Tag: Links Awakening
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: All Secret Seashells Map and Locations
All 50 secret seashells, ordered by when they are first made available to you
Use our guide to find all 50 secret seashells hidden on Koholint Island in the Nintendo Switch remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. We’ve produced a map and detailed instructions for each seashell, and we’ve also attempted to number them in the order that...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: All Heart Pieces Map and Locations
All 32 heart pieces and the final heart container
Having trouble hunting down the heart pieces in the Nintendo Switch remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening? We’ve got you covered with a map and full solution for each one, with an indication of the tools required and when they become available to you. Also featured: where to find the...
News Feast Your Eyes On The Official Japanese Zelda: Link's Awakening Soundtrack
Be still our (last) beating heart!
Over in the West we don't tend to enjoy as many video game soundtrack releases as lucky Japanese gamers do, although there's always the option to import something particularly special. Well, a candidate has just turned up for pre-order in the form of the absolutely love OST set for The Legend of Zelda: Link's...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Bird Key Location, Mountain Tower and Resurrecting the Rooster
Plus: Locating the Frog’s Song of Soul and Reviving Poultry
In part eight of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough, we will gather songs and allies necessary for accessing the tower in the Eastern Tal Tal Mountain Range, before tackling the twisting paths of the intriguing seventh dungeon: Eagle's Tower. Preparing for and Travelling to the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Eagle’s Tower - Map, Compass and Mirror Shield
Prepare for puzzles, your nearing the end
Continuing part eight of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough, we will be tackling the twisting paths of the intriguing seventh dungeon, Eagle's Tower, collecting the Map and Compass along with the Mirror Shield. Eagle’s Tower Walkthrough: Locate the Compass and Eagle’s Tower Dungeon Map Step...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Evil Eagle - Eagle's Tower Boss (Level 7)
Another strange boss, but you've got what it takes
Concluding part eight of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we'll finish the seventh dungeon and learn how to defeat Evil Eagle. How To Defeat Evil Eagle - Eagle's Tower Boss (Level 7): You should be outside in a sidescrolling area – climb the ladder and stand on the top of the Tower...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Slime Key Location, Five Golden Leaves and Kanalet Castle Bridge
We’ve got the leaves. We’ve got the secrets. We’ve got the key to another cave.
In part four of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we’ll be venturing to Ukuku Prairie and then Kanalet Castle to collect five golden leaves, before acquiring the Slime Key necessary to access the game’s third dungeon: Key Cavern. Slime Key, Richard’s...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Key Cavern, Map, Compass and Pegasus Boots
Lots of keys and speedy boots
Continuing part four of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we've found the Slime Key necessary to access the game’s third dungeon: Key Cavern. Key Cavern Walkthrough: Acquiring the Stone Beak and Key Cavern Map Step inside the Key Cavern and you’ll see two routes – one forward, one to the right. The...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Slime Eye - Key Cavern Boss (Level 3)
Time for your next Nightmare
Concluding part three of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we learn how to defeat the game’s third boss: Slime Eye. How To Defeat Slime Eye - Key Cavern Boss (Level 3): Head to the lock blocks in the central area and use your four small keys to access the stairs. In the sidescrolling area below you’ll...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Martha's Bay, Manbo's Mambo, Pink Ghost
Also: That Time Link Helped a Goat Catfish a Legendary Game Developer
We're now in part six of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough where we’ll be progressing the Trading Quest nearly to its conclusion, before diving into Martha’s Bay and the Catfish’s Maw dungeon. Route to Martha’s Bay Walkthrough: Learning Manbo’s Mambo In the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Catfish's Maw Map, Compass and Getting The Hookshot
Tricky little dungeon this one, are you ready?
Continuing part six of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough it's time to dive into Catfish’s Maw dungeon, finding the Map and Compass and discovering a new item: Hookshot. Catfish’s Maw Walkthrough: Entering Catfish’s Maw The Catfish’s Maw is pretty tough to miss, prominent as it is in...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Slime Eel - Catfish's Maw Boss (Level 5)
Slime Eel, a disgusting sounding boss
Concluding part six of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we'll need to learn how to defeat the Catfish’s Maw dungeon's boss: Slime Eel. How To Defeat Slime Eel - Catfish's Maw Boss (Level 5) You emerge into an empty arena and receive your standard-issue Nightmare taunt: Ssso…you are the outsssider,...
