Having never actually owned a Sony console besides a PSP that has rarely seen the light of day, this writer had never heard of Legend of Kay before this new HD re-release, so this review is coming with absolutely no expectations. Can it still hold the attention of a complete stranger a decade after its release?
If you tried to convince anyone that Legend of Kay Anniversary was a new game you'd have a very hard time doing so, unless said individual had no experience with games from the Playstation 2/GameCube era. It's not that it's aged badly but it just feels very much like an older game due to the controls, gameplay, and even the menu layouts. You control Kay, a cat who is an apprentice to a great warrior master who is constantly drinking himself under the table. You have to use your various weapons and combat knowhow in order to save your village from a totalitarian race of rats and gorillas, and subsequently restore peace to your village and the ones that surround it.
Although getting off to a bit of a slow start, the gameplay rapidly picks up speed and as soon as you've got your hands on a weapon you can perform pretty much every single move in the game, even before the tutorial explains it to you. This is nice as it really gives you a sense of freedom with your actions, but it does mean that any subsequent tutorials may feel a little redundant. Eventually you escape your recently walled village and you're finally on your adventure of a lifetime.
As stated previously, the game feels dated in many ways: some of the animations are quite stiff, and the voice acting has that slightly amateurish quality to it. The graphics have been updated to a degree, but it hasn't made it look anything like a modern game, but then again nobody could really expect that. Thankfully the actual gameplay, although as old as the rest of the game, is unique enough to feel fresh and appealing. The combat mechanics are challenging and require you to think about your position in relation to your enemies at all times; if you're sloppy or lose concentration you're going to suffer the consequences.
Coupled with the combat are various puzzles, challenges, platforming segments and exploration elements that mean despite the fighting being the core mechanic there's plenty of variety to hold your attention. A massive amount of thought has clearly been put into the design of the exploration as well, with subtle mechanics such as only being able to swim for a limited amount of time (you are a cat after all). The developers were even sly to the idea of jumping out of the water repeatedly in order to try and travel greater distances, as doing so will result in your air meter having a chunk taken out of it every time.
Cutscenes are generally delivered using the in-game engine, but more important or lengthier moments of storytelling are expressed through still, comic book-like images. Were it not for the fact that the artwork used is incredibly well drawn these would feel like a chore, but because they're so well presented it makes what could have been a clunky, awkwardly animated cutscene feel a lot more atmospheric and fluid.
It's clear from the get-go that Legend of Kay was a labour of love, and this shines through in this re-release; despite showing a few wrinkles here and there the game stands up surprisingly well by modern standards. If you're a fan of the ever-broadened 'action-adventure' genre this is something you should seriously consider. Think of it this way: bad games don't often get HD re-releases (with notable exceptions such as Night Trap).
Comments 54
Definitely picking it up, but it has sadly not showed up at local retailers, will have to import.
I got this and am enjoying it so far, especially for a budget price of £14.99
Night Trap is a masterpiece Alex.
an Olney review? whats next, am i going to see bigfoot today too?
I might get this soon. Q
This was delayed by a few day sin NA but it just came in. I never played the original but am excited to crack this open this week-end!
@Malanta Is it budget priced in NA too?
Nintendo website has it for $24.99. Not sure if that is the Canadian price, American price or both.
Awesome, been waiting for this review. I was leaning heavily towards getting it because adventure-platormers are some of my favorite games and they don't really come along too often these days. Sounds like this one is up my alley.
Not sure, based in the UK ^_^ - but a quick look on amazon.com and it seems to be $23.99
"Legendary or just o-Kay?" LOL
Is there an option for turning off the bad voice acting and just read it as text?
Sounds pretty good for a $25 game.
Never played the original but it sounds like I'll have fun with it, and especially at that price it's hard to say no.
Picked it up on Steam on launch day for 17.99. Runs and looks great. Yes, the voice acting is atrocious, but doesn't bother me as much since I grew in the era of early, bad video game voice acting (my how the standard has risen since then). It feels Zelda-like and it has a cat protagonist - works for me .
It's on my radar but I so are a lot of other games. And here I thought I wouldn't have that problem with a Wii U....
I like the game. It's not easy as the todays ones.
I always must remember to save, cause dying is very easy. But it makes fun and that's the point
Sounds ok, I'll get it.
I remember seeing this game back in the day, i'll probably rev up the Wii U version someday, and it stars a kitty kat that battles rats!
