Tag: Moon Chronicles
Review Moon Chronicles: Episodes 2-4 (3DS eShop)
Not quite over the moon
Renegade Kid's episodic Moon Chronicles - an updated port of the Nintendo DS title Moon - has now delivered Episodes 2-4 as downloadable content, allowing players to finally finish the entire game. As a first-person shooter, Moon Chronicles stands out on the eShop and is a welcome change from the vast collection of puzzlers...
News Moon Chronicles: Episodes 2, 3, & 4 Launching Simultaneously On 3DS eShop Next Week
Lunar Overload
Fans of Earth's largest natural satellite - and the horrifying secrets contained within - will have plenty of reason to celebrate this coming February. Just before the moon is torn from the sky by a malevolent spirit, Renegade Kid will be releasing the final three parts of its Sci-Fi shooter Moon Chronicles in one fell swoop. Landing...
Review Moon Chronicles: Episode 1 (3DS eShop)
Down the hatch...
Renegade Kid originally released first-person shooter Moon on the DS with publisher Mastiff in 2009, though sales were relatively modest — this episodic digital re-release, retitled Moon Chronicles, will be the first time many players experience the game. The 3DS isn't always considered ideal for first-person shooters, but Moon...