Tag: Browser
News Web Developer Puts HTML5 Games to the Test on Wii U Browser
It works, sort of
Prior to Wii U's launch we posted the news that the Wii U web browser posted impressive benchmark results when running resources such as audio and video, its score putting it above Internet Explorer 10. Those were pleasing results, though Matt Hackett, co-founder of HTML5 game developer Lost Decade Games, put the browser to work...
News 3DS Screenshot Site Does What It Says On the Tin
Are you viewing comfortably?
The 3DS web browser is a pretty handy thing, mostly for its ability to display 3D images embedded in web pages. While this feature has already been used for naughty purposes, a new website wants to bring you 3D screenshots of 3DS games. The smartly named 3DS Screenshot currently offers shots from Pilotwings Resort,...
News 3DS Browser Jumps Ship from Opera to Access NetFront
Will it make for a better browser?
The 3DS won't get its web browser until May at the earliest, as you'll have read in our Nintendo 3DS FAQ, but we do at least know what'll power the machine's web experience. Unlike previous Nintendo browsers, it won't be an Opera-based browser on the go, with Japanese newspaper Nikkei reporting the browser will be...