"Having never actually owned a Sony console besides a PSP that has rarely seen the light of day," Really? No reason to be so Nintendo-centric, you're missing out on quite a lot.
Is it just me or is the font and style of the word "Kay" on the game box look super familiar?
Font of the title aside, I really miss these classic "cartoony" adventure platformers from the PS2 and GCN era. These games used to be churned out all the time and now we don't get any of them anymore. Everyone wants the dark, gritty, and hyper realistic games that don't have any imagination or artistic desire to them. I miss Crash Bandicoot, Sly Cooper, Spyro, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Jak and Daxter, Klonoa, or even Scooby Doo games. I could go on and on. The only surviving game series that is still getting made in the vein of these games that I can think of is Ratchet and Clank.
@HawkeyeWii That's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to Shiness, it's got a style that's not seen too often nowadays.
Seems like my kind of game, and $25 is good. Review is good enough. No rush though.
@HawkeyeWii They both came out at about the same time, so I wouldn't claim that one ripped off the other. It's probably more of a case of using the same stylized font set
I feel obligated to buy this game b/c..... they actually made it for the Wii U. When's the last time that happened?
It'd be nice to play a true action-adventure platformer again, but I simply and deeply detest the style and setting of this game. Animals + kong fu = no, back then as much as today.
@blackice85 Wow you're right! I looked up that Shiness game. I like the art style. Reminds me of the reboot of Thundercats that happened a few years ago.
Got this game as soon as it came out. The moment I started it up, all I could think was, "yep, this is a PlayStation 2 game through and through".
And that thought was exhilarating.
This is definitely on my to buy list. It looks like a lot of fun. It has that cool action platform feel that I miss now a days. Reminds me of an Martial Arts version of Ratchet and Clank. I mean that as a complement (love that series).
Love love love platformers. I will definitely pick this up after Super Mario Maker and before Star Fox Zero
My current priorities are saving up for LBX and Super Mario Maker, but I'll make a point of picking up The Legend Of Kay not too long afterwards.
I'd like to give this one a go, and also buy it to show support. This looks really cool and fun.
Now I still don't know whether or not to by this one. I like a good platformer but I think the eshop has it listed for 30 euro or something?
Perhaps one of those discount things then.
Well I got it this week, got to play it yesterday. I do enjoy playing it, although it does look like an upscaled GameCube game, including the chunky camera control and you need glasses for the incredibly small (subtitle) font. However, everything is super smooth which is really nice for an action platformer. It is quite fun to play. Basically, I agree with the review.
Nice review and nice score. However, I want to know more about the stability of the game since I heard about game-crashing bugs. I don't want a crasher.
While the review is nicely written, it gives the feeling of ending rather abruptly, with many questions open. I had definitively liked to read a few more paragraphs. It may only be a remake and not one of the greatest games ever, but with the few true retail releases the WiiU enjoys, I think this one had deserved a more detailed coverage.
This game was fun from the PS2 and Gamecube era...granted it wasn't on the gamecube. I really miss some of those classics and would wish that they would re-release some of them. Here's looking at you: Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Vexx, Dr. Muto, I Ninja, Tak And The Power Of Juju, Kao The Kangaroo. There is some love for the cartoony platforms!!!!
I'm still not sure what to think of this game. It looks interesting in trailers, gameplay-videos etc., but at the same time it doesn't really seem to be that unique or exciting. I was hoping for a great or bad rating to help me making a decision. But 7/10 is exactly between the two and therefore doesn't help me, lol. ^^
Is there some game you can compare it to?
"Kay, a cat who is an apprentice to a great warrior master who is constantly drinking himself under the table." That sounds like Conker is his master, that would be funny. ^^
@-Godot Really, what is there to miss-out?
A friend of mine has basically all consoles there ever were and showed me some of the games he meant were great on all the Playstation and Xbox consoles. The only games so far that I really liked were Beyond Good and Evil and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. And both games are on Steam. All the other so-called great games were either trash, uninteresting or I already knew them from PC gaming.
Seems worth the price may pick it up.
Hopefully the fanbase for this game will grow enough to warrant this IP to become a franchise, but I will admit that I would be upset if that happened before we got Beyond Good and Evil 2. I'm all in on this game if I see it in the wild, but as of right now I'm busy raging at Amazon for holding my replacement Gamepad screen hostage so I can't play ANY Wii-U at the moment.
Sounds good. I'll add it to my Wishlist, although this is a pretty low priority among the other retail games on my list.
