![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 1 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/45236/900x.jpg)
Zombies are impossible to avoid. Not that the living dead are walking among us and causing havoc, but the media has been absolutely permeated by them. As evidence, we have The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct; the Wii U’s second game about zombies – known in-game as “walkers” – works as the prequel to a television show about zombies and the ensuing apocalypse. The television show, titled The Walking Dead, is based on a comic book about zombies, also titled The Walking Dead. Being a video game based on a TV show based on a comic book, it might be safe to say that Survival Instinct is one of the most postmodern games in the history of the medium. And that’s just about where the praise both begins and ends.
Fans of the wildly popular TV series will immediately identify the game’s single playable character as Daryl Dixon, the gruff survivalist with a somewhat short temper. Working as a prequel to the show, the game’s plot focuses on Daryl’s life during the apocalypse prior to meeting up with the rest of the group from the show. There really isn’t much plot beyond “don’t get killed by zombies,” so if you’re playing Survival Instinct without watching the show, then you’re basically just playing as some guy named Daryl. It really doesn’t matter.
![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 2 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/45234/900x.jpg)
As promised by the screenshots and inadequate gameplay footage released, Survival Instinct is a first-person survival game, and as such ammo is limited and healing items must be used rationally. While this may be a winning formula for some games in the survival horror genre, such as ZombiU, it simply doesn’t work here. You may have an array of shotguns, pistols, and melee weapons at your disposal, but no matter what you use, combat isn’t any fun. Though sticking to the standard FPS control scheme in which the left stick controls your movement while the right stick controls your sight, most of the combat feels sluggish. Due to the limited amounts of ammo available to you, most of your zombie slaying will be done with a melee weapon such as a knife or hammer, taking multiple strikes before a walker will go down.
The real excitement and joy of any story about reanimated corpses comes when the hoards show up. Waves and waves of zombies arrive, turning any living creatures into fearful bait that has no chance of survival. Now that’s entertainment. In Survival Instinct, due to the boorish gameplay, if more than four zombies surround you, you’re going to die. Facing one zombie head-on is hassle enough, but when they arrive en masse, which they do, often, it’s time to just set your controller down, take a deep breath, and wait for the stage to reload. When surrounded by zombies, a strange quick time event will engage in which you must direct a cursor on-screen to your opposing zombie’s head, and then tap the ZR trigger in order to stab it in the brain. While exciting the first few times, this QTE happens far too often, and after a while it really loses its charm. Add an entire herd to the mix that is attacking you as you try to aim at one zombie’s head with your knife, and it’s simply unmanageable.
![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 3 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/45233/900x.jpg)
Adding to the frustration of the clunky combat is the lack of in-stage checkpoints. Most stages have at least one checkpoint to restart from if things go awry, but they are few and far between. It’s very likely that on the more demanding stages, you will end up playing the same 15 minute portion over and over again because the game refuses to let you restart from a point closer to where you went down. It’s also worth mentioning that the load times, whether in-stage or in the menu, are absolutely atrocious, sometimes lasting up to 60 seconds or longer.
The easiest and most effective way to finish this game is to simply click in the left stick and run your way through, avoiding any and all contact with this vicious dead. Sadly, this tactic actually works in most stages. As an added bonus, running causes you to encounter what has to be the most disgusting effect ever added into a videogame, and that’s Daryl’s sweat streaming down your screen. Rather than simply slowing to a walk and panting heavily after charging forward, you actually see the sweat dripping from the top of your television and blurring your vision. A game heavily featuring reanimated corpses and severed limbs manages to out-gross itself with this affection.
![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 4 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/47675/900x.jpg)
Not only will you find weapons, ammo, and healing items as you search each level, but you will also have the opportunity to find new vehicles and allies as well. Most of the other survivors you find will need certain items such as food or medicine, and by bringing them the items that they desire they will more often than not join your team. Once you’ve got an ally or two, you can equip them with weapons and send them off on their own missions to find food, gas, or ammo while you’re in a level. You can’t bring them with you to help fight the hoards, however, but having someone else gathering supplies can certainly come in handy. This ally system is a perfect example of a great idea that falls flat in its execution. Once a character has joined your team, then you don’t ever have any interactions with them unless you’re sending them out on a mission. Because of this, it’s impossible to become attached to any of the subsidiary characters, so it’s never a great loss when someone you sent on a mission doesn’t make it back alive. It’s helpful when they make it back to the car with supplies, but more often than not they’ll end up dead, and you really won’t care.