Guide Zelda Link's Awakening: Face Key Location, Ancient Ruins and Boomerang
The Trading Sequence Concludes and Link Learns the Secrets of Koholint Island
Now in part seven of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough, we’ll finally get the Magnifying Glass and Boomerang, before glimpsing the truth of Koholint Island in the Ancient Ruins and entering the sixth dungeon, the Face Shrine. Before you continue you'll want to...
Guide Zelda Link's Awakening: Face Shrine Map, Compass and Powerful Bracelet
Dungeon six is a real hoot
Continuing part seven of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we enter the sixth dungeon, the Face Shrine, finding the Map, Compass and getting the Powerful Bracelet along the way. Face Shrine Walkthrough: Finding the Powerful Bracelet Unusually, our first task in the Face Shrine won’t be to track down the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Façade - Face Shrine Boss (Level 6)
You're allowed to hit him right in the face
Concluding part seven of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we'll need to learn how to defeat the Face Shrine Boss: Facade. How To Defeat Façade - Face Shrine Boss (Level 6): Leaving the long hall via its lower exit, you will enter the room in which you fought the four Wizzrobes. Take the lower...
Animal Village! Dream Shrine! Wake Up a Walrus! Goo Goo G'joob!
In part five of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough Link will be seeking out Yarna Desert, serenading a sleeping Walrus, and entering the Angler’s Tunnel to deliver cold steel straight to a fish’s illicium (oof!). Additionally covered: getting the ocarina from the dream shrine,...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Angler's Tunnel, Map, Compass and Getting The Flippers
Time to see if you sink or swim
Continuing part five of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we will explore the Angler's Tunnel dungeon finding the Map and Compass along with the Flippers before defeating the Level 4 boss. Angler’s Tunnel Walkthrough: Locate Compass, Stone Beak and Angler’s Tunnel Dungeon Map Well, your travels on the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Angler Fish - Angler's Tunnel Boss (Level 4)
A unique boss for a Zelda game
Concluding part five of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we'll need Link to use his Flippers and learn how to defeat the Angler Fish, the fourth dungeon Angler's Tunnel Boss. How To Defeat Angler Fish - Angler's Tunnel Boss (Level 4): Unusually, the next room doesn’t contain the boss – instead you will...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Rescue BowWow and Goponga Swamp
Rescue a razor-toothed, oddly spherical dog
In part three of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough his continuing adventures, we deal with a dastardly dognapping, step into a suspicious swamp and delve into the game’s second dungeon. BowWow And Goponga Swamp Walkthrough: Returning to Mabe Village Start heading back towards Mabe Village and...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Bottle Grotto and Finding The Power Bracelet
Dungeon number two of Link's quest
Continuing part three of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we head inside the second dungeon: the Bottle Grotto as we locate the Map, Compass and new item: Power Bracelet. Bottle Grotto Walkthrough: Locate the Bottle Grotto Compass Welcome to the Bottle Grotto – a dungeon which, as the name suggests,...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Genie - Bottle Grotto Boss (Level 2)
Tactics and methods await inside
Concluding part three of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough it's time to learn how to defeat the Bottle Grotto Boss - Genie. How To Defeat Genie - The Bottle Grotto (Level 2) Boss: You’ve finally arrived at the Nightmare’s antechamber – jump the gap, insert the key, and ready yourself for battle...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Tail Key Location, Mysterious Forest And Magic Powder
Throw Magic Powder at Forest Animals and Venture into Link’s Awakening’s first dungeon
In part two of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we journey into the Mysterious Forest to locate the Tail Key to open the Tail Cave. Mysterious Forest Walkthrough: Finding The Tail Key Having retrieved your Sword and Shield, it’s time for Link’s...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Tail Cave Dungeon and Roc Feather Location
Darkness awaits in the Tail Cave
Continuing Part Two of our Zelda Link's Awakening walkthrough, we explore the game’s first dungeon, the Tail Cave, and find our first game item: Roc's Feather. Level 1: Tail Cave Walkthrough: Locate the Tail Cave Compass The first room of the Tail Cave gives you the option of heading left or directly forwards...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Moldorm - Tail Cave Boss (Level 1)
The first boss is easy, you got this!