Got it day one and definitely agree with the review. It's not quite legendary, but it's a mighty fine game all the same.
You know, to be fair @-Godot , Alex was what, 13 when this game came out?
Which made him 8 when the PS2 came out and just 14 when the PS3 came out.
I know it's probably hard to believe, but working as a writer and going to school don't afford a person a ton of expendable income.
Until quitting my job, taking hiatus for 3 years to finish my bachelor's and finally finishing Law school, I was pretty much broke.
Part-time jobs during Law school only pay for living expenses, so it's tough to game properly.
Now that I'm 'out there', making real money, it's fun gaming again. But man, when you're scraping the barrel (particularly in your teens when you just want to buy a car and get your own laptop, or whatever) gaming is only as good as whatever you can afford.
Hence the reason 3rd party games really boomed as multi-plat releases during the PS2 / GC / Xbox / DC era. The fact the DC actually got non-Sega games is still pretty unbelievable..
This is a really fun game and is a good example of what nineties adventure/platformers were able to offer, even with largely forgettable characters. To me it seems like they don't make them like that anymore, besides a few exceptions here and there.
I know I had a lot of fun with the original, and although it may not look as good as modern day equivalents, with the minor upgrade it looks perfectly fine to me and somehow comes across as really solid; another thing that I think is almost inherent to similar games coming from the same original period.
In that aspect it is also really fitting to find this game on a Nintendo console, one of the few companies that still knows how to offer its buyers a truly solid and fun experience. Fun can be had on any console, but Nintendo is in a league of its own and this game is a nice addition to that.
I wouldn't go so far as to give it a 9 or a 10, but I would easily make this a very solid 8/10 instead of the 7/10 it has now been rewarded with.
No must-buy, but if you like this type of game, you definitely can't go wrong and it is worth it's price, whether it is €20 or €30/dollars.
@shani it bears some resemblance to Mini Ninjas, a game that was on all three last gen consoles (Wii, Xbox 360, PS3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIFNLDQU0VQ and other than that there are lots of similarities gameplay mechanic wise to almost every other 3D platformer there is, regardless of what console they are on, so if this type of game is your thing, then you should probably give this a go.
I miss 3D action platformers so much
(Still gotto play through Sly/Jak&Daxter/Ratchet&Clank though)
I picked up this game and I'm loving it both as a fresh experience, but also a slightly nostalgic reminder of the games of the PS2/GC era.
If you like platformers and brawlers, it's pretty good, and you do get a nice arsenal of moves and enemies to keep it from being anything close to a button masher.
@HawkeyeWii thank goodness Yooka-Laylee is on the horizon!!
Definitely not a button masher and has more in common with a game like Starfox Adventures than Super Mario 64, it has some very bad camera issues in buildings and tight encounters, and the voice acting is hilariously awkward. Enjoying it overall.
Bought this yesterday and it didn't take me long to regret buying it. I was looking for something along the lines of Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (which I loved) but I find Kay a very mediocre game indeed. It doesn't control well, the camera is atrocious, and it simply doesn't feel polished (Ty is extremely polished, BTW, and the controls are mega tight), and not worth the 7 euro or so I paid for it. I wish I'd played a demo first.
@ducktrapper Don't know where you get the opinion that the game is "not polished", also the controls and the camera are quite advanced considering the era from which the game comes from, this is a fine platformer and on par with such classics as Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64, you seem to maybe not like 3D platformers which seems weird cause the camera and such it not so much different in Ty.
@RetronX It might just be subjective. I played it for a couple of hours and then deleted it. I'm not arguing with you, and you are probably right about it comparing well with games from the time. It may have been my nostalgia that was distorting my view. I have fond memories of Ty but the years have gone by and I probably should have avoided a remaster of an old game.
I got this while it was on sale over the holidays and just recently got around to playing. It is surprisingly good! There are some primitive camera issues and the voice acting is wildly uneven, but it is far better in other areas than it has any right being.
The exploration factor and combat end up having a great zen to them. The best part is that the story of a bunch of bully gorillas and manipulative rats who are building a wall to segregate and control the other species is too reflective of our current political climate.
Saw it was coming to Wii U back in the day, thought mmm! I think i want to play this. Saw a PS2 version for sale in CEX for £2.00 and bought it. Tried it and thought i like this. Then it released on Wii U and i got it in the sale digitally for a OK price, loved the smoother crisper look. Then saw a used physical copy on Wii U and bought that as well.
That's not to say i like the game .
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