Tag: Localisation
Feature Why Was Among Us Translated Into Irish?
Last week, it was announced that Among Us, the fantastically popular friend-murdering game, was localised officially into Irish. For many (mostly, the Irish) it was an exciting thing; for others, the response was mostly: "But why?" It's a legitimate question — Irish, or Gaeilge, is only spoken by around 40% of the Irish population, and is...
News Among Us Has Been Localised Into Irish
Immaculate craic
Among Us' success continues to grow, and one of the measures of success is just how many official translations something has — including minority languages and languages that aren't even spoken any more, like Harry Potter's Latin, Ancient Greek, and Scots translations. According to its Steam page, Among Us supports 12 languages...
News Localisation Head Janet Hsu Talks MORE About The Translation Of The Great Ace Attorney
Yessss. YESSSS. Give us more localisation articles, precious. We loves them, precious. Especially when they come from Janet Hsu, the localisation director at Capcom who's worked on the series since the beginning, crafting incredible puns and making sure that jokes still land in their new tongue. In her latest blog, this time for...
A big win for fans of pastoral Japan
Update [Thu 17th Jun, 2021 16:15 BST]: Samuel Messner has confirmed to us that the game will not be coming to Switch, as it is a fan translation project. "I am a professional translator as well," he says, "so I see where the confusion stems from – but it's a bit more of a “Clyde Mandelin and Mother 3”...
It's... complicated
Localising Ace Attorney is a monumental task that often goes completely unrecognised, but hopefully, people playing the new, freshly-translated version of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles — a two-part prequel from 2015 that's due to release worldwide on the 27th July — will be able to appreciate just how much work went into...
News This Insight Into The Localisation Of Story Of Seasons: Pioneers Of Olive Town Is Fascinating
How do you solve a problem like a pun name
The newest Story of Seasons game is already out in Japan, so we're starting to get more information trickling down to us as we wait another month for the western release. A new trailer premiered today, with an English voiceover talking about a year in the life of a farmer, and players have even discovered...
Random Hades In French Adds Lots Of Puns, And Makes Hypnos Extra-Sleazy
Bonjour ténèbres, mon vieil ami
Translating games is hard work. For one, there are usually a lot of cultural references that are tricky to get right in a different language - remember Ace Attorney's clumsy localisations back in the day? But even more important than culture is puns, and puns usually just don't translate at all. The mark of a great...
News Gotta Protectors Was Translated By Just One Person
"Why hasn't this been localized? I want to translate this"
Gotta Protectors has been something of a sleeper hit with North American 3DS owners thanks to its mixture of NES-style visuals, engaging gameplay and the involvement of Japanese company Ancient, perhaps best known as the home of the legendary composer Yuzo "Streets of Rage" Koshiro. While...
News Nintendo Issues Statement On Side Quest Changes In Bravely Second
Aim was to improve the "game experience" and avoid "undue regret"
Earlier this month, we reported on a rumour that the western edition of Bravely Second: End Layer only had "good" endings to optional side quests - a change which, when twinned with alterations to one of the character costumes, triggered quite a stir among fans.
News Here's Exactly What Has Changed With Fire Emblem Fates' "Skinship" Petting Mode
Not as bad as you might think
Reports that Nintendo has removed the "petting" mini-game from the western version of Fire Emblem Fates caused the predictable level of consternation among fans online, many of whom are concerned that the company is taking self-censorship to the next level, having recently made changes to the likes of
News Nintendo Removes Infamous Drugging Scene From Western Localisation Of Fire Emblem Fates
"No expression which might be considered as gay conversion or drugging"
As well all know, Nintendo often has to make changes to its games when localising them for audiences outside of Japan. We've recently seen changes made to the likes of Fatal Frame and Xenoblade Chronicles X, and it seems that the forthcoming 3DS release Fire Emblem Fates is...
News Yacht Club Games Gives a Shovel Knight Localisation Update, With Pixel Graphics
Still only at the early stages, sadly
Shovel Knight, from Yacht Club Games, is one of the best titles to arrive on the Wii U and 3DS eShop stores this year — it's a platformer with plenty of loving nods to retro ideas and aesthetics, yet moves beyond mere nostalgia with terrific design and wonderful gameplay. We put it through its paces on both...
Weirdness Nintendo of Europe Didn't Want "Boingy Bits" in Fire Emblem: Awakening
Perhaps the delayed release was to remove cheeky 'bits'
It was a continuous and minor gripe for 3DS owners in Europe that there was a two-and-a-half month delay from the North American release of Fire Emblem: Awakening. It may not seem too lengthy a wait, but with a title so highly anticipated and critically acclaimed, it can be borderline...
Rumour Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Is Taking Flight To The West
Localisation may be in the works as we speak
It may have one of the strangest names, but Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is high on the "most wanted" 3DS games list for many western RPG lovers. There hasn't been an official announcement on a release date outside of Japan, but earlier last month the game's Twitter page hinted that localisation could be...
News U.S. Trademarks Suggest Guild02 eShop Localisations
Hopefully, anyway
In a recent Nintendo Direct focused on the Japanese market, Guild02 was confirmed for the region, a trio of eShop downloads — as opposed to the retail release of Guild01 — published by Level-5 and produced by some of the most respected names in the industry. With three of the four Guild01 titles arriving in the West as...
News More Hints At Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Localisation
Just announce it already...
We reported last week that the official Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Twitter account hinted at the game's localisation in the West. A follow up tweet has emerged; we have no doubt that fans who were eager to hear some news replied to the original tweet expressing their excitement for the game: [tweet It seems that...
News Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Twitter Account Hints At Localisation
We'll take any hint thrown our way
It's a regular occurence, especially with 3DS, to look at some attractive and promising titles and realise, with a heavy heart, that they may never make it outside of Japan. They're typically RPG titles, and they're often accompanied by gorgeous, imaginative visuals and special edition releases packed with...