Upon clearing an area, you will then be shown a map that connects the different stages together. There are certain points where the map forks, allowing you to choose which direction you travel and which missions you play. Whatever decisions you make and locations you choose to explore, you still won’t be having fun. Having the map set up this way makes it impossible to visit every location with a single play through, ensuring that anyone insistent on seeing and collecting everything the game has to offer will have to play through twice at the very least. Lucky you.
![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 5 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/45235/900x.jpg)
Between each campaign level you will have the opportunity to play additional stages that allow you to scavenge for more fuel and supplies. Sometimes these quests are optional, and other times you have to play them in order to find more fuel, or if your vehicle breaks down and you may have to find a new battery or tires. Whether optional or not, these additional bits are all nothing more than filler used to pad the game’s length. They are actually more poorly conceived than the monotonous campaign missions, usually consisting of only one item to find and only taking a few minutes to complete. They’re also lazily made, often recycling the same exact locations, but in different areas on the map. That’s not to say that some of the “different” areas look incredibly similar, but that they’re literally exactly the same in both layout and content. There is also a complete lack of multiplayer, both online and locally, so any extended playtime that you squeeze out of this one will be entirely based on your desire to revisit the campaign.
As is the case with a vast majority of Wii U games, Survival Instinct is controlled using the GamePad’s hard buttons, with the touchscreen being used to quickly manage inventory, or for off-screen play. You can just as easily cycle through your items and weapons using the D-Pad and X buttons respectively, leaving using the touchscreen almost completely useless. As the options associated with the touchscreen are also linked to physical buttons, the Pro Controller is another supported input method. Unless you prefer managing inventory with the touchscreen, you’re missing out on absolutely nothing that Survival Instinct has to offer by using the Pro Controller instead.
![The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review - Screenshot 6 of 6](https://images.nintendolife.com/screenshots/45237/900x.jpg)
When early video footage of this game leaked a few months back, the reaction was overwhelmingly negative. The environments were boring, the character models weren’t detailed, and everything looked untextured and bland. With a quick PR cover-up, fans and news sources were assured that this was unfinished material, and that the final product would obviously look much better. Clearly this was not the case. Sure, the final product does look a bit more refined than the early footage that we were exposed to, but that’s not saying much. Whether it’s a case of not enough time or not enough talent is unclear, but Survival Instinct looks like something from last generation’s home consoles. With uninspired and repetitive environments, grainy textures, and character models that all look exactly the same, it’s safe to say that this one was rushed onto store shelves. On a related note, the gameplay is also full of bugs. From zombies stuck in walls, to severed limbs floating in the air, this one features all of the classics. None of these bugs tend to be game breaking, but they are little annoyances that should have been squashed on the testing room floor.
While it is a mature multi-platform release on Wii U, it’s too bad that this title doesn’t do the system any favors, and doesn’t do nearly enough to showcase what Nintendo’s new home console is capable of in terms of both hardware and processing power. Survival Instinct is a buggy, ugly, uninteresting chore of a game, but its biggest flaw is that it’s simply no fun to play. This is the type of game that starts out with the best of intentions, but as you spend more time and really get to know it, that’s when its flaws truly start to stand out. Anyone looking for a survival horror experience on their Wii U will definitely want to set their sights on the infinitely superior ZombiU instead.
Comments 43
More like 'Walking Dumb".
The game doesn't look that good, great review. I agree 3/10.
NL- "3/10"
Ha! This is what I call licensed garbage. Telltale's take on The Walking Dead is where it is at. Nintendo needs to get in contact with them a.s.a.p. and get their games on the Wii U eShop.
ZombiU is the title you want if you we're actually waiting for this.
ZombiU is soooo much better than this POS cash-in. And I'm a huge fan of the show. I wish we could get Telltale's Game.
as expected.
Being tired after running for a couple of seconds makes some sense but who sweats after a couple of seconds of running?
Bargain bin fodder!
Awww, I really wanted this game. Still, I'll probably get it anyway.
Figured as much. Think I will stick to the Telltale Series instead.
