Tag: Itoi
News Mii Characters Evolved From a Project Called "Women's Fortune Telling Pocket Notebook"
Some of the most important and enduring ideas have peculiar origins, starting out as projects with an entirely different goal than the end result. This seems to have been the case with Mii characters, with the original idea being perceived when working on a doomed project called "Otona no Onna no Uranai Techo" (Women's Fortune Telling Pocket...
News Miyamoto and Itoi Discuss Mario, Rubik's Cubes, TV and More
Top Nintendo designers shoot the breeze
Nintendo's Iwata Asks series has provided us with plenty of fascinating insights into the creation of the company's games, the minds of its creators and the creative spirit that defines its output. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., Nintendo legends Shigesato Itoi (creator of the...