Tag: Corbie
E3 2012 Corbie's Photos From the Show - Day Two
Deeper into the rabbit hole
Yesterday we brought you the first set of Corbie's photos from E3, and now we've got another batch of shots to shoot your way. The E3 showfloor closes today so Corbie will be running around trying to get his hands on as many games as possible. It's a hard life. We'll have hands-on previews of all the playable E3 games...
E3 2012 Corbie's Photos From the Show - Day One
Take a journey through LA
Our man Corbie Dillard has been pounding the LA showfloors this week to go hands-on with some of the most exciting upcoming games you'll be playing later this year. But when his hands haven't been wrapped around a control pad they've been snapping photos left, right and centre. Here's some of Corbie's shots from LA so far.
Podcast Episode 21 - 3DS Launch Spectacular!
Grab your headphones and take a journey into sound
It's here: the day the whole of Europe has been waiting for since way back in June. Nintendo 3DS goes on sale at 00:01am on Friday 25th March, and who better to talk you through the machine's launch than Nintendo Life's very own experts Corbie Dillard and James Newton. This special commemorative...
Podcast Episode 17 - E3 Roundup!
Reader's Awards and more!
Last month's E3 show in Los Angeles may be a blur for some, but here comes salvation: host James Newton and E3 attendee (and video star) Corbie Dillard sat down to bring you more details on some of the games and gossip you may have missed from the show. We also announce the Nintendo Life Reader's Choice Awards for Best Wii...
E3 2010 Reader Questions - Day Two
More of your E3 questions answered!
Well two days of E3 down and one more to go, so here is yet another round of your questions answered. There's still one more afternoon of booth visits to take in and then the individual game impressions will start flowing more regularly. Until then, sit back and enjoy the Q&A and hopefully this will shed some...
E3 2010 First Impressions: Nintendo 3DS
Hands on with Nintendo's amazing 3D portable
Any time there's an announcement of new video game hardware, a certain buzz is created. In all truth, you couldn't walk five feet on the streets of Los Angeles on the way to the Convention Center without hearing someone talking about Nintendo's upcoming 3DS system. Even the line for the Nintendo keynote...
E3 2010 Reader Questions - Day One
You ask, we tell.
Well Day 1 of E3 was a busy one, and Nintendo came out with guns blazing during its Press Conference. Its booth was easily the busiest and there were enormous lines of media members waiting to get their hands on the Nintendo first-party hardware and software. While I don't tour Nintendo's booth until later this afternoon, I was...
E3 2010 Corbie's Reaction to 3DS on Video
"Incredible, absolutely incredible"
We've already read a few of Corbie's first thoughts on the 3DS, but we have a feeling you'd be much happier hearing them come straight from his mouth. What about being able to watch his face at the same time? Well, that's getting a bit creepy now, but okay: we'll oblige. Check out this extremely brief video...
E3 2010 Live Text - Nintendo's Media Presentation
The show starts here!
This is it: the moment of truth. Finally we're set to find out what Nintendo has in store for the future. 3DS, The Legend of Zelda, Vitality Sensor: all this and more is set to be unveiled here at Nintendo's E3 press conference. Our man Corbie Dillard has got his seat in the theatre to bring you all the news from the show as...
Podcast Episode 16 - Get Ready for E3!
Corbie talks E3, Zach talks women and James just talks
Hold onto those hats, folks: E3 is just one week away, so to get you in the mood our own E3 attendee Corbie Dillard sat down with podcast editor James Newton to chat about 3DS, Zelda and some interesting surprises too. We also read your messages detailing your dreams for E3 and Zach Kaplan...
Podcast Episode 14 - Mario Month is Here!
MAR10 is GO
Fresh from the huge success of our DS fifth birthday celebrations, there's another swell of features coming your way as we get into the swing of Mario Month, our celebration of March 2010 aka Mar 10. Corbie Dillard and James Newton chew the fat over some choice Mario moments and there's a brief DS reviews round-up too. The episode is...