Sad that it's a terrible game, I was hoping for at least a better game than what they described. Might not get this game after all, too bad, I love the walking dead
I played this and I don't even think that it's worthy of a three. At least I know the game doesn't get any better, I only made to the second level before quitting.
Wii U fans wanted multi-platform games, this one doesn't sell... uh oh.
Although Activision games I tend to usually not care for, I hope Activision doesn't look at this game and says new games don't sell on Wii U.
i'll wait for a 'boondock saints' game: it would be a much better use of norman reedus. (that would be a hoot and a half, wouldn't it?)
A portion of Miiverse users are praising this as the best zombie game ever LOL!!!. Alot of people are defending it simply because it has 'The Walking Dead' title on the box. I knew better to not get fooled into getting this, but I will eventually once I find it on eBay for around 20
The real Walking Dead game is from Telltale, but that's not a Wii U title.
If Activision was too busy to dedicate time with this, with everyone there working on COD Who Cares Ops 5667, Episode 9, Part 2, then they might as well given to a company that has the time and resources, or made it a DS/3DS/Psp/Vita game instead.
I would not be surprised to see Telltale's version come to Wii U in time. As for this game sounds like it sucks across the board no matter what system it's on.
Wow, it's super cool that we got this one and not the Telltale one, despite the fact that the Wii U has a tablet controller...
Another junk game ruining a license that, in theory, should be a no-brainer knockout instead of a quick cash grab. I read the reviews on other platforms and they're just as bad. Makes me sad, I really enjoy the series and a good FPS based on it would be a lot of fun. The Telltale Games series would do very well on the Wii U, I hope they're considering it on the console. The TTG Wiki page says they "are rumored to be developing games for the Wii U". There is hope.
Should have just gave TellTale more money to bring their comic version to the Wii U.
I read the review while watching the Season 3 finale, and this game got 3 stars..............coincidence?
The telltale one is a million times better, they should leave this franchise alone already.
Graphics look dull, I Agree
Is 3/10 the lowest score you can give? I don't see how it deserves that much.
Typical score for an Activision game. How they are still allowed to produce games is almost inhuman.
i don't expect much from activision - they're not one of my favourite developers and yet it's a shame that yet again they have hardly produced anything noteworthy outside of COD. zombiU looks much more interesting than this.
This is not the Zombi game you were looking for.
I,m not surprised.
I knew this game was going to be bad but I didn't think it would be THIS bad.
The Walking Dead is my favorite show , I'm so disappointed :/
A disgrace to the TV franchise.
Nintendo4Lyfe wrote:
This so much, they even got the actors themselves doing the voices from what I've heard only for it to turn out a dud. If Rocksteady can make two good Batman games then why can't a big company like Activision make a good Walking Dead game?
could it be possible that nintendo can contact TT games for their walking dead game? even if retail only it doesen't matter, their walking dead was the best downloadable game of last year ( well a tie actually with the awesome psn exclusive the journey ). or perhaps if a petition was made that the game comes on the wii u would be great.
Where is the person who claimed that what was wrong with this site is that big name titles get good reviews no matter how bad?
Eh I don't know. If it didn't get overboard with the action. The story would have to be good but you know how terrifying religious undertones can be to some folk. I still am shocked at what people complain about and crap that gets censored. I think TellTale could pull it off. They weren't met with the most optimistic response the The Walking Dead was first announced, and that is excluding the dingdongs who complained that it had "cartoon" graphics not realizing that the television show is based off a comic book. I just don't see someone taking the risk, but I've said that about things before and was dead wrong.
It's Defiantly gonna be this time in the WiiU's life span that will be seeing cruddy knock offs based on shows and movies to make a quick buck. I'm just hoping it doesn't flood the library to the point where it's ending up to be the Wii's library.
Worst review Nintendo-life has done yet, this game is awesome..
@Emperor, Yeah... To the Die hard Walking Dead fans.
I found this game to be complete garbage. This game ruined some rep for the show.
Anvil @ - This game is apparently a prequel, so the next one will be better..
So it's garbage because it's a prequel, and not because it's a poorly made cash-in on Telltale's success?
I just got this game. I haven't played it yet, but I'll post my impressions soon!
This picture is what I think of this game:
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