To complete part two of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we need to defeat the games first boss, Moldrom: Tail Cave Boss. How To Defeat Moldorm - Tail Cave Boss (Level 1): Head towards the boss door taking care to avoid the blade traps in the next room. The stairs here lead to the dungeon you can...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Leaving Mabe Village, Finding The Sword
Lost on Koholint Island? Read our walkthrough to the classic Zelda game
With the release of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening on Nintendo Switch, Zelda remake powerhouse Grezzo has returned to the series’ first portable outing, allowing a new generation to experience this charming adventure for the first time. Whether you remember these...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Trading Sequence - All Trade Items and Locations
The importance of trading up seemingly useless items
Trading sequences are a recurring element in the Zelda series – you’ll pick up one item that a character is looking for, trade it and they’ll give you another item, and so on. However, the one in Link’s Awakening is unusual in that it is unavoidable if you plan on actually completing the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Rescuing Marin, Western Tal Tal Mountain Range
Plus: Miniboss Encores, Finding a Hot Rod and Fighting a Hot Head
In part nine of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we’ll be heading to the western section of the mountains and taking on the fire-filled Turtle Rock dungeon to complete our collection of Wind-Fish waking instruments. Western Tal Tal Mountain Range Walkthrough: Rescuing...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Turtle Rock - Map, Compass and Getting The Hot Rod
Step inside for Turtle Power!
Continuing part nine of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough we'll navigate through Turtle Rock finding the Map, Compass and getting the Hot Rod. Turtle Rock Walkthrough: Locating the Turtle Rock Compass You’ve made it to the last of the instrument dungeons. Expect plenty of fights and lava, and step forward...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: How To Defeat Hot Head - Turtle Rock Boss (Level 8)
Hot, Hot, Hot!
Concluding part nine of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough it's time to learn how to defeat Hot Head, the Turtle Rock Boss. How To Defeat Hot Head - Turtle Rock Boss (Level 8): You enter and the portcullis opposite crashes shut. A voice calls out to you: *CRACKLE-FWOOSH* You’re finished! I will never let you play the...
Guide Zelda: Link's Awakening: Wind Fish’s Egg Maze, Defeat The Final Boss And The Color Dungeon
The end is in sight!
So, the time has finally come to climb Mount Tamaranch and wake the Wind Fish. In this final part of our Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough, we’ll cover everything you need to know to navigate to the final boss and do damage to each of its forms. Additionally covered: how to find the Color Dungeon. Mount Tamaranch: How...
Poll Box Art Brawl #9 - The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
A remake on Switch, you say?
Welcome to round number 9 of Box Art Brawl, the series where box art variants from different regions go through a rigorous training montage before cracking their knuckles and duking it out under the watchful eyes of you lovely people. Last week Michael Biehn made a very much uncredited appearance on the three covers of...
Review The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) - A Magical Remastering Of A Series Highlight
Originally released way back in 1993 for the good old Game Boy, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening has always been a little bit of a curio in the history of the long-running Zelda franchise. Originally planned as a straight-up port of the Super Nintendo’s monstrously successful A Link To The Past, this very first portable Zelda...
Gallery Prepare For Zelda: Link's Awakening With Character Profiles And Art
Cuteness factor 10, Mr. Sulu
Over the past few days Nintendo has been releasing mini character profiles and locale information over social media to introduce new players to the people they'll meet when they wash up on Koholint Island on 20th September when The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening arrives on Switch. We've collected together the images...
News The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake Lands On Switch In September
Update: The date on that Amazon Japan listing was correct
Update: Nintendo has confirmed in its E3 2019 Direct that the date leaked by the Amazon Japan listing is indeed correct - the game is coming on 20th September! Original story: Potential release date spoilers ahead! While we can't verify the date below, you might want to look click away...