegated to the role of an assist trophy. For some fans, this is an injustice which cannot continue - and they're even prepared to...
News Reggie Reflects On E3 2018 In The Latest Episode Of The Nintendo Power Podcast
Now you’re playing with power
The legacy of Nintendo Power lives on with the latest episode of the podcast – named after the famous publication – now available to listen to on YouTube, Soundcloud, iTunes and
Video Let's Revel in Nintendo's Best E3 Moments from History
It's mostly 2004, we're not going to lie
Nintendo has had a mixed bag of E3 moments. High and low points are to be expected, and as we've already looked at some of the more embarrassing instances, we thought in the run up to E3 2018 it was time to take a more positive look at things, to bring balance to the universe in an arguably more constructive...
News Nintendo Isn't Ready To Talk About Any More "Classic" Console Releases
"We recognise that our consumers love all of this great legacy content"
The NES Classic Mini and SNES Classic Mini have been enormous successes for Nintendo, and have opened up another valuable revenue stream for the firm in what has been a bumper period for profits. Given that the first two "Classic Edition" systems followed quickly after one...
News Wii U's Failure Is Responsible For Switch's Success, Says Reggie
New console addresses problems its forerunner faced
The commercial failure of the Wii U has driven Nintendo to make the Switch a success, says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé. Speaking to CNN, Fils-Aimé addressed some of the problems the Wii U faced during its short lifespan, such as poor marketing messages, an inconstant flow of...
News Wii U's Failure Is Responsible For Switch's Success, Says Reggie
New console addresses problems its forerunner faced
The commercial failure of the Wii U has driven Nintendo to make the Switch a success, says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé. Speaking to CNN, Fils-Aimé addressed some of the problems the Wii U faced during its short lifespan, such as poor marketing messages, an inconstant flow of...
News Nintendo Acknowledges Iwata Tribute On Switch, But Has "Nothing To Announce"
"So that’s that"
Remember the secret game of NES Golf hidden inside each and every Switch console? It would seem Nintendo is prepared to officially acknowledge the existence of this hidden gem - taken by many to be a tribute to the late Satoru Iwata - but that's about it. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, when asked by